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The Publicity For The Arizona Shooter.

Ed Normile

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It seems the almost week long publicity including pictures and interviews of this morons friends and family are just what a vanilla wrapper type of pyscho may be looking for. If someone with nothing special about him or nothing he could add to society that will ever get him on the front page or even mentioned publicly, unless he hits the lottery, this type of non stop publicity is probably more of an enabler of nuts looking for their fifteen minutes, or maybe week of fame than any other venue might be able to do. Is there a place for news reports of this type of tragedy, of course, but I feel that the nutcases who perpetrate these crimes should be anonymous until their trial, it would actually allow them a fair trial too, but more importantly it would take away the instant notoriety they need to validate an otherwise bland existence.


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[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1295068211' post='2200243']
How is this different from reality T.V., besides the fact that it's legal and lasts longer? :|

Thats my point, its valifating the act of a nut who is seeking attention, which is how I perceive reality TV, talentless people who will bare their lives to the world for a chance to be on TV, both sad cries for attention, at least the latter one does not leave innocents dead.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1295070433' post='2200255']
Thats my point, its valifating the act of a nut who is seeking attention, which is how I perceive reality TV, talentless people who will bare their lives to the world for a chance to be on TV, both sad cries for attention, at least the latter one does not leave innocents dead.


Welcome to current culture! I hope you enjoy your stay!!!


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1295065459' post='2200230']
It seems the almost week long publicity including pictures and interviews of this morons friends and family are just what a vanilla wrapper type of pyscho may be looking for. If someone with nothing special about him or nothing he could add to society that will ever get him on the front page or even mentioned publicly, unless he hits the lottery, this type of non stop publicity is probably more of an enabler of nuts looking for their fifteen minutes, or maybe week of fame than any other venue might be able to do. Is there a place for news reports of this type of tragedy, of course, but I feel that the nutcases who perpetrate these crimes should be anonymous until their trial, it would actually allow them a fair trial too, but more importantly it would take away the instant notoriety they need to validate an otherwise bland existence.


Is that the poor soul who just shot the senator person because he is an anti-government extremist?

The media attention on this right now, if you want to believe me or not, is to incite people like you to be against people who are advocating limited government, by making people think all people calling for limited government will be just like that poor, unfortunate soul.This is why I don't watch or believe what is said on corporate media outlets.

Edited by MarkKurallSchuenemann
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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1295065459' post='2200230']
It seems the almost week long publicity including pictures and interviews of this morons friends and family are just what a vanilla wrapper type of pyscho may be looking for. If someone with nothing special about him or nothing he could add to society that will ever get him on the front page or even mentioned publicly, unless he hits the lottery, this type of non stop publicity is probably more of an enabler of nuts looking for their fifteen minutes, or maybe week of fame than any other venue might be able to do. Is there a place for news reports of this type of tragedy, of course, but I feel that the nutcases who perpetrate these crimes should be anonymous until their trial, it would actually allow them a fair trial too, but more importantly it would take away the instant notoriety they need to validate an otherwise bland existence.


I watch Criminal Minds on tv all the time... and in the episodes, they try to keep the perpetrator unknown to the public for as long as possible, knowing that the unsub may just want his fifteen minutes of fame. Makes sense to me.

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In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
[url="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09shooter.html?pagewanted=1"] link[/url]

The shooter had no political affiliations, a doper, and was or is clearly mentally unstable.

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[quote name='apparently' timestamp='1295191200' post='2200739']
In the most bald-faced lie I have ever read in The New York Times -- which is saying something -- that paper implied Loughner is a pro-life zealot. This is the precise opposite of the truth.
[url="http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09shooter.html?pagewanted=1"] link[/url]

The shooter had no political affiliations, a doper, and was or is clearly mentally unstable.

"After another student read a poem about getting an abortion, Mr. Loughner compared the young woman to a "terrorist for killing the baby."

The psychopath. Everyone knows that terrorists kill innocents as a means of changing State policy, and that a woman who kills her baby does so out of fear and/or selfishness. Oh, wait, in modern society, the second statement is also "crazy."

"Another video, for example, says debts should only be paid in currency that is backed by gold and silver." See? Even a psychopath's sundial is right twice a day.


Edited by Sternhauser
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I greatly suspect that within a very short time, this young man will be diagnosed with schizophrenia. The attack was political only in that a politician was targeted.

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Current culture?

The people are not begging to see him, it is the media that is painting his face everywhere.

The people want to know how this happened, how it could have been prevented, how the local sheriff messed up.

The people want to pray for the victims, not that the socialist left wants to use this as a political tool.

I would call this a media assault way before I would blame culture.

[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1295071070' post='2200267']
Welcome to current culture! I hope you enjoy your stay!!!


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[quote name='StMichael' timestamp='1295297808' post='2201088']
Current culture?

The people are not begging to see him, it is the media that is painting his face everywhere.

The people want to know how this happened, how it could have been prevented, how the local sheriff messed up.

The people want to pray for the victims, not that the socialist left wants to use this as a political tool.

I would call this a media assault way before I would blame culture.


And how is media not a reflection of culture?

Last time I checked media gives people what they want, and sadly in today's culture from what can be seen, this is what they want.

So, yes I will keep blaming culture.

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[i]People[/i] need to be primarily blamed for their actions, rather than nebulous entities like "the culture" or "society."
(That c[font="Arial"]ra[/font]p annoyed me to no end after Columbine - everything and anything was blamed but the killers themselves, who were somehow victims of something else).

This kid seems to be genuinely nuts, so God alone probably knows his actual degree of culpability.
In this case, it doesn't seem like media attention was a primary motivation, but I don't have all the facts.

Murders and murder attempts - especially those involving public figures - will always get lots of public attention. That's just human nature, and the way it's always been, whether it's reported by simple word of mouth, newspaper, or television/internet.

Of course, the liberal media talking heads wanted to use the shootings to their side's political advantage. But that's politics.

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Media does not reflect the culture. Media is capable of framing it.

Rarely does media reflect the culture.

[quote name='ThePenciledOne' timestamp='1295326128' post='2201268']
And how is media not a reflection of culture?

Last time I checked media gives people what they want, and sadly in today's culture from what can be seen, this is what they want.

So, yes I will keep blaming culture.

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What part of he is nucking futs is not getting through? The actual poo happening in what we like to call reality does not matter to him. Because he's nuts. Crazy, over the rainbow, he is crazy...

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Sarah Palin made him do it.

And all those awful right-wingers who take the Second Amendment literally.

Probably the pro-lifers too.

Us Evil Conservatives need to be vewy, vewy careful lest we send those crazies over the edge. All it takes is a little nudge . . .

Edited by Socrates
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