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Can A Devout Catholic?


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Chances are, if two catholics are in disagreement about a church issue, at least one of them is wrong.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1288762833' post='2184367']
[color="#800080"]Is it your opinion that a devout Catholic can disagree with you on what Catholicism teaches?

IOW, are you well read, well studied in all things Catholic or do you still have elements of Catholicism to learn?

I know I am not an expert on all things Catholic.


Yes, they can disagree with me. And many have.
Sometimes I am the one who is wrong, and sometimes it is they. Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects.
I doubt any one person could ever know everything the Church has to teach; 2,000 years of accumulated wisdom is a lot to learn in one lifetime, no?
If you have a disagreement with another Catholic as to what the Church teaches, consult the Catechism. The one who contradicts the Catechism, is the one who is wrong.

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[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1288762833' post='2184367']
[color="#800080"]Is it your opinion that a devout Catholic can disagree with you on what Catholicism teaches?

IOW, are you well read, well studied in all things Catholic or do you still have elements of Catholicism to learn?

I know I am not an expert on all things Catholic.

Just because someone is devout doesn't mean they are correct :) and this depends on the topic under discussion. Here are the parameters of catholic thought.
[color="#4169E1"]Dogmas[/color] those items that define us as Catholic by the Church as divinely revealed and must be accepted - Jesus is really present in the Eucharist.
[color="#48D1CC"]"All those things are to be believed by divine and Catholic faith which are contained in the written or transmitted Word of God and which are proposed by the Church, either by a solemn judgment or by the ordinary and universal Magisterium, to be believed as having been divinely revealed." Declaration Mysterium Ecclesia[/color] Dogmas don't change.

[color="#4169E1"]Doctrines[/color] are the detailed ways we explain dogma. Doctrines are definitively taught by the church but not divinely revealed i.e. abortion, contraception, the canonization of specific saints. There are some areas where catholics can have legitimate disagreements such the application of the death penalty or if Purgatory is fire and or merely the deprivation of the sight of God as we are purified. Our understanding of doctrine can be refined over time, and catholics may disagree of some aspects of it within limitations defined by the church.

[color="#4169E1"]Disciplines[/color] are the way we carry out our life in the Church, such as the length of Lent, which rites can have married priests etc. These can be changed as the church decides the best way to carry out doctrine and dogma. An excellent example are the changes coming to the Mass, as we are getting a better English translation.

[color="#4169E1"]Devotions[/color] are the private or community celebrations outside of Mass - Euchaistic Adoration, the laity saying the Divine Office, devotions to a particular saint or Mary, blessings of animals and sacramentals.

So back to your original question, the Church lays out what the dogmas and the doctrinal details and you must agree with them. For example youu cannot be pro-abortion and be a faithful catholic. However there are certain doctrinal discussions which are legitimate and on which devout catholics can disagree.

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[quote name='Tally Marx' timestamp='1288831254' post='2184519']
Yes, they can disagree with me. And many have.
Sometimes I am the one who is wrong, and sometimes it is they. Everyone is ignorant, just on different subjects.
I doubt any one person could ever know everything the Church has to teach; 2,000 years of accumulated wisdom is a lot to learn in one lifetime, no?
If you have a disagreement with another Catholic as to what the Church teaches, consult the Catechism. The one who contradicts the Catechism, is the one who is wrong.

The Catechism, while it contains many dogmatic truths as taught by the Church, is not an infallible guide to Church teaching, nor is everything contained therein (especially the interpretations made by Catholics!) dogmatically taught by the Church.


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1288832322' post='2184541']
The Catechism, while it contains many dogmatic truths as taught by the Church, is not an infallible guide to Church teaching, nor is everything contained therein (especially the interpretations made by Catholics!) dogmatically taught by the Church.


Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma


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[color="#800080"]Thanks for your replies. I do appreciate it. I'm just getting my feet warm and just wanted to know if you guys (generic) were so hard core that you were the exact opposite of the old forum I have recently vacated. There were too many nonCatholics who thought that everything I claimed was false just because I was Catholic.

I do my best to know what Catholicism teaches. I know I still have a lot to learn. I do appreciate the pointing out where I go wrong.


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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1288874839' post='2184680']
A devout Catholic can certainly disagree with me.

I was objecting to your disagreement with history.

[color="#800080"]Perhaps, but that was not how I understood your telling me that I disagreed with Catholicism; it seemed the reason was because I disagreed with you.


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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' timestamp='1288770636' post='2184377']
The rest aside, this is false. The commandment tells us not to [i]murder[/i].

[color="#800080"]The lists of Commandments one can see posted in people's yards, just has it listed as "Thou Shall not Kill", not "Thou Shall not commit Murder".

Does the Bible define just what is murder and what isn't?

if so, where can I find it? I'm thinking it would be in Dueteronomy.


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[quote name='WarriorForJesus' timestamp='1288895936' post='2184796']
[color="#800080"]Perhaps, but that was not how I understood your telling me that I disagreed with Catholicism; it seemed the reason was because I disagreed with you.

That would be an internal judgment. I have no control over how you interpret the words I use. If I were attempting to tell you that you disagreed with me, I wouldn't use the word "Catholicism." I would use the words "Captain Awesome."

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1288896329' post='2184802']
That would be an internal judgment. I have no control over how you interpret the words I use. If I were attempting to tell you that you disagreed with me, I wouldn't use the word "Catholicism." I would use the words "Captain Awesome."

[color="#800080"]LOL! You see, I am not quite sure how to interpret what different people post here, yet, but I am beginning to learn.


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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1288899139' post='2184843']
Your first mistake was getting into a debate with Winchester.

[color="#800080"]I'm not sure what you mean? Is he a tough person with whom to have a debate? I can not help who responds to any of my posts.


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