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The Infallible Interpreter Of Scripture?

Guest Shadyrest

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Guest Shadyrest

[font="Tahoma"][size="2"]I told "Miss Scripture",[/size][/font]
[font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="3"][color="#595959"][size="2"][i]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"][color="#595959"][font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="4"][size="2"][i]"in case you don't know, for all her talk about being the "custodian of the Bible", the Catholic Church has left 98% of the Bible, uninterpreted---[/i]which means that you must rely on the "fallible interpretation of human beings" for the rest of your life."[/size][/size][/font][/color][/size][/font]
[font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="3"][color="#595959"] [/color][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"][color="#595959"][font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="4"] Shockingly, someone who adorns herself with the word "Scripture", was unaware of what her own church teaches about the subject. She responded: "Could you please cite evidence for this number?"[/size][/font][/color][/size][/font]
[font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"][size="5"][color="#595959"] [/color][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"][color="#595959"][font="arial, verdana, sans-serif"] [/font][/color][i]Answer: "There are but few texts whose sense has been defined by the authority of the church" [/i](paragraph 47).

[size="3"]All common sense dictates that if the Pope really knew himself what texts he was referring to, and since there were so "few", he should have put those passages in a parenthesis so the world might know. But by speaking in such vague terms, it's obvious he didn't have the faintest idea. And neither does any Catholic in the universe.[/size][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif"][size="4"][size="2"][i]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"] [size="3"][i]The Roman Catholic Church says she is infallible, but cannot tell us how many times she has spoken infallibly.[/i][/size][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"] [size="3"][i]The Roman Catholic Church tells us she must be the one to define Scripture, but cannot tell us how many verses of Holy Writ she has "defined".[/i][/size][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"] [size="3"][i]The Roman Catholic Church says "tradition" must be held with equal esteem to Scripture, but she can't tell us what that tradition is![/i][/size][size="3"][i]
[/i][/size][size="3"][i]Thus, the Roman Catholic Church is a whole lot of talk, and no action. [/i][/size][/size][/font]
[font="Tahoma"][size="2"] [size="3"][i]
[/i][/size][size="4"][i][color="#FF0000"]"Whoso boasteth himself of a false gift is like clouds and wind without rain." (Prov 25:14).[/color][/i][/size][size="3"][i]

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1288117130' post='2182707']
My father had a saying about folks who weren't worth wasting good spit on.

Face it. Your theology cannot stand up the magnifying glass of Holy writ and common sense. Your non-response proves that.

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1288119684' post='2182723']

Another worthless response. Looks like Catholics are running scared.

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looks like shadyrest has started ANOTHER thread on the same topic... *sigh*

Next time perhaps you should make a single topic called "Shady's commentary on Stupidity of Catholicism"
this would make it much easier for everyone...

I think people are just tired of you asking the same questions over and over in different spots...

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According to you, the gospel writers were only infallible while they were writing but not everyday...
why then can the Pope not be infallible in only certain instances? why does this upset you?


the rest of the paragraph is:
"There remain therefore many things, and of the greatest importance, in the discussion and exposition of which the skill and genius of Catholic commentators may and ought to be freely exercised, so that each may contribute his part to the advantage of all, to the continued progress of the sacred doctrine and to the defense and honor of the Church. "

Isn't this what you want? For individuals to be able to interpret for themselves?

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Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam

[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288120026' post='2182725']
Another worthless response. Looks like Catholics are running scared.

There is nothing about running scared. Rather it has more to deal with one of my dad's favorite expressions: Never argue with someone who seems irrational in their arguing, people may confuse the two of you. When someone refuses to enter into dialogue with good will in the interest of both parties moving closer towards the truth, it is best to kindly say "oh bless your heart" and move on.

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I'm still trying to understand why a person who simply once in chat showed to sympathize with the SSPX society and who won't take part in the forum anymore (and I would add a member who wrote a lot of beautiful, orthodox and charitable posts) has gained an unyelding Phishy Warning Tag until the end of his life while members like MichaelFilo or Shadyrest are welcomed as Phatmassers or PM newbie.

Ok, if these members can't be banned from Debate Table, I won't take part in it by my own will.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288119212' post='2182721']
Face it. Your theology cannot stand up the magnifying glass of Holy writ and common sense. Your non-response proves that.


