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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1290521874' post='2188779']
The problem is that Islam rejects Christ as God. No other objection is necessary.

Oh wow is me, I've been loving and believing in يسوع المسيح all this time and now I'm lost because even though I had Jesus in my heart I had it wrong in my mind.

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[quote name='john654' timestamp='1290470446' post='2188676']
You say, "and they worship the same God". I may open a can of worms, but, I reject their god. I don't know him. Their god is not the God of the Old Testament, let alone the New Testament. They are a false man made religion. Their god is mean and devoid of the Holy Spirit.

I agree whole-heartedly.

Of course, every time anyone speaks the obvious truth about the falsehood of Islam, it provokes much howling from all the bleeding heart "Catholics" on here.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1290559004' post='2188913']
I agree whole-heartedly.

Of course, every time anyone speaks the obvious truth about the falsehood of Islam, it provokes much howling from all the bleeding heart "Catholics" on here.

you know this post makes you seem like an arse. And I suppose you might play the "I'm just boldly stating teh truth" card, but passive-aggressively insisting some people here aren't really Catholic kinda makes you look like a donkey.

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[quote name='Hinter dem Horizont' timestamp='1290469888' post='2188675']
To be honest, a Muslim scholar named Zakir Naik knows the bible better than anyone I know and has much of the bible memorised. He even won a debate against a Christian scholar. It's on youtube for free viewing. Muslims know the bible VERY well.

Those that know it blatantly deny its truth.
The claims of Islam are completely incompatible with what is written in the Gospel, particularly regarding the divinity, death, and resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1290521874' post='2188779']
The problem is that Islam rejects Christ as God. No other objection is necessary.

Islam explicitly denies the divinity of Christ (as well as His death and Resurrection), and the Koran commands that Christians must convert to Islam or be fought to submission and forced to pay the punitive Jizya tax. (See Q'ran 9:29, 9:30)

But I suppose that's "just another way of worshiping God."

God cannot be divided against Himself.

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1290559808' post='2188917']
you know this post makes you seem like an arse. And I suppose you might play the "I'm just boldly stating teh truth" card, but passive-aggressively insisting some people here aren't really Catholic kinda makes you look like a donkey.
Your mom looks like a donkey.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1290547072' post='2188858']
Oh [s]wow[/s] woe is me, I've been loving and believing in يسوع المسيح all this time and now I'm lost because even though I had Jesus in my heart I had it wrong in my mind.
Islam is a religion. Those who adhere to Islam may have "Jesus in their hearts," but Islam itself is a human creation. It denies Jesus is God.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1290560017' post='2188920']
Your mom looks like a donkey.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1290560017' post='2188920']
Your mom looks like a donkey.

I don't think she was actually trying to insult you or call you anything. She was just pointing out how your opinions and posts make you look to other people. Just another one of your interpretations I guess. I wonder how many other Catholics are as offended as I am at your denigration of 'Bleeding heart Catholics' Isn't Jesus a bleeding heart Catholic both literally and figuratively? Are you really telling the truth with your Church militant tag?

Edited by Mark of the Cross
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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1290569071' post='2188971']
I don't think she was actually trying to insult you or call you anything. She was just pointing out how your opinions and posts make you look to other people.

pretty much.

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Islam is a false religion, and is contrary to the Christian Faith.

Islam and Christianity cannot both be true, nor both be from God.

If you believe Islam is a true religion, you're not Catholic.

If that makes me look like a donkey, so be it.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1290631133' post='2189085']
Islam is a false religion, and is contrary to the Christian Faith.

Islam and Christianity cannot both be true, nor both be from God.

If you believe Islam is a true religion, you're not Catholic.

If that makes me look like a donkey, so be it.

Agnosticism is not a faith at all. If anything could put a prick of doubt in my mind it would be the large number of sweet, kind, loving, Christian acting, [u]bleeding heart [/u]agnostics, who often put many Christians to shame. If Saints can intercede for me to God, then I like to delude myself by thinking that by my prayers I can intercede between my agnostic friends and God. If ever I make a Muslim friend or have one move in next door then the first thing I will do is the same as I do for my agnostic friends. If he decides to cut off my head, well then I'll be a martyr and I'll still take a win. If running around like a headless chook trying to make peace in the world is going to result in stepping on peoples fingers and toes and makes me look like a donkey, then I'm comfortable with that. I'm well aware of my position within the scheme of the universe.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1290631133' post='2189085']
Islam is a false religion, and is contrary to the Christian Faith.

Islam and Christianity cannot both be true, nor both be from God.

If you believe Islam is a true religion, you're not Catholic.

