HopefulBride Posted January 2, 2011 Share Posted January 2, 2011 OK I usually don't do resolutions but I actually have some resolutions (well more like hopes and goals for the new year) [list=1][*]Go back to doing at least 20 minutes of adoration every day[*]post on my blog at least once a week (I've gotten so lazy with it)[*]I'd put gain those 13 pounds but I've been trying to do that for the past 5 years and no progress.[*]Get to know St. Simon, my patron saint for 2011.[/list]Feel free to share your own resolutions/aspirations for this new year. Especially as it relates to spiritual growth and/or growing in your vocation. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lisa Posted January 2, 2011 Share Posted January 2, 2011 To proudly show others the source of my joy, hope, love, and strength. God is SOOOOO good And not really a resolution, but I've signed up for a Holy Hour of Adoration on Thursdays- I think this will be the best thing of the New Year- and no class getting in the way! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
vee Posted January 2, 2011 Share Posted January 2, 2011 To say as many hour of the Divine Office a day as I can. I used to say most of them but recently Ive said none. To pray more, or rather to get back on track praying. I know what Im supposed to be doing and Im not doing it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tnavarro61 Posted January 2, 2011 Share Posted January 2, 2011 1. To take prayer seriously. 2. To be cheerful and happy always (I'm always grumpy lo) 3. To avoid unnecessary speech. 4. Be open to the Spirit! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pax_et bonum Posted January 4, 2011 Share Posted January 4, 2011 [quote name='vee8' timestamp='1293941293' post='2195857'] To say as many hour of the Divine Office a day as I can. I used to say most of them but recently Ive said none. To pray more, or rather to get back on track praying. I know what Im supposed to be doing and Im not doing it. [/quote] That is mine as well except I pray the Little Office of the BVM. I used to say as many as I could, then went to two, then I stopped. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elizabeth09 Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 (edited) Play with my sisters and brothers longer. Edited January 5, 2011 by elizabeth09 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
stlmom Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 To continue sending $ to the Mater Ecclesiae Fund to help candidates for religious life eradicate their school debts, has not been easy to do this in a down economy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Piccoli Fiori JMJ Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 1. Try not to sleep so much... 2. Try to get up everyday by at least 7:30 (although most days I am up at 5:30) 3. Actually read the Bible and the CCC in a year 4. Stop being lazy about EVERYTHING. Spiritual, physical, familial... 5. Get myself/my life in order. 6. Repay the $300 I borrowed for a flight to the Eucharistic Congess last year. 7. Pay off my student loans! 8. Help my parents pay some bills and help with their debt (They took most of the grunt with my student loans... ) Perhaps my goals/resolutions are a little vague at this point. There is a lot I need to work on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HopefulBride Posted January 5, 2011 Author Share Posted January 5, 2011 I have a couple more to add... Stick to my Horarium that I made for myself Be more aggressive in campaigning w/ the Laboure Society Get the handbook for that 54-day novena (I slacked the first time and I blamed it on not having the handbook) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tally Marx Posted January 5, 2011 Share Posted January 5, 2011 1. To set aside more time for contemplative prayer. 2. To listen to less CDs and ipod and spend more time just appreciating silence. 3. To learn more about St. Theresa of Avila, my patron for the year, and St. Barabara, my family's patron for the year. 4. To learn the Theology of the Body (or, as much about it as I can). 5. To spend some extra-special quality time with my godchild. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
elizabeth09 Posted January 11, 2011 Share Posted January 11, 2011 Get to 5000 before the year is out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
LaPetiteSoeur Posted January 11, 2011 Share Posted January 11, 2011 1. Not slack on the Divine Office 2. Actually read the many (read: hundreds, or so it seems) theological books that are piled EVERYWHERE in my room. 3. Find a Spiritual Director once I move. 4. Read the entire Bible Not slacking is the main one. Dieu vous benisse et Bonne Chance all of you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Starets Posted January 11, 2011 Share Posted January 11, 2011 Be more faithful and diligent to my private prayer and lectio life. To that end, I have put together a spreadsheet that lists which prayers I want to say during the day. I must admit that it is helping me be more diligent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HopefulBride Posted January 11, 2011 Author Share Posted January 11, 2011 [quote name='elizabeth09' timestamp='1294728791' post='2198921'] Get to 5000 before the year is out. [/quote] What do you mean get to 5000? What are you counting? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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