Christs theology clearly states that we should love our neighbour, atheists, Jews, Muslims etc. [b]Make light and the light will overcome the darkness.[/b] Your bitterness toward Catholics and attempts to inflict hurt on us and that is all you are attempting to do, because you cannot possibly hope to achieve anything positive, is[b] making darkness[/b]! What do you really expect from us? Any response will give you what you are aiming at and will not be of any help to you or us. All we can do is pray for you and the many like you who are lost. Your quotes of the Bible are useless without the love of God being the purpose behind them.

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1288123730' post='2182737']
Christs theology clearly states that we should love our neighbour, atheists, Jews, Muslims etc. [b]Make light and the light will overcome the darkness.[/b] Your bitterness toward Catholics and attempts to inflict hurt on us and that is all you are attempting to do, because you cannot possibly hope to achieve anything positive, is[b] making darkness[/b]! What do you really expect from us? Any response will give you what you are aiming at and will not be of any help to you or us. All we can do is pray for you and the many like you who are lost. Your quotes of the Bible are useless without the love of God being the purpose behind them.

Thanks MoC... I was trying to explain this to him previously, but you said it much better here... :like:

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1288120349' post='2182726']

I think people are just tired of you asking the same questions over and over in different spots...

And getting no answers. So there really is no debate, is there? There is not one objection to Catholicism that the word of God can't handle. You were hoping for a Protestant that was not familiar with your doctrine so they would be easy prey? Yes, there are many, but neither has God called P's to be an expert on Catholic doctrine. Personally, I get no pleasure in doing this. [i]It's labor[/i], and our flesh would rather be out doing other things. But since I am utterly convinced Catholics are religious--but lost, I must press on. It's called, [i]obedience.[/i]

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam' timestamp='1288122022' post='2182732']
There is nothing about running scared. Rather it has more to deal with one of my dad's favorite expressions: Never argue with someone who seems irrational in their arguing, people may confuse the two of you. When someone refuses to enter into dialogue with good will in the interest of both parties moving closer towards the truth, it is best to kindly say "oh bless your heart" and move on.

Still yet a another worthless excuse, void of any substance----simply assuming your position of papal supremacy is true and leaving it at that. This is a debate table, and we thank you for your breadcrumbs.
Furthermore, why don't you give us all a sermon on how it is that [i]you [/i] have demonstrated that you have good will, and I don't. I'd love to hear it. Remember to back up your response with Scripture.

Having made that caveat, we both know you won't be able to write 2 words.

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I think it's [color=#595959][font=arial, verdana, sans-serif][size=4]worthless[/size][/font][/color] to ignore someone that will not relent until you answer his simple question.

Shady said: "[color=#595959]No I do not have to believe that those who compiled the Bible were infallible. That's completely nonsensical and unbiblical. "To the Jews were committed the very "oracles of God" (Roms 3:2). But [i]were they infallible? [/i]Not in the least.:[/color]
[color=#595959]Knight asked: [/color][color=#595959][font=arial, verdana, sans-serif][size=4][font=arial, verdana, tahoma, sans-serif][size=2]Then you deny that the Bible is the infallible written word of God?[/size][/font] [/size][/font][/color]
[color=#595959][font=arial, verdana, sans-serif][size=4]
[color=#595959][font=arial, verdana, sans-serif][size=4]

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*yawn* more nonsensical fundamentalist rhetoric. Do you get this banal straight stuff from your pastor or James White? Maybe Boettner? There has got to be an issue of his text on Catholicism somewhere in your house. You are getting non-responses because you wont enter into real debate because you know you will lose. Honestly, you are not smart enough to debate anyway based on the stuff you post here and you are quickly wandering into troll territory. Take your inane comment about the Church only formally defining 2% of scripture. You assume that the Church has said nothing about the other 98%. We have heard it all before and it is utterly baseless because you have completely missed the point of ecclesiastical infallibility because you do not understand the nature of the Church or her relationship with the bridegroom, Jesus.

If you want to have a real dialogue on this particular topic, start here by informing yourself.


Until you can learn to dialogue on topics you know nothing about, your arguments carry as much weight here as Charles Manson or Jim Jones. Sure, you have yourself convinced we are all going to hell, but we see right through your house of cards.

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