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Speaking In Tongues


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[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' timestamp='1294907641' post='2199608']
Pope Eleuterus was the one who condemned it, I believe. We don't have his letters, though Tertullian makes references to the condemnation from the Pope. Eusebius also notes the Pope did this in his [i]History of the Church[/i] as does St. Irenaeus of Lyons in his [i]Prescription Against Heresies[/i], though the Pope's letters have been lost to time. Both sides agree though that the Pope made this condemnation: those that think he made the right Orthodox decision (Eusebius and Irenaeus) and those that think he made the wrong decision (Tertullian).


And of course, since the Pope used his earthy authority to loosen what is bound in heaven...that is all that matters. At that point it wouldnt matter what Tertullian thought.

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

[quote name='infinitelord1' timestamp='1294945831' post='2199721']
And of course, since the Pope used his earthy authority to loosen what is bound in heaven...that is all that matters. At that point it wouldnt matter what Tertullian thought.

This is true but the fact that those who disagreed with the Pope felt they must make mention of and account for his letters means that they at some point existed. However, there was more to Montanism that upset people and caused it to be condemned than just this aspect that seems to be similar to what modern individuals call speaking in tongues. This also must be weighed.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

Dominus Pax, :amen:
Biblicaly saint paul states it is a gift of the holy spirit Corinthians 12-13 i think, But as the original reply said as long as it is authentic,authenitic tounges can be interprated as the interpretation of tounges is also one of the gifts stated here. Of course there is a multitude of gifts and virtues given by the spirit of God some great oak trees some small violet patches, as far as i'm aware official church standing allows now for charismatic masses if run properly as it has stated also that the latin rite was never banned just lost temprarily, my understanding is there are now three official masses now within the church being novus ordo,the latin rite and the charismatic mass, Am sure to run either the order whom runs these needs bishops approval at the least and at the greatest vatican approval also. I recieved my re-conversion as partaker in the charismatic mass and spoke in what i believe to be tounges only once in that 4 year period and almost heard at a lay charismatic order meeting multiple conversation in the hall almost distiguishable as english but couldn't quiet tune in my spiritual ears. Anyhow this is all i know about it.
Yours Truely
Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
God bless

P.S. the prophecy side of it in the mass i attended was more like revelations of the spirit,like saint paul. Beautiful conversations seemingly of the persons soul and the holy spirit addressing the congregation sometimes generally and occasionly individuals in the congregation, usually elders or missionaries gave these revelations. Was very powerful stuff.
P.S.S. We also have to remember this is the same jesus,fully present in both the body and blood and his holy word.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1294953999' post='2199770']
Dominus Pax, :amen:
Biblicaly saint paul states it is a gift of the holy spirit Corinthians 12-13 i think, But as the original reply said as long as it is authentic,authenitic tounges can be interprated as the interpretation of tounges is also one of the gifts stated here. Of course there is a multitude of gifts and virtues given by the spirit of God some great oak trees some small violet patches, as far as i'm aware official church standing allows now for charismatic masses if run properly as it has stated also that the latin rite was never banned just lost temprarily, my understanding is there are now three official masses now within the church being novus ordo,the latin rite and the charismatic mass, Am sure to run either the order whom runs these needs bishops approval at the least and at the greatest vatican approval also. I recieved my re-conversion as partaker in the charismatic mass and spoke in what i believe to be tounges only once in that 4 year period and almost heard at a lay charismatic order meeting multiple conversation in the hall almost distiguishable as english but couldn't quiet tune in my spiritual ears. Anyhow this is all i know about it.
Yours Truely
Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
God bless

P.S. the prophecy side of it in the mass i attended was more like revelations of the spirit,like saint paul. Beautiful conversations seemingly of the persons soul and the holy spirit addressing the congregation sometimes generally and occasionly individuals in the congregation, usually elders or missionaries gave these revelations. Was very powerful stuff.
P.S.S. We also have to remember this is the same jesus,fully present in both the body and blood and his holy word.

What do you mean by elder? You mean like older people? Or are you referring to some kind of rank structure?

Also, I think you have to be careful with what you say around other people in situations of "the holy spirit speaking to members of the Church directly"...

Based on what I was going through at this Pentecostal Church I attended...it seemed as if this were happening...but at the same time, almost always, I had a conversation with somebody in the Church beforehand, or there was other possibilities of them knowing about it before. Do you catch my drift?

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