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Occasion Of Sin

Hinter dem Horizont

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Hinter dem Horizont

Let's take the action of infidelity and adultery. When a man knows that he loves another woman during a marriage, he should not be in the presence of that woman while alone. It's an occasion of sin. It's too easy to do adultery while in the presence of her. What about an alcoholic? An alcoholic should not go with his friends to the bar because it is too easy to sin while at the bar.

If we study Eve and her temptation, we will notice that she was in the occasion of sin. That is, she was right next to the tree contemplating. If she had not been near the tree she would not have been tempted.

Avoiding such temptations are easy. If you're tempted, replace the temptation with something good. If you're an alcoholic and want to go to a bar, go to a gym and work out instead. Or maybe do something Holy, such as praying. You might think that you can fight the temptation and go to the bar with your friends even though you're an alcoholic but Satan might get a hold of you and you'll sin because you're too weak. Fight the first temptation which is easiest by not going to the place that causes sin. If you think you might commit adultery, remove that first temptation by not being around the woman that you're attracted to.

What are your thoughts?

Edited by Hinter dem Horizont
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[quote name='Hinter dem Horizont' timestamp='1289767319' post='2187147']
Let's take the action of infidelity and adultery. When a man knows that he loves another woman during a marriage, he should not be in the presence of that woman while alone. It's an occasion of sin. It's too easy to do adultery while in the presence of her. What about an alcoholic? An alcoholic should not go with his friends to the bar because it is too easy to sin while at the bar.

If we study Eve and her temptation, we will notice that she was in the occasion of sin. That is, she was right next to the tree contemplating. If she had not been near the tree she would not have been tempted.

Avoiding such temptations are easy. If you're tempted, replace the temptation with something good. If you're an alcoholic and want to go to a bar, go to a gym and work out instead. Or maybe do something Holy, such as praying. You might think that you can fight the temptation and go to the bar with your friends even though you're an alcoholic but Satan might get a hold of you and you'll sin because you're too weak. Fight the first temptation which is easiest by not going to the place that causes sin. If you think you might commit adultery, remove that first temptation by not being around the woman that you're attracted to.

What are your thoughts?

[color="#800080"]That is all well and good. However, not all temptations can be avoided so easily. How can one avoid being alone with one's own offspring? If the parent is an abuser of his/her children in one way or another, there is bound to be a time or two when just the two of them are going to be in the home alone, don't you think? Especially if the parent is the only parent in the house.

Sure, contact Social Services and have the kids taken away, but what parent has enough gumption to do that?

Also, those littler sins, such as gossip, what if you only gossip at work. How easy is it not to sit at your asigned cubicle and not to gossip when all around you your coworkers are talking about this person or that person?


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Hinter dem Horizont

[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1289782661' post='2187172']
[color="#800080"]That is all well and good. However, not all temptations can be avoided so easily. How can one avoid being alone with one's own offspring? If the parent is an abuser of his/her children in one way or another, there is bound to be a time or two when just the two of them are going to be in the home alone, don't you think? Especially if the parent is the only parent in the house.

Sure, contact Social Services and have the kids taken away, but what parent has enough gumption to do that?

Also, those littler sins, such as gossip, what if you only gossip at work. How easy is it not to sit at your asigned cubicle and not to gossip when all around you your coworkers are talking about this person or that person?


Good point. When it comes to abuse, it's a completely different scenario. Abuse, mental and physical, is such a crime against the safety of children and children's mental well being. This type of sin should never begin in the first place. We're all responsible for our own actions. If you commit a sin like this you'll answer to God in the afterlife. If you repent and give it up maybe you'll be lucky. But, if you continue and continue you're in the hands of Satan in my opinion.

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[quote name='Hinter dem Horizont' timestamp='1289767319' post='2187147']
Let's take the action of infidelity and adultery. When a man knows that he loves another woman during a marriage, he should not be in the presence of that woman while alone. It's an occasion of sin. It's too easy to do adultery while in the presence of her. What about an alcoholic? An alcoholic should not go with his friends to the bar because it is too easy to sin while at the bar.

If we study Eve and her temptation, we will notice that she was in the occasion of sin. That is, she was right next to the tree contemplating. If she had not been near the tree she would not have been tempted.

Avoiding such temptations are easy. If you're tempted, replace the temptation with something good. If you're an alcoholic and want to go to a bar, go to a gym and work out instead. Or maybe do something Holy, such as praying. You might think that you can fight the temptation and go to the bar with your friends even though you're an alcoholic but Satan might get a hold of you and you'll sin because you're too weak. Fight the first temptation which is easiest by not going to the place that causes sin. If you think you might commit adultery, remove that first temptation by not being around the woman that you're attracted to.

What are your thoughts?

Seriously? I'm laughing right now. You've obviously never been attracted to a woman.

Edit: Or maybe you have some amazing self-control. If so, more power to ya.

Edited by LouisvilleFan
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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' timestamp='1289791647' post='2187200']
Seriously? I'm laughing right now. You've obviously never been attracted to a woman.

Edit: Or maybe you have some amazing self-control. If so, more power to ya.

A thing is for sure: it is much easier to fight and win immediately a temptation than to give up a sin that has become an established habit.

