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Female Altar Servers


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My previous church, which still has a permanent deacon instead of a priest, use to really abuse the EMHC usage. I counted one day and there was literally 22 of them. I tried going to the parish council (since they seemed to run everything) to no avail. We ended up moving to a different house in the same city and took the opportunity to change parishes.

I love my current parish. It's Francisan. We still use about 8 EMHCs, but attendance is actually about twice as much as my previous parish who used 22. The priest always stands in the center aisle, with 2 EMHCs on either side of the aisle.... that way, you always have the option of receiving from the priest, no matter what side of the church you are sitting. Makes it nice if you have kids with you too, because you're not at risk of getting a "blessing" from an EMHC. I have trained my younger son to run away from EMHC blessings. LOL

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1295719871' post='2203063']
My previous church, which still has a permanent deacon instead of a priest, use to really abuse the EMHC usage. I counted one day and there was literally 22 of them. I tried going to the parish council (since they seemed to run everything) to no avail. We ended up moving to a different house in the same city and took the opportunity to change parishes.

I love my current parish. It's Francisan. We still use about 8 EMHCs, but attendance is actually about twice as much as my previous parish who used 22. The priest always stands in the center aisle, with 2 EMHCs on either side of the aisle.... that way, you always have the option of receiving from the priest, no matter what side of the church you are sitting. Makes it nice if you have kids with you too, because you're not at risk of getting a "blessing" from an EMHC. I have trained my younger son to run away from EMHC blessings. LOL
I need to train my kids to do that. :lol: That's what I hate about receiving from an EMHC - half the time they try to bless my kids.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1295719871' post='2203063']
My previous church, which still has a permanent deacon instead of a priest, use to really abuse the EMHC usage. I counted one day and there was literally 22 of them. I tried going to the parish council (since they seemed to run everything) to no avail. We ended up moving to a different house in the same city and took the opportunity to change parishes.

I love my current parish. It's Francisan. We still use about 8 EMHCs, but attendance is actually about twice as much as my previous parish who used 22. The priest always stands in the center aisle, with 2 EMHCs on either side of the aisle.... that way, you always have the option of receiving from the priest, no matter what side of the church you are sitting. Makes it nice if you have kids with you too, because you're not at risk of getting a "blessing" from an EMHC. I have trained my younger son to run away from EMHC blessings. LOL
At the parish I go to, there are usually about 6 EMHCs. At my parent's parish there are usually about 10, and they can barely fit across the altar. And now they have a new priest (not new = young, but new = different) who is just making things worse. :cry2: And what really gets me, is that okay, if we're going to HAVE EMHCs at LEAST make them dress decently! But I suppose priests who are hardcore enough to enforce a dress code for such things, would probably just not have EMHCs...

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I think the girl altar servers are cute but I don't understand why they are outnumbering the boys. Are they having a shortage of male children? I agree that altar servers are ideally those preparing for priesthood and besides it might get ackward having a little girl up there with other altar boys or the priests. Maybe the boys are seeing the girls up there and thinking "that's a girl thing" In this case having the altar girls should be discouraged. I think un;ess there is a shortage of male altar servers, they should have girls. I always used to call the space between the altar and the tabernacle "No woman's land" and I mean it.

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I think the girl altar servers are cute but I don't understand why they are outnumbering the boys. Are they having a shortage of male children? I agree that altar servers are ideally those preparing for priesthood and besides it might get ackward having a little girl up there with other altar boys or the priests. Maybe the boys are seeing the girls up there and thinking "that's a girl thing" In this case having the altar girls should be discouraged. I think un;ess there is a shortage of male altar servers, they shouldn't have girls. I always used to call the space between the altar and the tabernacle "No woman's land" and I mean it.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1295719871' post='2203063']
Makes it nice if you have kids with you too, because you're not at risk of getting a "blessing" from an EMHC. I have trained my younger son to run away from EMHC blessings. LOL

hahaha nice. Yeah, I get angry when they "bless".

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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1295753154' post='2203267']
hahaha nice. Yeah, I get angry when they "bless".

most (if not all) don't know any better - they are thinking they are doing something 'good'....not trying to make people upset or angry.

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[quote name='Cam42' timestamp='1293925846' post='2195779']
Let me challenge you a little bit. It isn't about a necessity of "bodies." You feel that you have this sense of obedience, but is it obedient to engage in an action that is unjustified? Or is it tacit approval and participation in an abuse? If you pastor asked you to do a dance in the Processional, would you do it, knowing that liturgical dance is strictly forbidden?

I find it hard to believe that so many men of the parish are aged or infirmed that they cannot assist at the altar, unless you assist at a nursing home. I think that your pastor has to do a better job of recuiting men. As an aside, that is what we are doing at my parish. While we have not reached that level yet, we are slowly moving toward the ideal that I proposed and support.

And honestly, you say that you feel that God won't be upset, how do you know? As you say, Jesus did appoint men to be preachers.

Again, just because it's allowed, doesn't mean that it is a best practice.


