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Is 'popular Christianity' Too Self-Centered?

southern california guy

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It is wrong to try to draw up a false dichotomy between Faith and works.

We our saved through the graces merited by Jesus Christ - not by any merit of our own.

Accepting and acting on the grace given by Jesus Christ will bear fruits of both Faith and good works.

He who loves Christ will keep His Commandments and do good works of charity, but good works in themselves have no saving power.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='MarkKurallSchuenemann' timestamp='1294708895' post='2198781']
It's the human heart really, and unfortunately, the blind are leading the blind right now.

I made mention of this before, those who preach the prosperity gospel may have a 'grivieous sin', but those who listen and believe it as well are also in sin.

Now, I know the Catholic Church has this thing about poverty - not going out and trying to financially wealthy - and that's okay for some. I do reject this to some point. If you can be a business leader who can provide jobs for 400-500 people because you come up with outstanding ideas, I think it is a sin to live below that potential, because I think you become like the person who was given a talent and hid it. If you have the capability, go for it, but realize, no matter how successful you do become, that success is pale in comparison to what Jesus Christ did on the cross - give it it's proper place in your attitude.

And the whole witnessing thing, yes you are completely right. That is probably one the reasons why I find God bring many homosexuals into my life as friends, and that I care so much about them. I know it's because my witness will one day move their hearts to giving their lives fully to God, I just have to trust that is why he brings so many amazing people like that into my life!
We have no problem with being fabulously wealthy as long as you came by it justly and share it lavishly with everyone else. To whom much is given, much will be required :)

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1294018348' post='2196027']

[i][b][color="#ff0000"]Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father who is in heaven[/color][/b][/i]

There are people who go to Mass on Sunday, put minimal effort into it, leave as soon as communion is finished. The rest of the week they serve themselves, their purpose is a pass to the pearly gates. Jesus has some news for them and it's all bad. Faith alone will not save you, you have to live it!

[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1294018348' post='2196027']

The man asked Jesus to clarify who this 'neighbor' was and Jesus told the story of the good Samaritan. I find it interesting that he chose to use a man of the Samaritan religion as an example. The Samaritan's don't share the same faith or beliefs so obviously Jesus was focusing purely upon the Samaritans deeds. The Samaritan wasn't thinking about himself he was thinking about his neighbor who was hurt and needed help.

[i] [color="#ff0000"] "Which of these three, in your opinion, was neighbor to the robbers' victim?[/color]"

He answered, "The one who treated him with mercy." Jesus said to him, [color="#ff0000"]"[b]Go and do likewise.[/b]"[/color]


In this whole parable Jesus is telling us that everyone is our neighbour and that God loves all people and that there are many people who have been led by an imperfect religion, which all religions are to some degree, or they have not learnt any religion at all, or they want religion and 'burn for God' but can't find it. Salvation is possible for these people by their acts. 'If you live in me, I will live in you!' It is possible to have Jesus and not know it.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1294861124' post='2199405']
We have no problem with being fabulously wealthy as long as you came by it justly and share it lavishly with everyone else. To whom much is given, much will be required :)

Yes, I agree totally with that.

onths to create something amazing to a drug dealer (which some idiot politicians want us to equate game developers as) is just plain wrong!

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