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"if That Bubble Touches Me, I'm Going To Arrest You"


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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1287683868' post='2181376']
I also heard that priests abuse boys. The priesthood needs to be done away with now!! Down with the evil Catholic Church!!

I heard that power corrupts. And that there is an inverse relationship between accountability and how far removed one is from the source of one's pay, particularly if that pay is involuntarily collected. And that people with sociopathic tendencies are attracted to Statepolice work, where they can act upon their base, bullying desires and get away with it, because they can. Easily. These are all aspects of the principle of subsidiarity. I've also seen the result of average people given an artificial monopoly on power, and the psychological responses of abused women, who support the ones who are unjustly violent toward them. I also know that Jesus said, "You know that those who are regarded as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise power over them. But it shall not be so with you."


Edited by Sternhauser
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Okay, I think we can all agree the girl was being bratty and even sinful for being a jerk about the bubbles. Bad, bad bubble girl. Go to Confession. Does that solve the problem? Her bad attitude and behavior have been duly noted and tisk tisked at on the Catholic phorum.

The cop arrested her. ARRESTED her. Apparently without just cause. That is a big freaking deal. It's not OK to arrest people for being jerks. It's not OK to arrest people for being bratty or unchristian. It's not OK to arrest somebody for assault unless an actual assault occurred. And I'm sorry, but no reasonable jury is going to think bubbles = physical attack. That's why these hippy dippys use bubbles in the first place. Because they can be provocative without having to face any legal consequences.

Edited by Maggie
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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287674927' post='2181302']watch the video again. he told her to stop and she continued. once he told her again, then she stopped. [/quote]The ONLY time in the video you see bubbles, is at the very start of the video [b]before[/b] he asks her to stop. "Officer Bubbles" ([i]aka, the one man police force that pities the fool that blows bubbles[/i]) is merely ranting at the girl after that point, there is NO direct indication that she blew another bubble after he starts speaking in the video. YOU need to go back to the video and watch it again, even better, HERE:


At 0:25 is when "Officer Bubbles" actually finishes saying his request, no more bubbles are seen, and as seen in 0:24 these bubbles were going EVERYWHERE ([i]there is a bubble hovering over and behind his left shoulder[/i]), if she had continued it would of been manifestly evident. After a bit more berating with no indication of bubbles being blown visually or verbally, at 0:44 she directly indicates that she is putting it away. So your arguing to me that during [i]Officer Bubble[/i]'s rant, when no bubbles are evident, and the time between his verbal request and her verbal compliance is at most 23 seconds... shes not cooperating... ARE YOU MAD!?!?!

You reading my entire post here is going to take longer than 23 seconds, am I being unchristian too? Wait... don't answer, of course I am, because I am disagreeing! YOU CANNOT ARGUE THERE ARE BUBBLES WHEN THERE IS NO SIGN OF BUBBLES, not without proof at least, if you can prove your case I concede. But everyone is right... the arrest is unwarranted.[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287675251' post='2181305']the girl was not a child.[/quote]We don't have her age... but to me she looks like a teenager, which makes her a minor. But even still, just because someone hits the magical age of 18 or 21 doesn't make them physically, mentally, or emotionally an adult. It only does LEGALLY. [quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287675251' post='2181305']its in the flipping video. :wall:[/quote]Could you post the video your watching, maybe you slipped into an alternate dimension and watched a video there, the video here... she STOPS... but I'm not even sure how or why its relevant if shes blowing bubbles or not... ITS A PROTEST. What do you expect them to do, humbly kneel down kiss the shoe of Officer Bubbles and beg forgiveness?

Its inconceivable how stubborn you are being about this...

You CANNOT use your police force to literally wall people in without the ability to leave unless they have committed a crime ([i]or at least seriously suspected of a crime, which there is no reason or evidence to support it here[/i]). You CANNOT use your police force to harass people exercising their guarantee to peacefully assemble. You CANNOT use your police force to start detaining and arresting people NOT EVEN apart of that assembly who are just passing by or watching. THE POLICE WERE WRONG!!! Maybe, just maybe, that's why the crowd of people that gathered OUTSIDE the protest where shouting "[i]shame[/i]" at the police for what they were doing. I guess to you its only too bad they went blowing bubbles so Officer Bubbles could of come down on them like the one man police force he appears...

