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Can Science And Religion Coexist Peacefully?

Guest kowalskil

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Guest kowalskil

Can science and religion coexist peacefully?

[color="#222222"]This is a good question to start an interesting discussion. See how this question was answered by many smart people at my website:[/color]


[color="#222222"]Ludwik Kowalski[/color]

[color="#222222"]Professor Emeritus[/color]

[color="#222222"]Montclair State University, NJ[/color]

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True science which is truth must coesist peacefully with true religion. Distorted religion and distorted science is where the conflict arises. Both cause problems.

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[quote name='kowalskil' timestamp='1290392742' post='2188487']
Can science and religion coexist peacefully?

[color="#222222"]This is a good question to start an interesting discussion. See how this question was answered by many smart people at my website:[/color]

[color="#006699"][u][url="http://csam.montclair.edu/%7Ekowalski/life/donotmix.html"]http://csam.montclai...e/donotmix. html[/url][/u][/color]

[color="#222222"]Ludwik Kowalski[/color]

[color="#222222"]Professor Emeritus[/color]

[color="#222222"]Montclair State University, NJ[/color]

So, to see what the "smart people" say I have to go to your website? I hate leaving one site to go to another, could you just post a few comments by smart people in this thread so I can compare them to what the people here post, that way I can get a broader perspective on the way smart people think.


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I agree with comment 48.

I do not find the format of the webpage you linked to very approachable to outsiders. It seems it is a condensed version of a conversation that happened elsewhere that I was not part of.

Religion and science mix just fine if both are used properly. You will not need me to tell you that many of the early scientists were quite religious people. It is only in the past half century or so that 'science' has been wed with 'atheism' in some people's minds.

Not in mine, though. I am a devout Catholic...and a high school biology teacher. My undergraduate degree is in chemical engineering, with minors in biology and medieval history.

There is no conflict. :)

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Hinter dem Horizont

First of all, mathematics, Chemistry, physics et cetera can explain the laws of this universe such as the planets and how they revolve around each other. Religion can explain where it all came in the first place. God created the planets and the laws they abide by.

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Mark of the Cross

Many scientists are intelligent but are blind through lack of faith. If you ask them how the painting on the wall came to be, they will tell you it was paint applied by brush on a canvas. This is a scientific explanation, it does not rule out the artist, only the scientists ability to see him. God created but he did it through science which is also part of that creation. There is no conflict between science and religion for those of us that understand both.

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I may have to ask Bill Nye, but I think he can peacefully co-exist with religions around... but science does rule...

Edited by Mr Cat
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What a strange text dump. If the person who created the OPs account is the professor in the signature, why did you find it useful to post at this website in particular. Catholics have no issues with science and never have. Catholic scientists have contributed greatly to the history of science. I recommend you start with the text of Pope John Paul II - Fides et Ratio.

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1291002440' post='2189806']

i hate science

You would, you entomologist. :crazy:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Science can purify religion from error and superstition;
religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes.
Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish.

POPE John Paul II

does that answer your question? :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cmotherofpearl, good quote, actually a great one! Although them science guys always have a pocket protector with sharp instruments that could be used for violence, like pens and protractors, so coexisting peacefully may be a stretch.


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