If that makes me look like a donkey, so be it.

[tangent]lol I just looked up "vatican on islam" and got some FABULOUS conspiracy theories. I was unaware some people thought the Catholic Church created Islam :)[/tangent]

ANYWAY I believe[font="Arial"][size="2"] the Church regards with esteem also the Muslims. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God.

But it's not like I copied or pasted that from some official source or anything that was all cooked up in my non-Catholic heretical mind ;)

Knowledge of Divine truth does not give anyone the right to be arrogant, and honestly the underlying hostility in your posts just seems like fear to me. Not intended as an insult. Just observation. Extremist Islamists could take what you say and easily use it as propaganda and Muslims of goodwill would probably just look at what you say and think you're an arrogant jackass or feel hurt. I ask you what good comes from speaking the way you do? You're not revolutionary or groundbreaking when you say Islam is evil. Yes I know in academia for example there is sometimes a bit of unwarranted sympathy for Islam, but can't you also see that in the western world Muslims (most of which are probably not mass-murdering psychopaths) are often demonized? And unfairly so.

Shouldn't we be trying to draw more non-Christians into the flock? Or does that make me too much of a bleeding-heart for your taste?

Sorry the post is a bit sloppy. I don't quite have the energy to get into a long-nuanced debate but you really CAN state the truth with sensitivity to people of different religions, ideologies, etc. I promise, it's really possible.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1290637717' post='2189100']
[tangent]lol I just looked up "vatican on islam" and got some FABULOUS conspiracy theories. I was unaware some people thought the Catholic Church created Islam :)[/tangent]

ANYWAY I believe[font="Arial"][size="2"] the Church regards with esteem also the Muslims. They adore the one God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all- powerful, the Creator of heaven and earth, who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly to even His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in linking itself, submitted to God.

But it's not like I copied or pasted that from some official source or anything that was all cooked up in my non-Catholic heretical mind ;)

Knowledge of Divine truth does not give anyone the right to be arrogant, and honestly the underlying hostility in your posts just seems like fear to me. Not intended as an insult. Just observation. Extremist Islamists could take what you say and easily use it as propaganda and Muslims of goodwill would probably just look at what you say and think you're an arrogant jackass or feel hurt. I ask you what good comes from speaking the way you do? You're not revolutionary or groundbreaking when you say Islam is evil. Yes I know in academia for example there is sometimes a bit of unwarranted sympathy for Islam, but can't you also see that in the western world Muslims (most of which are probably not mass-murdering psychopaths) are often demonized? And unfairly so.

Shouldn't we be trying to draw more non-Christians into the flock? Or does that make me too much of a bleeding-heart for your taste?

Sorry the post is a bit sloppy. I don't quite have the energy to get into a long-nuanced debate but you really CAN state the truth with sensitivity to people of different religions, ideologies, etc. I promise, it's really possible.

Exactly this has been pointed out to people here time and time again, but even though they are 'Church Militants' whatever that is? (Maybe it's the Christian version of head cutting Islamic terrorists LOL That's LOL don't miss the LOL.) But they refuse to concede. Something inside them compels them to defy. We have people here who defy the Church and get 'Phishy' tags while others get 'Church Militant' tags. PM is a great Phorum and I have learned a lot here including how to be humble. But it is not well known for it's consistency. Much wisdom in the verse 'Do not judge and be not judged.' I have more friends with Phishy tags than Church Militant and I'm very comfortable with that.

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Hinter dem Horizont

They really are portrayed as demonic but it is seriously the fault of the extremists. I have multiple Muslim friends and they are amazing and welcoming. They hate the extremists just as much as the Western world does because they are giving Muslims a bad name. What is so wrong about them anyway? The average Muslim that wants to worship ONE GOD? What's so wrong with that? People are just finding it too easy to hate. Jesus would be terribly ashamed.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1290638825' post='2189106']
Exactly this has been pointed out to people here time and time again, but even though they are 'Church Militants' whatever that is? (Maybe it's the Christian version of head cutting Islamic terrorists LOL That's LOL don't miss the LOL.) But they refuse to concede. Something inside them compels them to defy. We have people here who defy the Church and get 'Phishy' tags while others get 'Church Militant' tags. PM is a great Phorum and I have learned a lot here including how to be humble. But it is not well known for it's consistency. Much wisdom in the verse 'Do not judge and be not judged.' I have more friends with Phishy tags than Church Militant and I'm very comfortable with that.
If you feel like someone with a tag is saying things against church teaching, or being uncharitable generally, hit the report button. The Mods do listen to this stuff, but they aren't capable of reading every post on the forum.

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