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Can A Devout Catholic?


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[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1289260501' post='2185889']
Brother Stern and Mark while I would love to continue our discussion, life is calling, perhaps Winnie can answer any further questions.

Pax and God Bless!
[/quote]Way to throw in the third string, coach.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='KnightofChrist' timestamp='1289260501' post='2185889']
Brother Stern and Mark while I would love to continue our discussion, life is calling, perhaps Winnie can answer any further questions.

Pax and God Bless!

Seriously I don't think he can answer questions aimed at you. He's Winchester and you're KnightofChrist, from what I've seen there is a substantial difference in view point. Both interesting but never the less different.

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Destroyer of Heretics

[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1288762833' post='2184367']
[color="#800080"]Is it your opinion that a devout Catholic can disagree with you on what Catholicism teaches?

IOW, are you well read, well studied in all things Catholic or do you still have elements of Catholicism to learn?

I know I am not an expert on all things Catholic.

[/quote]## The only devout Catholics are the Saints (i.e. all persons recognised [u]post mortem[/u] as holy). The so-called devout are not - they are practicing Catholics, no more.

It's past high time that a word of high praise for others stopped being used - often of themselves - by Catholics whose practice may be very lacking before God. "Devout" = "devoted"; & how many of us can with honesty & humility say we are devoted to God ? Saints who praised themselves are not thick on the ground - but many of them deplore their failings with great humility, invisible as their sins may be to those who, by God's grace, venerate them as His own. Only unSaintly people think themselves to be devoted to God.

So the answer is "Yes"

As to question two: the more one learns, the more ignorant one finds one is. A "disciple" is a "learner". Learning is impossible if one believes one "knows it all" - learning is conditional on being able to accept that one does not know everything. To close one's mind to being able to learn from others, means one cannot be corrected by them, cannot learn new ways of seeing familiar truths - it means fossilisation.

In this life we can never stop learning - no one says, "I've breathed all I need, so here I stop"; that would lead to death very quickly. So with everything else about us, learning included. This life is for "growing up to the full stature of Christ" - so "I know it all" is never something one can say.

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