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False Miracles And Such


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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1296266166' post='2206185']
maybe like medjugorje. that could be a miracle.

sure, it's usually only the catholic church that has miracles unique unto itself, and that seem like they might be 'good'. but it's also practically the only one that has 'bad' miracles too.
should we assume that adage that as one draws closer to the truth, demons pop up and such?
could it be all deception that throws the bone with 'good' miracles, but ultimately the bad ones show the truth? or some such.
satan appears as an angel of light, something 'miraclous' supernatural happens, but it's not of God....

what are we to make of the lack of deceptivev miracles in nonCC? or all hte deceptive ones within the CC?
The Bishop of Mostar (last I'd heard) declared Medj. happenings unworthy of supernatural belief.

Yeah - we should assume that the enemy would pop up among God's fortress w/ false miracles.

'Could it all be deception'? Our Lord addressed this in the gospels - said if it was true as some claimed, that He was casting out
demons by the power of Beelzebub, that is a very dumb demon indeed, bringing down the foundations of his (Beelzebub's)
own house.

Recall that the Faith is the yardstick by which all is measured. If the miracle "confirms" or is in harmony w/ the Faith...then it is.

Edited by Donna
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[quote name='Donna' timestamp='1296548147' post='2207353']
The Bishop of Mostar (last I'd heard) declared Medj. happenings unworthy of supernatural belief.

Recall that the Faith is the yardstick by which all is measured. If the miracle "confirms" or is in harmony w/ the Faith...then it is.

How has Medjugorje's messages conflicted with the Faith?
Here is a quote from an EWTN excerpt on Medjugorje [url="http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/medjugorje.htm"]http://www.ewtn.com/expert/answers/medjugorje.htm[/url]
[quote]The reasons for such caution are rooted in the Church's common teaching. St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John of the Cross both assert that as a general rule mystical phenomena (whether in the lives of saints or in apparitions) are the work of the angels. Unless God Himself needs to act to immediately produce an effect (such as to create out of nothing or to infuse sanctifying grace into the soul), He works through creaturely instruments. Thus the intellectual lights granted in contemplative prayer, the visions and locutions of private revelations, the levitations of the saints, the ecstasies of mystics and visionaries, and most external phenomena associated with mysticism, are produced by the angelic nature. Since both good and evil spirits possess the angelic nature the presence of such phenomena alone is an equivocal sign of authenticity. This means that a great deal of unexplained phenomena can occur without indicating positively that the event is from God. This is why the Church looks, among other things, for evident supernaturality, that is, for effects beyond the ability of men or angels which can be attributed to God alone.


Seeing as the Church has determined no official supernatural occurances directly from God, this seems to be the main reason for any denial of Marian apparitions at Medjugorje. However, of the Ten Secrets to which the Blessed Mother revealed to the seers, the 3rd is to be a type of physical sign "to appear upon Apparition Hill directly by God... appear spontaneously... to be permanent and indestructable." [url="http://www.medjugorje.com/medjugorje/the-10-secrets/577-the-lasting-sign.html"]http://www.medjugorje.com/medjugorje/the-10-secrets/577-the-lasting-sign.html[/url]

My mother has been to Medjugorje and gives witness to beautiful and seemingly supernatural events taken place there. I hope this Sign will be what will allow the Church to truthfully recognize the Marian apparitions at Medjugorje.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1296509992' post='2207176']
Sarcasm! Illogical Gym, but it's lots of fun! :like:
Meesa seeryis!!! Intristing thred!!

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what happened to this guy's post?

ipwnuathalo, on 09 January 2011 - 06:01 PM, said:
False miracles...you mean like Medjugorge?

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