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Hinter dem Horizont

[quote name='organwerke' timestamp='1289813878' post='2187222']
A thing is for sure: it is much easier to fight and win immediately a temptation than to give up a sin that has become an established habit.

Exactly. People wish and wish that they did not allow it to become a habit. Doesn't matter what it is. Alcohol, cigarettes, adultery, abuse, pornography et cetera.

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[quote name='Hinter dem Horizont' timestamp='1289767319' post='2187147']
Let's take the action of infidelity and adultery. When a man knows that he loves another woman during a marriage, he should not be in the presence of that woman while alone. It's an occasion of sin. It's too easy to do adultery while in the presence of her. What about an alcoholic? An alcoholic should not go with his friends to the bar because it is too easy to sin while at the bar.

If we study Eve and her temptation, we will notice that she was in the occasion of sin. That is, she was right next to the tree contemplating. If she had not been near the tree she would not have been tempted.

Avoiding such temptations are easy. If you're tempted, replace the temptation with something good. If you're an alcoholic and want to go to a bar, go to a gym and work out instead. Or maybe do something Holy, such as praying. You might think that you can fight the temptation and go to the bar with your friends even though you're an alcoholic but Satan might get a hold of you and you'll sin because you're too weak. Fight the first temptation which is easiest by not going to the place that causes sin. If you think you might commit adultery, remove that first temptation by not being around the woman that you're attracted to.

What are your thoughts?

Just because you (in general) find someone other than your spouse attractive does not mean you are going to jump on the next bus with them and high-tail it to the hotel. Attraction could be the starting point but there has to be some disordered desire beneath the surface that works alongside that attraction.

Edited by HisChildForever
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Hinter dem Horizont

[quote name='HisChildForever' timestamp='1289849906' post='2187255']
Just because you (in general) find someone other than your spouse attractive does not mean you are going to jump on the next bus with them and high-tail it to the hotel. Attraction could be the starting point but there has to be some disordered desire beneath the surface that works alongside that attraction.

Very true. Being attracted to another woman or man does not always lead to infidelity. But, it can definitely lead to something more when given an opportunity to do so. People who have a weakness when it comes to other people, usually know when they are weak in that regard. If you're weak in that regard, then you should not allow yourself to be in that occasion of sin. If you're not weak in that regard, it is still sinful in your heart and thoughts. Why sin in that way? If you really dislike your wife or spouse that much, then do yourself a favour and apply for a divorce. Yes, divorce is a shame especially to children that are involved. But it is a much better option than committing adultery.

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I agree with pretty much everything you have said. We have to replace negative or sinful thoughts and actions with good and holy ones. That's the only way around it in my mind. However, as stated before, it is not always possible to do that, so you do the best you can in any given situation and pray for God's help.

I don't agree that you should divorce your wife if you don't "like" her. It's not something we just say, "oh well" to, and go and find someone who is more attractive. I think I'd rather grow in my marriage and faith through the trails and become better husband and wife, than to throw it away for a sin or other woman who may not even be anything better.

Just a few thoughts I wanted to share.

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Hinter dem Horizont

[quote name='RomanCatholic' timestamp='1289854125' post='2187263']
I agree with pretty much everything you have said. We have to replace negative or sinful thoughts and actions with good and holy ones. That's the only way around it in my mind. However, as stated before, it is not always possible to do that, so you do the best you can in any given situation and pray for God's help.

I don't agree that you should divorce your wife if you don't "like" her. It's not something we just say, "oh well" to, and go and find someone who is more attractive. I think I'd rather grow in my marriage and faith through the trails and become better husband and wife, than to throw it away for a sin or other woman who may not even be anything better.

Just a few thoughts I wanted to share.

I'm glad you agree to part of it.

I actually agree, we all must try and have faith in any situation. Especially marriages. I did not mean just give up. The divorce would be perfectly ok if you've tried everything, however. And if it is an abusive one, where the man shows no sign of quitting the abusive nature, well, the woman should leave immediately.

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Based on your clarified statement, then I'd fully agree. Even in my own life, if I identify a sin that I commit, I try and find something else in it's place that's holy in God's eyes. Our habits form our lives, we become our habits. We must take control of them and make them good habits that benefit all mankind for the good.

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Hinter dem Horizont

[quote name='RomanCatholic' timestamp='1289858926' post='2187273']
Based on your clarified statement, then I'd fully agree. Even in my own life, if I identify a sin that I commit, I try and find something else in it's place that's holy in God's eyes. Our habits form our lives, we become our habits. We must take control of them and make them good habits that benefit all mankind for the good.

Precisely. What shapes us, when considering religiosity and our piety, are our habits and prayer life. Not seeking God for help and just allowing the bad habit to grow is an endangerment, really. It's an invitation for Satan to grip your heart. We're supposed to let God grip our heart, not the devil.

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Well said! I don't think we give Satan as much credit he is due-in a bad way of course. He roams the earth with his evil hosts because he knows if we give in, we become his and not Christs. I don't blame him, he knows his time is short, he has to do anything he can to get souls. I once heard a quote that went like this: "When Satan reminds you of your past, remind him of his future."

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