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This will be short because I'm not going to [s]copypasta[/s] [s]plagiarize[/s] lie about being Catholic.

Sola Scriptura is the essence of cow and only pretend cradle Catholics like [mod]message redacted[/mod] attempt to seek out nice Catholics and spam them into their idiotic book worship. Sola Scriptura is idolatry.

Thank you very much.

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The question is what is being worshipped? A book which could be construed as a graven image or the "superior" exegetical skills of a new Christian who hasn't likely even read the whole bible through yet, much less read it cover to cover and read commentaries by scholars. "Trust not in your own understanding proverbs 3:5 says". Protestantism says you are the only one you can trust to interpret the Bible.

Edited by thessalonian
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"Protestantism says you are the only one you can trust to interpret the Bible."

that is a well said point and at issue more than people realize.
prots may say 'we can ask others', 'extra biblical soruces are okay, just not the final authority' etc etc. but at the end of the day, even if they're willing to ask others, and defer on some issues of authority etc... the bottomline is that it's you who decides, not anyone else. even if tehre's deferring- you are the one who decides.

this goes well with the idea of the catholic church taht i find compelling philsophically-- all kinds of smart people disagree so what now, they disagree to religion what the bibl means etc. catholics would say there's a truth out there beyond everyone, the catholic church.

so it's like a religion that's ultimately you on the one hand, even if you're willing to get to other sources, or a religion that says there's an objective source.

i have reasons for thinking hte 'religion of you' is what God mgiht want thouggh (then again, teh catholic church only helps on some of the thorny issues... hte basics and what's essential are known and can be known by the bible etc, among other arguments), and hesitantions for the atholic church. but these are strong philsophical aerguments.

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I have but it seems like a strange idea that someone could worship a Bible :crazy:, but I think the sola scriptura types tend to have a shallow understanding of what worship actually is so I guess using that shallow definition you could say some people "worship" the Bible.

It is a self-defeating dogma but still people cling to it. I don't know I deluded myself into believing in that concept for about 5 years. Whoops, mistake made. Lesson learned. Sure there are some beautiful truths that can be drawn from Sacred Scripture that only requires some basic literacy to understand, but to think you can interpret an ancient text with little to no working knowledge of the original languages, history, anthropology, archaeology, literary theory and all those things that people study and toil over for years and years . . . it's just naive at best and arrogant at worse.

You don't need to be a scholar to enter into that mystical union with God. You do need to be a scholar, or at least rely on the commentary of other scholars to help you make sense of the Bible. So maybe some protestants are confused because, in idolizing the Bible and raising it to a god-like status, they must think that the accessibility to scripture is equal to the accessibility of God Himself. In other words when a Catholic says that an individual's interpretation of the Bible is unreliable, a protestant may think "*GASP* but God is accessible to everyone so if you say not everyone can interpret the Bible (i.e. their god) then you must be saying that only religious elites can and we're dependent on them ZOMGZ"

But you see sola scripture ends up becoming elitist. Backfire. Another oopsies. A mentally disabled child may not be able to read or even communicate but perhaps such a child could know more about God than any given "learned" adult. With sola scripture that's not possible.


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1294257342' post='2197054']
I'd never thought about sola scripture being idolatry. Interesting.
Unless one is worshipping a particular lump of wood pulp and carbon print, I would not consider it idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of an inanimate object or worship of anybody or anything other than God as though it were a God. The Bible however apart from being carbon plus a collection of translated ancient writings also has a divine power to reveal the 'word'. Like the Eucharist, the Bible has it's accidents which we do not worship, but it also has the spirit of Christ. During my fathers funeral when I felt I was going to faint, I held [b]a[/b] Bible close to my heart and obtained comfort not from the Bible, but from the one behind it. But then I'm a Gnostic, so I'm often told. Some people have a very narrow view of what religion can be and is.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1294437567' post='2197654']
Unless one is worshipping a particular lump of wood pulp and carbon print, I would not consider it idolatry. Idolatry is the worship of an inanimate object or worship of anybody or anything other than God as though it were a God. The Bible however apart from being carbon plus a collection of translated ancient writings also has a divine power to reveal the 'word'. Like the Eucharist, the Bible has it's accidents which we do not worship, but it also has the spirit of Christ. During my fathers funeral when I felt I was going to faint, I held [b]a[/b] Bible close to my heart and obtained comfort not from the Bible, but from the one behind it. But then I'm a Gnostic, so I'm often told. Some people have a very narrow view of what religion can be and is.

I wouldn't say they worship the Bible, either.
But I would argue that, in some cases, their view of Sola Scriptura can lead them to worship themselves or a god that doesn't really exist. They interpret the Bible the way they want, and basically make it say whatever they want it to say, so that by the time they are through proving their preconceived notions with it, they are worshipping an image of God that is, to a large degree, imaginary. Jehovah's Witnesses come to mind....

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Well, if you think about it the bible is only a book. The actual word of God is really flesh. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John 1:1 " And the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth." John 1:14

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Naturally I would not accuse them of worshipping a book either, I doubt Winchester was doing this, I beleive he was being facetious to make a point. The reason I would never actually accuse them of bible worship is that I am firm in my belief in the truth of the catholic Church and her traditions and coming from this tradition I was never fed lies about another religion to justify a man made religious view. We never rewrote or edited the Holy Bible to bolster our views, we never decided to ignore the traditions of those who came before us, of which many came down through the ages from the original Apostles by Apostolic succession, we do not grab a passage from the Holy Bible and start our own denomination and then condemn others beliefs by insisting they are heading for damnation, we belong to the Communion of the Saints, and above all we have never looked at the Church that Jesus founded as the whore of babylon. We do recognize the truth in other religions, we recognize proper baptism, we realize that there is only salvation through the Catholic Church. And we recognize the need for the Sacrament of Absolution and Penance to expiate for our sins.

'Course you guys know this too.


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Actually, I think it is interesting. That is being sola scriptura, yet not believing in the Flesh(i.e. Word) as in John 6. So how can they seperate the Word from the Flesh when they are one?

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The bible is worse than a good book if one has an incorrect understanding of it. I.e. without the traditions of the Catholic Church it is greatly diminished in value. If one has the words in the book but an incorrect understanding of them then one is worse off. U do not have the word of God unless you have the correct understanding of the words and that only exists in its fullest form in the Catholic Church.

Edited by thessalonian
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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1294451339' post='2197695']
Actually, I think it is interesting. That is being sola scriptura, yet not believing in the Flesh(i.e. Word) as in John 6. So how can they seperate the Word from the Flesh when they are one?

Its the private interpretation thing. I am sure you have heard of those who drink poison and handle poisonous snakes as there is a passage in the bible that says you can safely do this....


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1294451882' post='2197700']
Its the private interpretation thing. I am sure you have heard of those who drink poison and handle poisonous snakes as there is a passage in the bible that says you can safely do this....


Yes. True. But I am referring to the omission rather than that observance.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1294341739' post='2197424']

So maybe some protestants are confused because, in idolizing the Bible and raising it to a god-like status, they must think that the accessibility to scripture is equal to the accessibility of God Himself. In other words when a Catholic says that an individual's interpretation of the Bible is unreliable, a protestant may think "*GASP* but God is accessible to everyone so if you say not everyone can interpret the Bible (i.e. their god) then you must be saying that only religious elites can and we're dependent on them ZOMGZ"


Awesome explanation. :clapping:

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