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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1294080890' post='2196195']
I don't know. There may be more literate people in the third world than in North America soon. The highschool drop out rate in Alberta is around 40%.

There would be much more replies to this, but most people here can't read. As for me, once you learn English good, can't no one change it.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif[/img]

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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1294086603' post='2196217']
Reading?....... what's that?

Oh! I'm sorry. Me ment reedin.

Edited by Papist
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hello and thank you for your response. If you die trusting "holy mother church' you will pay for your own sin. There is no religious system on earth that can save you. Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who covers you with His perfect righteousness and fills you with His Holy Spirit. Jesus said "you must be born again' Jn 3:3. It is not something you do, but something God does to you. Your spirit which is born dead, is made alive and you have the free gift of eternal life in Christ.
Don't take my word, ask many questions. I used to be catholic, then I read the bible and it contradicted everything I had been taught in catechism, catholic school, etc.
love in Christ
[quote name='holly.o' timestamp='1294020085' post='2196035']
I love that part of the Mass! Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus... :heart:

Thank God I receive Our Lord in His entirety - body, blood, soul, and divinity - as often as I receive Holy Communion at Mass.

Can you explain how Jesus righteousness "covers" us? This makes it sound as though we are just putting on a cloak, that we are not truly transformed, as we are called to be. As though Jesus only did something halfway...

Many people have done this and come up with their own opinion of what that "truth" is. Now we have hundreds (probably thousands, but I don't have the statistics for that... however, living in the South, I think I can vouch for about a hundred) of different denominations. How does one test the Bible? What is there to test it against?

One of my other favorite parts of the Mass in the Extraordinary Form... the last Gospel: [i]Et Verbum caro factum est et habitavit in nobis et vidimus gloriam eius gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre [b]plenum gratiae et veritatis[/b][/i]. Our Lord is Truth, and He is present physically, really, substantially only at the Mass. It is a grace to be able to see Him, a grace that will not be found in arguments but in [i][b]prayer and humility[/b][/i].

As Catholics, we trust in Our Lord, who, in addition to sacrificing Himself on the cross, went so far as to give us Holy Mother Church to make that trust tangible to our weak human natures. His love is far beyond the limits place on it by Protestantism.

Pax et bonum.

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[quote name='pjrizzo' timestamp='1294099960' post='2196300']
hello and thank you for your response. If you die trusting "holy mother church' you will pay for your own sin.
Thank you for coming, see you in Hell.

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I don't know if anybody in the world believes in required reading for salvation, but Catholicism has more "required reading" than Protestantism.

:juggle: :gameboy: :soccer: :rap: :farmer: :guitar: :hippie: :science: :kitten: :brutebeast: :mobile: :raccoon:

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No matter what church I belong to, I will pay for my sins when I die. There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts a single item in the Catechism. I would love it if you could name the exact passage in the bible that contradicts a specific passage in the Catechism. Enlighten us, not with generalities or text dumps, but exact numbers, and why you think the bible contradicts it.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1294103181' post='2196323']
No matter what church I belong to, I will pay for my sins when I die. There is nothing in the Bible that contradicts a single item in the Catechism. I would love it if you could name the exact passage in the bible that contradicts a specific passage in the Catechism. Enlighten us, not with generalities or text dumps, but exact numbers, and why you think the bible contradicts it.
but that would be work, and pj has demonstrated beyond a doubt that he is a lazy Christian.

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[quote name='pjrizzo' timestamp='1294099960' post='2196300']
hello and thank you for your response. If you die trusting "holy mother church' you will pay for your own sin. There is no religious system on earth that can save you. Only a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, who covers you with His perfect righteousness and fills you with His Holy Spirit. Jesus said "you must be born again' Jn 3:3. It is not something you do, but something God does to you. Your spirit which is born dead, is made alive and you have the free gift of eternal life in Christ. [/quote]

As I said in my post, which you quoted, we trust first in Our Lord, and also in the Church He founded.