I appreciate all the insight you have to offer. Thank you for sharing it. I completely agree with you and the Magisterium that serving at the altar is a privilege and intended for males. A parish run by Dominican Friars handles this very well by having men from the congregation serve at that altar when boys or young men are not present or able. It is just, well, right or well ordered.

But, if a bishop allows females to serve at the altar because he judges it as a true need, and if a priest approaches a female personally asking her to serve at the altar, well, then, it comes down to her conscience. It is not my place to judge her actions. Now, when a bishop tells pastors to use female altar servers and I personally find that his judgment is off, then it is my responsibility to address the pastor, the bishop and so forth. I do not think however that females who respond in obedience to their pastor's request to serve at the altar are necessarily wrong unless it goes against their informed conscience.

I have never served at the altar and if asked, then I would probably respond by telling the priest I personally do not feel right serving at the altar as a female and I would beg him to ask someone else, even pointing to any males present.

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1295743053' post='2203210']
At the parish I go to, there are usually about 6 EMHCs. At my parent's parish there are usually about 10, and they can barely fit across the altar. And now they have a new priest (not new = young, but new = different) who is just making things worse. :cry2: And what really gets me, is that okay, if we're going to HAVE EMHCs at LEAST make them dress decently! But I suppose priests who are hardcore enough to enforce a dress code for such things, would probably just not have EMHCs...


I have seen parishes where EMHC's wear long white robes over their clothes. Perhaps you can suggest that to your pastor?

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1295754471' post='2203270']

most (if not all) don't know any better - they are thinking they are doing something 'good'....not trying to make people upset or angry.


I counted once at one of our parishes (in this diocese). I counted 16, plus priest and deacon. I would imagine there weren't more than 200 people there, but I could be way off. I regretted my action later, however, because I was counting before receiving Holy Communion, and it just distracted me. Sure, it's an abuse and I would love to see fewer EMHCs (if any), but I've got my own issues to work on, first. Take out the log in my own eye before helping my fellow men with their splinters, right?

It does sometimes upset me, but I try to remind myself exactly what Lil Red said. And then I remember the circle in play - the one's who actually know better don't become EMHCs in the first place.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1295754471' post='2203270']

most (if not all) don't know any better - they are thinking they are doing something 'good'....not trying to make people upset or angry.

I feel it's common sense that not just anybody can offer the same blessing a priest can.

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[quote name='AudreyGrace' timestamp='1295947684' post='2204116']
I feel it's common sense that not just anybody can offer the same blessing a priest can.
unfortunately, you'd be surprised what passes for common sense these days.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1295719871' post='2203063']
My previous church, which still has a permanent deacon instead of a priest, use to really abuse the EMHC usage. I counted one day and there was literally 22 of them. I tried going to the parish council (since they seemed to run everything) to no avail. We ended up moving to a different house in the same city and took the opportunity to change parishes.

I love my current parish. It's Francisan. We still use about 8 EMHCs, but attendance is actually about twice as much as my previous parish who used 22. The priest always stands in the center aisle, with 2 EMHCs on either side of the aisle.... that way, you always have the option of receiving from the priest, no matter what side of the church you are sitting. Makes it nice if you have kids with you too, because you're not at risk of getting a "blessing" from an EMHC. I have trained my younger son to run away from EMHC blessings. LOL

We usually have 5 and I feel like that is to many. If we had 22 I'd probably throw a hissy fit. :| We have one who assists with distributing Holy Communion, and then 4 for the Precious Blood. I figure if they really feel it's necessary to offer the Precious Blood (I don't think it is) then they should just have 2. Father keeps trying to get more people to sign up to be EMHC's but I won't do it on principle (He wants to add another station for expediency...).

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' timestamp='1295985258' post='2204230']
We usually have 5 and I feel like that is to many. If we had 22 I'd probably throw a hissy fit. :| We have one who assists with distributing Holy Communion, and then 4 for the Precious Blood. I figure if they really feel it's necessary to offer the Precious Blood (I don't think it is) then they should just have 2.

My parish back east only distributed the Precious Blood on solemnities. Sure, some people threw a hissy fit, but I guess they eventually got over it.

Edited by fides quarens intellectum
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Roamin Catholic

[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1295743053' post='2203210']
At the parish I go to, there are usually about 6 EMHCs. At my parent's parish there are usually about 10, and they can barely fit across the altar. And now they have a new priest (not new = young, but new = different) who is just making things worse. :cry2: And what really gets me, is that okay, if we're going to HAVE EMHCs at LEAST make them dress decently! But I suppose priests who are hardcore enough to enforce a dress code for such things, would probably just not have EMHCs...

Have you ever paid attention to the fact at our masses, you are always able to receive from either the Deacon or Father? I never go to the EMHCs, for sure won't be once we have kids and I'm toting them around. I do go to them for the precious blood however. I would like to see our parish do away with having EMHCs except for the precious blood, I would consider it a small win..Heck I'm just happy that we have three good solid priests at the two parishes we frequent!

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