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[quote name='pjrizzo' timestamp='1294099960' post='2196300'] Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who covers you with His perfect righteousness and fills you with His Holy Spirit. Jesus said "you must be born again' Jn 3:3. It is not something you do, but something God does to you. Your spirit which is born dead, is made alive and you have the free gift of eternal life in Christ.
Don't take my word, ask many questions. I used to be catholic, then I read the bible and it contradicted everything I had been taught in catechism, catholic school, etc.
love in Christ

Here is my testimony.
I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, I have read the complete Scripture [color="#FF0000"]5[/color] times, I have asked the questions for many many years and I AM a happy and believing Catholic.

Here are the logical facts which you seem to ignor.
There are no contradictions between the Scriptures and the Church, how could there be- it was picked by the Church in Councils and preserved by the Church. Would the Church claim a testament it didn't agree with?? The New Testament came from the Church, it didn't just plop out of the sky one day. The New Testament is guarenteed by the Church as the Word of God.
Therefore if you attack the Catholic Church you actually attack Scriptures.

You claim to be a catholic but you simply don't understand catholic teachings, so somewhere along the line you you were misinformed or confused. You also claim to have given up a lucrative church job in the Catholic Church, and that is almost too funny to comment on, you must have us confused with a denomination of some other group, because pay in the Church is about the same as working for the Peace Corps :) : the terms lucrative pay and Catholic Church is an oxymoron.

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To be fair, it is rather exhausting and trying to be the one person arguing a position while everyone else in the thread gangs up on you. If there's a ton of new posts to wade through every time you check the thread...well, your enthusiasm for the topic is likely to lag.

That being said, someone who comes to a Catholic forum posting that the Catholic faith has got it all wrong certainly must expect that sort of reaction. So, if you're not up for it...why seek it out?

And yes, Jesus Christ is my personal Lord and Savior. Jesus, I trust in You!

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I was once a new noncatholic poster, but i was not given to text dumping, and i frequently got in back and forth debates, answering and questioning in my own words.

Guess they dont make em like they used to ;)

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[quote name='pjrizzo' timestamp='1294099960' post='2196300']
hello and thank you for your response. If you die trusting "holy mother church' you will pay for your own sin. There is no religious system on earth that can save you. Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who covers you with His perfect righteousness and fills you with His Holy Spirit. Jesus said "you must be born again' Jn 3:3. It is not something you do, but something God does to you. Your spirit which is born dead, is made alive and you have the free gift of eternal life in Christ.
Don't take my word, ask many questions. I used to be catholic, then I read the bible and it contradicted everything I had been taught in catechism, catholic school, etc.
love in Christ

Hey pjrizzo,

I know that you're not prone to answering my posts for some reason, but could you show me where it says that if I die trusting in the Church, I will pay for my own sin? That isn't in the Bible. Nowhere...

Also, could you please finish St. John's thought and not take it completely out of context. In order for John 3:3 to work, you have to include John 3:4-5. Thanks....

I really need to know where it says that Jesus' perfect righteousness will cover me and fill me with His Holy Spirit? So, are you saying that there is no Trinity? Are you saying that the Holy Spirit is subordinate to Jesus?

Hey, don't worry, we're not taking your word for it. Mainly because your word is flawed. BTW, once Catholic, always Catholic. John 3:3-5. Also, there is nothing that is in Holy Scripture that contradicts the Church. Not one line.

Can you please engage me, this is getting boring...this whole waiting for you to be passive/aggressive and then doing some sort of text dump....although, it is almost a challenge....as dear ol Rush has to say, I will run circles around you with half my brain tied behind my back.

Also, since you brought up the koine Greek, how about we start quoting Scripture in koine Greek going forward....I have no issue with that. Thanks.

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Dear PJ,

I do not know what to tell you...
We do accept Jesus as Savior, and He has granted us the Holy Spirit, in whom we trust.... and He has led us to this Faith

Wondering what your take is on Matthew 25:31-46 (the sheep and goats parable)...
It seems to me as though the goats are addressing Christ as "Lord," but even so they do not receive salvation...

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[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1294117498' post='2196439']

Wondering what your take is on Matthew 25:31-46 (the sheep and goats parable)...
It seems to me as though the goats are addressing Christ as "Lord," but even so they do not receive salvation...

Sounds to me like Jesus is preaching the need for faith with works to get salvation. Never saw that scripture that way before, thank you so much!

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The goats are guilty of hypocrisy....they might [i]say[/i] 'Lord, Lord,' but their lives reveal that God is [i]not[/i] lord of them. The Lord/servant relationship has very clear expectations on the part of the servant - if you just do your own thing and ignore your Master's instructions, you [i]will[/i] get in trouble!

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[quote name='pjrizzo' timestamp='1294099960' post='2196300']
I used to be catholic, then I read the bible and it contradicted everything I had been taught in catechism, catholic school, etc.

You were taught poorly. Did you have Jesuit teachers?

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1294078094' post='2196184']
[color="black"][font="Arial"][size="2"]Hey PR. This is awesome news!!! How do I get in on this guaranteed salvation regardless of what I do...and don't do? That will be sweet if I can still go to heaven after I leave my wife and run off with my neighbor's 14 year old daughter...against her will of course. [/size][/font][/color]

[color="black"][font="Arial"][size="2"]But wait a minute...I need your help trying to figure out if either Christ lied or failed when He said He will protect His [/size][/font][/color][font="Arial"][size="2"]Church until the end of time…b/c if what you say is true it has to be one or the other.[/size][/font]

[font="Arial"][size="2"]Also, please explain John 21:25 -[color="red"] There are also many other things that Jesus did, but if these were to be described individually, I do not think the whole world would contain the books that would be written. [/color]I always thought this meant that Jesus did more than what is written in the Bible. [/size][/font]

[font="Arial"][size="2"]Please help me!!!![/size][/font][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blink.gif[/img]


I am still waiting for your reply.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/think2.gif[/img]

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1294115132' post='2196420']
I was once a new noncatholic poster, but i was not given to text dumping, and i frequently got in back and forth debates, answering and questioning in my own words.

Guess they dont make em like they used to ;)

That's because you're not a mindless Chick follower. We respect people that think for themselves, even when we disagree with the thoughts.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1294144405' post='2196497']
You were taught poorly. Did you have Jesuit teachers?
:clapping: :lol4:

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I am now officially bored with this thread....

While I love the bonding experience with my fellow PMer's, pjrizzo is a rank amateur when it comes to deflating the Catholic Church. He doesn't respond much and when he does, he's flat out wrong and only does text dumps. YAWN!!!

And I was looking forward to someone who could keep up, if only for a minute....

:wall: :idontknow:

Get back to me when you have something important to contribute pjrizzo. (psst, text dumps don't count. I want something compelling, not something that is a softball.)


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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1294158095' post='2196551']
I am now officially bored with this thread....

While I love the bonding experience with my fellow PMer's, pjrizzo is a rank amateur when it comes to deflating the Catholic Church. He doesn't respond much and when he does, he's flat out wrong and only does text dumps. YAWN!!!

And I was looking forward to someone who could keep up, if only for a minute....

:wall: :idontknow:

Get back to me when you have something important to contribute pjrizzo. (psst, text dumps don't count. I want something compelling, not something that is a softball.)


Ditto. PR seems to be the typical hit and runner. Or perhaps he has ran to his local parish to see a priest, confess and reconcile back into the Church.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/think.gif[/img]

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I thought that this stuff sounded familiar....when you quote [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gary_Habermas"]Dr. GR Habermas[/url], please cite him. Please don't pass it off as your own thoughts.

Have a nice day. You've lost all credibility with me....

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