I wonder what makes you think I or any other Catholic doesn't have a "personal relationship with Jesus Christ"? I was raised Baptist and never once encountered the depth of love and devotion Catholics (practicing and sincere) have toward Jesus. It was mostly talk and praise & worship songs, to be honest about my experience.

I love Him with my entire self. We speak of Him as the Spouse of our soul, Our Beloved - like the Beloved in the Song of Solomon. Speak with a Nun who is faithful to the Church about the mystery of her consecration to God. Read St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Francis & St. Clare. If you think they don't have a "personal relationship" with Jesus, then I don't know what your criteria are for a relationship.... please explain!

As I said, [i]I love Him with all my being[/i]. And that entails submitting to whatever authority He's instituted for my own and others' salvation. I've given up many things to follow Jesus - I don't say this to brag, but in the same way that St. Paul rejoices that it was all trash compared to what has been gained. I try to order everything I do to give Him glory, honor, and praise, and to grow closer to Him. This is a very, very brief description of what constitutes my personal relationship with Christ - what is yours?

If you would like to debate points of difference, do so. But be careful about accusing (albeit indirectly) that someone doesn't have an authentic love for the one they call their Lord and Savior. It's incredibly uncharitable - the same as if I walked into your house, and (for the sake of example, presuming you're married), without knowing you, insisted that you didn't love your wife.

[quote]Don't take my word, ask many questions. I used to be catholic, then I read the bible and it contradicted everything I had been taught in catechism, catholic school, etc.

I posed some specific questions to you, but you didn't answer them. I would be interested in knowing your answers.

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To be honest, so would I.
I fail to see any specific answers from the OP...and I agree with the poster that suggested taking it point-by-point. There is way too much noise in his original post.
Break it down, pj, and let's go :fight:

Edited by liseski
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[font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] I was saved at Baptism... and Confirmation... and especially on July 7th, 2010 during Adoration when I had a more personal "re-conversion". I absolutely felt born again that night. [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] I'm glad to say that I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and I'm pretty sure the other members who've commented on your thread do too. I think you're confused with our motives. For myself, the Catholic faith supplements my relationship with Jesus Christ in an extraordinarily beautiful way. I have not conformed my relationship with Jesus to fit into a religion. Both go hand in hand, and whenever I delve deeper into the Catholic faith and the Scriptures, my relationship with Christ grows exponentially. I think that most of us on here want you to realize this so you can also maximize your relationship with Jesus Christ. [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] As Catholics, we are born again in the Sacraments which are bestowed upon us by God. Example: being born again through Baptism, being freed from original sin.
[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] We have all asked questions about our faith, but we did not turn to ourselves for the answers. You read the Bible alone. It would be like me trying to read my Calculus text book and trying to learn integrals without talking to my teacher. Sure, I might understand some things, but I am in no way able to pass an exam. As someone else mentioned earlier, at a glance it might look like some things in the Bible contradict Catholic teachings. However, you probably didn't fully understand the Catholic teaching or the Bible passage in the first place. It takes more than reading. It takes praying to the Holy Spirit for inspiration and humility to not trust in our own words.
[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] I went to Catholic school too, but ironically, it wasn't until the summer before my senior year in a public high school that I formed a personal relationship with Christ on a whole new level. [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] If there is no religious system on earth that can save us... then what about Christianity? Technically speaking, Christianity is a religion. So, if you believe in no religion, then I hope you've never called yourself a Christian. =/ [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2] It's hard to believe that you set up a phatmass account and check it regularly just to tell Catholics that we're wrong. I hope that there's a part of you that is still searching within the Catholic faith for answers. Keep your mind and heart open to God's love. [/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]
[/size][/font][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]-Audrey[/size][/font]

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why do all new non-catholic posters never answer any questions brought forth to them? i think its they either have no real knowledge of the bible and so can not answer said questions or they are just here to try and tick people off. so which one applies to our new poster.

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