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Annulments Poll

southern california guy

"'Whoever divorces his wife and marries another is guilty of adultery against her. "  

3 members have voted

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1288584147' post='2183921']
Jamie, what is the point of a marriage? Why is it not okay to have sex when you're single, but fine when you're married? How does the institution of marriage give stability to our society? Why is it better for kids if their parents are married than if they're single? (I'm trying to get you to say that a marriage is a committed relationship that ensures that the kids will grow up with a father and a mother)

I clearly have a completely different perspective on marriage and what is and isn't moral behavior.

How is it moral to enter into an "invalid" marriage and have sex, and create kids? How is that any more moral than living with your girlfriend and having kids with her before you separate. What is the difference?

"Adultery" is merely an immoral act.

I honestly don't get your point.

Look you've admitted that there are times when you understand or comprehend that its ok for the Church to grant annulments. and you seem to think there are times when the Church shouldn't. I'm saying when the Church grants an annulment, I'm fine with it. Its a huge laborious process that takes a really long time. The tribunals don't take it lightly and they don't just throw them around. The thing you seem to lose sight of is that people who get annulments do so because they care what the Church says about their lives.

And not for nothing, you might want to get off your high horse. You haven't spend day one married.

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[quote name='southern california guy' timestamp='1288584147' post='2183921']
My computer is doing something strange.

Yeah, like creating polls and a gazillion posts on annulments??

Does that mean if your computer did not have the proper intent when this poll was created, this poll is null, void, and never existed?

(Sorry, Rich, couldn't resist!!) ;)

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='jaime (the artist formerly known as hot stuff) (the artist formerly known as hot stuff)' timestamp='1288579140' post='2183913']
There are several grounds for annulment. (BTW Catherine is far better at talking about this) but the point of the tribunal is to find out if the marriage was valid in the first place. It doesn't ever say "You were once sacramentally married and now you're not.

Here's the deal. If two people are validly and sacramentally married, they have every opportunity to succeed. If they aren't, they can still make it but its tougher.

It is important to remember, anyway, that a sacramental marriage is always to be considered valid until there is not a contrary official declaration of the Church (annulment).
In fact, if a marriage celebrated in front of God is invalid it can't be because the grace of God did not work well or did not come, but because of the handicaps and faults (on purpose or not) of the persons who got married.
So, for example, if a person, in front of God, does not really believe that his marriage is forever (even if with his mouth he promises and declares so), nothing forbids to this person to chage his mind later and to conform his will to the will of God about his marriage. And this person has not to get married again in order to make his marriage valid.
So, honestly, in some way I understand what SCG means and, partially, I agree with him.
For example, considering that in the western world the average age of persons who get married for the first time has become higher than in the past (I would say 25-35, if I consider the married persons that I know), is it possible that so many of these adult young men and women are immature, aren't able to really understand the meaning of what they are doing etc?
Surely, what in my opinion often happens in marriages that end with an annulment is the fact that a marriage involve two persons, not only one, so, it is really frequent that one person would like to try to save the marriage and the other one does not, one really meant his vow was forever and the other does not, and this is the reason for I understand that there can be cases in which is right to ask for an annulment.

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