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The Greatest Scientist Wrote The Bible

Guest Shadyrest

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Guest Shadyrest

In a recent post, "Archeology Cat" says the Bible is not concerned with the "hows" of science.


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Since you are a fan of copying and pasting....
This was our most recent (as far as I can tell) discussion amongst ourselves on creationism vs theistic evolution...


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Apparently, someone is trying to argue that scientific knowledge is important to salvation.

So...you're a gnostic of some kind.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288021992' post='2182330']
In a recent post, "Archeology Cat" says the Bible is not concerned with the "hows" of science.


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I stand by my original statement. Even if scientific truths are found in the Bible (something I am not denying), the Bible is not meant to explain science or teach science.

I haven't looked through all the Scripture passages given on that site, but the ones I did look up were stretching (I looked at some of the ones for physics and biology). For example, their Scripture reference for cave-men is Job 12:23-25: [quote]23"He (AC)makes the nations great, then destroys them;
He enlarges the nations, then leads them away.
24"He (AD)deprives of intelligence the chiefs of the earth's people
And makes them wander in a pathless waste.
25"They (AE)grope in darkness with no light,
And He makes them (AF)stagger like a drunken man. [/quote] That doesn't speak of cave-men. They also use Job 30:3-8: [quote]3"From want and famine they are gaunt
Who gnaw the dry ground by night in waste and desolation,
4Who pluck [a]mallow by the bushes,
And whose food is the root of the broom shrub.
5"They are driven from the community;
They shout against them as against a thief,
6So that they dwell in dreadful valleys,
In holes of the earth and of the rocks.
7"Among the bushes they cry out;
Under the nettles they are gathered together.
8"geniuses, even those without a name,
They were scourged from the land. [/quote] Again, not talking about cave-men, but about people who have been cast out from society. I'm all for using the Bible for historical and archaeological knowledge, but only when used properly, in context. If the rest of the references used by that site are like these, then I'm afraid they don't seem very credible.

God bless.

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[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288021992' post='2182330']
In a recent post, "Archeology Cat" says the Bible is not concerned with the "hows" of science.


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Sacred Scripture is totally inspired by God, so infallibility and inerrancy does extend to scientific assertions. Generally the authors do not focus 'how to' however there certainly is some 'how to' asserted and implied.

That link might actually be useful. I might take a look at some. The problem of course is that it is fallible interpretation of a human person, there maybe lack of insight and/or oversights in his lists like ACat pointed out.

Edited by kafka
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I looked up the scripture Morris claims to mention dinasaurs... it doesn't. Is there anything you find impressive there?

A lot of these issues are understood once we realize the literary genre of the books in the Bible. We're not dealing with information that is teaching scientific fact, and so verses should not be interpreted that way.

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1288023410' post='2182339']
Since you are a fan of copying and pasting....
This was our most recent (as far as I can tell) discussion amongst ourselves on creationism vs theistic evolution...


90% of what I've written have been my own words, so you ought to be careful with your over-exaggerations.

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[quote] Do you send the lightning bolts on their way? Do they report to you, 'Here we are'? [/quote]
What does that have to do with digital transfer of information? I looked up a half dozen of them, and you have to have quite the imagination to get them to fit :lol:

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[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288052654' post='2182531']
90% of what I've written have been my own words, so you ought to be careful with your over-exaggerations.
Or what?

Giant fonts?

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='mortify' timestamp='1288048047' post='2182509']
I looked up the scripture Morris claims to mention dinasaurs... it doesn't. Is there anything you find impressive there?

A lot of these issues are understood once we realize the literary genre of the books in the Bible. We're not dealing with information that is teaching scientific fact, and so verses should not be interpreted that way.

In denying that in Job 40, the dinosaur is implied, you simply reject it out of hand and offer nothing in its place! Now who do you think God has more respect for---you or Mr. Morris, who spent 65 years of his life fighting the lie that we evolved from the slime in the sea, sprouted legs from our fishy bodies, and then walked onto land and decided to build the Twin Towers in New York.
Certainly, the Lord had to be referring to [i]some animal, now extinct! [/i]The word "behemoth" means simply, "huge beast" and many commentators (unlike yourself with no opinion) have opined that it might be a reference to either an elephant or a hippo. But the subsequent description fits neither of these, nor any other living land animal. On the other hand, by virtue of the fossil record, we have glorious evidence that seems to match the probable description of a great land dinosaur, such as tyrannosaurus.

In addition, I must completely reject your supposition about the Bible not teaching scientific fact! In all the places that it speaks scientifically, the Great Scientist who created it all and inspired the written record, is going to [i]accurately [/i]convey information that is [i]true, [/i]though of course we know a sermon is not attached to each indicator. One of my favorite scientific facts is that [i]"He hangeth the world on nothing" [/i](Job 26:7), an absolutely, literally true statement on its face, and one which doesn't need any "literary genre" to help us figure it out. On top of that, we are told it is [i]round, as in, [/i]"it is He who sitteth on the [u]circle[/u] of the earth" (Isa 40:22). Both facts, Job could not have possibly known in his time, and all the more reason to take God's word literally, unless the context suggests otherwise, which is mostly how we interact in all of our daily conversations.

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[quote name='notardillacid' timestamp='1288053045' post='2182533']
What does that have to do with digital transfer of information? I looked up a half dozen of them, and you have to have quite the imagination to get them to fit :lol:
Are they that absurd? I havent seen any yet.

I guess the link is a sham.

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Guest Shadyrest

[quote name='kafka' timestamp='1288031610' post='2182418']
The problem of course is that it is fallible interpretation of a human person, there maybe lack of insight and/or oversights in his lists like ACat pointed out.

I would like to remind you that the only type of interpretation known to the human race is the "[i]fallible interpretation of a human person".[/i]
[i]Please don't try to tell me of the infallibility of the Magisterium, because in case you don't know, for all her talk about being the "custodian of the Bible", she has left 98% of the Bible, uninterpreted---[/i]which means that you must rely on the "fallible interpretation of human beings" for the rest of your life.

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[quote name='Shadyrest' timestamp='1288054567' post='2182545']
I would like to remind you that the only type of interpretation known to the human race is the "[i]fallible interpretation of a human person".[/i]
[i]Please don't try to tell me of the infallibility of the Magisterium, because in case you don't know, for all her talk about being the "custodian of the Bible", she has left 98% of the Bible, uninterpreted---[/i]which means that you must rely on the "fallible interpretation of human beings" for the rest of your life.
you are going to wear yourself out pretty soon ;) Get some rest.

Grace and peace to you. No hard feelings. And I mean that.

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