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[font=Tahoma][size="3"]Hey every one pjrizzo isdoing this same thing on multiple Catholic forums. Here is an example of a PM copy/paste on catholic.org’s forum, [url="http://forum.catholic.org/viewtopic.php?f=58&p=797554"]http://forum.catholic.org/viewtopic.php?f=58&p=797554[/url] I have also found him on catecheticsonline.com.[/size][/font]

[size="3"][font=Tahoma]pjrizzo,You have insincere intentions with of which is not to dialog. Please just postthe link to the website that you are copying and pasting from and be done with it. [/font][/size]

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1294114914' post='2196419']
To be fair, it is rather exhausting and trying to be the one person arguing a position while everyone else in the thread gangs up on you. If there's a ton of new posts to wade through every time you check the thread...well, your enthusiasm for the topic is likely to lag.

That being said, someone who comes to a Catholic forum posting that the Catholic faith has got it all wrong certainly must expect that sort of reaction. So, if you're not up for it...why seek it out?

And yes, Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior. Jesus, I trust in You!

I quite agree. We are quite hospitable to those not of our faith who come around with good intentions! I apologize for the sarcasm.

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1294156637' post='2196548']

I teach at a Jesuit school....

aha, but you are not a Jesuit priest. :| at least, I hope not.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1294144405' post='2196497']
You were taught poorly. Did you have Jesuit teachers?

Let's not go bashing a holy order of the Church. They've made mistakes, but so have we all. Try making that joke to Fr. Fessio.

[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1294165754' post='2196580']

I thought that this stuff sounded familiar....when you quote [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Habermas"]Dr. GR Habermas[/url], please cite him. Please don't pass it off as your own thoughts.

Have a nice day. You've lost all credibility with me....

I think this is too harsh. Has anyone here ever used completely original thoughts when defending Rome? There are no completely original thoughts left to be had, and there hasn't been for some time (long before anyone here was born). All of us borrow from Augustine or Aquinas, Jerome or Francis, Hahn or Cavins, etc... And they in turn borrowed from others.

When we begin to think highly of our thoughts and ideas, we lose wisdom. And I don't need to quote anyone - everyone here knows I didn't come up with that on my own.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1294172094' post='2196619']
aha, but you are not a Jesuit priest. :| at least, I hope not.

what's with the Jesuit disses? I'm curious...

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Brother Adam

Jesuits have been tarnished by priests and theologians with shaky and even heretical theology, there is also a certain elitism in Jesuit circles. However, there are also great Jesuit theologians that are highly respected. Unfortunately the bad apples have affected the order as a whole, and they are trying to recover from it.

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[quote name='liseski' timestamp='1294182883' post='2196676']
what's with the Jesuit disses? I'm curious...
it's just good ole fashioned ribbing.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1294172094' post='2196619']
aha, but you are not a Jesuit priest. :| at least, I hope not.
Fr. Mitch Pacwa is a Jesuit. I try to remember that when people knock on them.

[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1294172794' post='2196627']I think this is too harsh. Has anyone here ever used completely original thoughts when defending Rome? There are no completely original thoughts left to be had, and there hasn't been for some time (long before anyone here was born). All of us borrow from Augustine or Aquinas, Jerome or Francis, Hahn or Cavins, etc... And they in turn borrowed from others.

When we begin to think highly of our thoughts and ideas, we lose wisdom. And I don't need to quote anyone - everyone here knows I didn't come up with that on my own.
Maybe there are no original thoughts to be had, but cutting and pasting someone else's writing is plagiarism.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1294184150' post='2196689']

Maybe there are no original thoughts to be had, but cutting and pasting someone else's writing is plagiarism.

Exactly what I was thinking.

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[quote name='homeschoolmom' timestamp='1294184150' post='2196689']
Fr. Mitch Pacwa is a Jesuit. I try to remember that when people knock on them. [/quote]
too true, but i think he's a good priest in spite of being a Jesuit. ;) (I'm really just joking, btw. I like Dominicans, but there are some bad Dominicans out there too.)

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You get caught plagiarizing in school, you get kicked out. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nono.gif[/img]

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As a technical writer, I can tell you that anything less than 70% of an original is not plagiarizing......which still sounds awfully hinkey to me. :crazy:

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[quote name='fides' Jack' timestamp='1294172794' post='2196627']
Let's not go bashing a holy order of the Church. They've made mistakes, but so have we all. Try making that joke to Fr. Fessio.[/quote]
He'd probably laugh at it.

[quote]I think this is too harsh. Has anyone here ever used completely original thoughts when defending Rome? There are no completely original thoughts left to be had, and there hasn't been for some time (long before anyone here was born). All of us borrow from Augustine or Aquinas, Jerome or Francis, Hahn or Cavins, etc... And they in turn borrowed from others.

When we begin to think highly of our thoughts and ideas, we lose wisdom. And I don't need to quote anyone - everyone here knows I didn't come up with that on my own.
Quoting and citing the works of others when presenting an argument is one thing.

Spamming multiple Catholic message boards with cut-and-pasted anti-Catholic garbage, and presenting it as if it were one's own, while failing to engage in genuine dialogue, is another.
The phony-baloney "testimony" looks like it was likely cut-and-pasted as well. It's the standard-issue Jack Chick nonsense.

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[quote name='liseski' timestamp='1294187875' post='2196712']
As a technical writer, I can tell you that anything less than 70% of an original is not plagiarizing......which still sounds awfully hinkey to me. :crazy:
It is if not cited.

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