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Whose Report Will You Believe?


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Kolbe, I don't care if that was copied and pasted, it was awesome! Thanx for sharing it! :clapping:

pjrizzo: I can't help but notice that, while you list the Catholic Church's teaching very briefly and do not go to any length to explain it, you not only list what the you think the Bible teaches, but also take the time to list and explain passages which supposedly support your belief. This tells me two things: 1) that you do not understand Church Teaching and (2) you are too inclined toward your pre-conceived notions. Both these things prove that you are in no position to judge/explain either the Church [i]or[/i] the Bible. Once you learn more about both these subjects, perhaps then you will find that things are in reality quite different from what you perceive them to be.

Pax et bonum!

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Kahlua is a rich, dark and smooth coffee based liqueur drink from Mexico. Although it is a liqueur, it is extremely versatile and can be enjoyed in a variety of ways and thus lends itself to a wide choice of occasions.

[b]About Kahlua[/b]
Pronounced "Kah-loo-aah", the beverage is a dark, but soft and semi-sweet liqueur with a coffee base. Kahlua is blended in Mexico and exported world-wide. You can buy Kahlua in most supermarkets and liquor stores around the UK/Europe as well as North America. Look for the dark colored bottle and the bright yellow and red label.

[b]Kahlua Cocktail Recipes - Different Ways to Enjoy Kahlua [/b]

[list][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#1"]Black Russian[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#2"]White Russian[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#3"]Kahlua Mudslide[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#4"]Sombrero[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#5"]Kahlua Cognac[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#6"]Kahlua Cream Soda[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#7"]Kahlua Hot Chocolate[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#8"]Kahlua Coffee[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#9"]Kahlua on the Rocks[/url][*][url="http://www.mexperience.com/bar/kahlua.php#10"]Kahlua Cockroach[/url][/list]
[b]Black Russian [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 2 Parts Vodka

Method: Pour ingredients into a short glass, stir gently and serve immediately.

[b]White Russian [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 1 Part Vodka, 1 Part Cream or Milk, ice cubes

Method: Pour the Kahlua and Vodka over ice, into short glass. Top with cream or full cream milk. Serve.

[b]Kahlua Mudslide [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 1 Part Irish Cream Liqueur, 2 Parts Vodka, 2 Parts Milk or Cream, ice cubes.

Method: Pour the Kahlua, Irish Cream and Vodka over a short glass with ice. Top with Cream or full-cream milk. Serve.


Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 2 or 3 Parts Cream or Milk

Method: Pour the Kahlua and Cream or full cream milk into a short glass (ice optional) and stir.

[b]Kahlua Cognac [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 1 Part Cognac

Method: Pour the two ingredients into a brandy or cognac glass and enjoy. Great as an after dinner liqueur.

[b]Kahlua Cream Soda [/b]

Ingredients: 2 Parts Kahlua, 1.5 Parts whipping cream, 4 Parts Soda Water

Method: Pour Kahlua and whipping cream into a cocktail mixer and shake thoroughly. Strain mixture into a tall glass and then add soda water. Best consumed with a straw!

[b]Kahlua Hot Chocolate [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part Kahlua, 5 Parts Hot Chocolate, 1 TbSp of whipped cream

Method: Pour hot chocolate drink (made with milk or water) onto the Kahlua in a glass or mug. Top with whipped cream and serve.

[b]Kahlua Coffee [/b]

Ingredients: Kahlua, Coffee

Method: Liven up your after dinner coffee with Kahlua! Prepare your coffee to taste (with or without milk). If you normally take sugar, leave it out, and pour some Kahlua in the cup or mug to taste. Enjoy!

[b]Kahlua on the Rocks [/b]

Ingredients: Kahlua, ice cubes

Method: Pour the Kahlua into a short glass filled with ice. Drink straight, enjoy!

[b]Kahlua Cockroach [/b]

Ingredients: 1 Part of Kahlua, 1.5 Parts Tequila.

Method: This drink combines the two great Mexican classics of Tequila and Kahlua. Pour the Tequila and Kahlua into a glass, and (optionally) set on fire with a lighter. If you light it, pop a straw in the glass and drink! Otherwise this can be enjoyed slowly, on its own or as an after dinner liqueur. The Tequila thins the texture of the Kahlua and gives it a little "bite" - excellent! Edited by vee8
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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1293936455' post='2195836']
Great. Stupid arguments that were refuted during Johnsonville brat Clark's first seven lives.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1293937312' post='2195841']
I could use a white russian right now. Maybe a grasshopper. I think I have some bailey's in my closet.
yeah, kahlua sounds good right now.

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Wow.....the times sure have changed....I go away for a few years and now text dumps are allowed!!!!

That dump was amazing!!!!! Now, Kolbe, I just need you to explain it all.... :0P phlbbbbbbbttttt!!!!

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1293942157' post='2195858']
That dump was amazing!!!!!
thank you..most of my dumps are. oh... you meant the text dump...


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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1293942157' post='2195858']
Wow.....the times sure have changed....I go away for a few years and now text dumps are allowed!!!!

That dump was amazing!!!!! Now, Kolbe, I just need you to explain it all.... :0P phlbbbbbbbttttt!!!!
It's obviously all Romish foolery, in direct contradiction to the Infallible Word of Jack Chick.

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"The law of non-contradiction (to opposing ideas can not both be true at the same time) demonstrates that Roman Catholicism and Biblical Christianity can not both be true. In fact, if Biblical Christianity is proven true, then any other world religion or belief system must be false. Our eternal future (heaven or hell) is determined by what we believe."

So you must deny the Trinity since we Catholics believe the Trinity is the true nature of God. In the case of religion they are made up of a group of beliefs, some of which are true and some of which are partially true and some of which are false. Your law does not apply well to comparisons of religion. Further a bigger mistake you make is in your lack of understanding of Catholicism. Catholicism is not either or as men (i.e. you) commonly think but generally both/and. For example you force Catholicism/protestantism in to a dichotomy between faith and works and will likely call Catholicism a works based system. This is your misunderstanding because it is not faith or works but one comes to salvation through faith and then "works out their salvation in fear and trembling". Works done in faith (faith working in love"). The faith and words are intimately tied together and are the product of grace, thus we are saved via grace.

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If you can't see that Peter was the head of the apostles your not reading the Bible. Peter is called first in Math 10 even though we know that Andrew was called first by Christ and went to get Peter. Peter is always named first in lists of the apostles. Peter is prayed for singularly by Christ and Christ asks that when he returns he strengthens the others. When the group is asked a question Peter is the one who responds for the group. It is clear they honor his leadership. Peter is spoken of in scripture far more than the other 12. His name is used over 190 times compared to John as the next closest at around 30. Jesus pays Peter's tax. Peter walks on water like Christ, though of course we know he falters. Peter performs the first miracle after Pentecost and converts the first gentiles. So much more could be said of Peter but it is ludicrous to claim that he is not the leader of the new Church. You must even twist the clear words of Matt 16:18 to "prove it". You do more telling what you think Matt 16:18 does not say, using non-sequitors such as that Jesus rebuked Peter, to deny what the passage clearly says.

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