HOW on Earth can you not see this!? These are blatant violations of civil liberties and police powers... :wall:

Edited by Mr Cat
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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287675391' post='2181307']
i never said being unchristian was a crime. i never said she should be arrested. i never posted it, so don't put words in my mouth. i said that its funny that the unchristian women gets a pass for her attitude. on a catholic website none the less.

I'm not understanding your point at all. Sure whatever, she was unchristian. Big freakin' deal. She should not have been arrested. Do you agree or not?

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1287678851' post='2181339']
Is violence the appropriate response to every sin?


was the cop voilent? did he assualt the girl?

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[quote name='rizz_loves_jesus' timestamp='1287698462' post='2181439']
I'm not understanding your point at all. Sure whatever, she was unchristian. Big freakin' deal. She should not have been arrested. Do you agree or not?

no she should not have been arrested. i never once stated she should be arrested. its just funny on all sterns police bashing posts, the person who acts unchristian who is not a cop always gets a pass.

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[quote name='Mr Cat' timestamp='1287691867' post='2181421']
The ONLY time in the video you see bubbles, is at the very start of the video [b]before[/b] he asks her to stop. "Officer Bubbles" ([i]aka, the one man police force that pities the fool that blows bubbles[/i]) is merely ranting at the girl after that point, there is NO direct indication that she blew another bubble after he starts speaking in the video. YOU need to go back to the video and watch it again, even better, HERE:


At 0:25 is when "Officer Bubbles" actually finishes saying his request, no more bubbles are seen, and as seen in 0:24 these bubbles were going EVERYWHERE ([i]there is a bubble hovering over and behind his left shoulder[/i]), if she had continued it would of been manifestly evident. After a bit more berating with no indication of bubbles being blown visually or verbally, at 0:44 she directly indicates that she is putting it away. So your arguing to me that during [i]Officer Bubble[/i]'s rant, when no bubbles are evident, and the time between his verbal request and her verbal compliance is at most 23 seconds... shes not cooperating... ARE YOU MAD!?!?!

You reading my entire post here is going to take longer than 23 seconds, am I being unchristian too? Wait... don't answer, of course I am, because I am disagreeing! YOU CANNOT ARGUE THERE ARE BUBBLES WHEN THERE IS NO SIGN OF BUBBLES, not without proof at least, if you can prove your case I concede. But everyone is right... the arrest is unwarranted.We don't have her age... but to me she looks like a teenager, which makes her a minor. But even still, just because someone hits the magical age of 18 or 21 doesn't make them physically, mentally, or emotionally an adult. It only does LEGALLY. Could you post the video your watching, maybe you slipped into an alternate dimension and watched a video there, the video here... she STOPS... but I'm not even sure how or why its relevant if shes blowing bubbles or not... ITS A PROTEST. What do you expect them to do, humbly kneel down kiss the shoe of Officer Bubbles and beg forgiveness?

Its inconceivable how stubborn you are being about this...

You CANNOT use your police force to literally wall people in without the ability to leave unless they have committed a crime ([i]or at least seriously suspected of a crime, which there is no reason or evidence to support it here[/i]). You CANNOT use your police force to harass people exercising their guarantee to peacefully assemble. You CANNOT use your police force to start detaining and arresting people NOT EVEN apart of that assembly who are just passing by or watching. THE POLICE WERE WRONG!!! Maybe, just maybe, that's why the crowd of people that gathered OUTSIDE the protest where shouting "[i]shame[/i]" at the police for what they were doing. I guess to you its only too bad they went blowing bubbles so Officer Bubbles could of come down on them like the one man police force he appears...

HOW on Earth can you not see this!? These are blatant violations of civil liberties and police powers... :wall:

i can no longer respond to your posts, since its apperent you refuse to read my posts. i never said the police were right in arresting her. i never said she should be arrested. yet you claim i did. so since you cant or refuse to read my previous posts..... may God bless.

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