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"if That Bubble Touches Me, I'm Going To Arrest You"


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[quote name='MichaelFilo' timestamp='1287632047' post='2181215']
She put it away. It was not bothering the other cop.

If a child and a parent both call each other idiots you hold the parent accountable and not the child. Why? Because one has the power of force. They have a heavier weight on their shoulders. Police are entrusted with certain powers but they are expected to be more prudent than the average citizen.

Blowing bubbles is not unchristian. She put them away as soon as he said. His anger was unchristian. Even then, it is all irrelevant because she got arrested for simply having a backpack, a number on her hand, and a bandanna.

watch the video again. he told her to stop and she continued. once he told her again, then she stopped.

blowing bubbles is not unchristian. what is unchristian is doing something that annoys someone, they tell you to stop and you keep it up. that is unchristian.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287674927' post='2181302']
watch the video again. he told her to stop and she continued. once he told her again, then she stopped.

blowing bubbles is not unchristian. what is unchristian is doing something that annoys someone, they tell you to stop and you keep it up. that is unchristian.

Stop posting because it annoys me.

Stop telling me about your faith, it annoys me.

Stop looking my way, your face annoys me.

Annoyance is not some measurable indicator of Christian behavior. None of the above statements, directed at anybody, is reason to stop what you are doing.

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[quote name='Mr Cat' timestamp='1287633275' post='2181221']
"A pass"? Did you just come into this conversation after lightly skimming the topic?

Peace Officers are supposed to exhibit a self-control and self-discipline above children fighting in the back seat with the cry of "[i]shes touching me!!![/i]" I guess you disagree?

I suspect you think this woman is "unchristian"? Really, based on what? From my perspective there is nothing to determine what she is or isn't. I also like how you gloss over the ENTIRE situation as with the mentality of"[i]anti-police[/i]". It makes me wonder why I cared to mentioned that she cooperated with "[i]Officer Bubbles[/i]".

I am starting to speculate that some people feel that women should be cherished, protected, and respected in as much as their doing what their told. Do you think a woman protesting at all is unchristian? What do you think she should of done when the officer asked her to stop, [i]other than stop because that's what she did[/i].

obviously you don't read all the posts in thie thread or else you would see i have been commenting on it from the start. although nice comment, really makes sense.

the girl was not a child.

for the umpteenth time, if you do something that annoys someone and they tell you to stop and then you continue to do said annoying thing, that is unchristian. it seems like people are here do not know the difference between being christian and unchristian to someone. its really not that hard.

watch the video, he told her to stop and she kept it up until her threatened her with arrest. its in the flipping video. :wall:

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287674927' post='2181302']
watch the video again. he told her to stop and she continued. once he told her again, then she stopped.

blowing bubbles is not unchristian. what is unchristian is doing something that annoys someone, they tell you to stop and you keep it up. that is unchristian.

Who the hell cares if its unchristian?? that has absolutely nothing to do with a person getting arrested.

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[quote name='rizz_loves_jesus' timestamp='1287633518' post='2181223']
sifjslak;fj ;lksad jklfj ksdljahf oia;eu wtoikjaewk; ru90q32iujrnwek;s

You aren't understanding what I'm saying.

Being unchristian ISN'T A CRIME.

You CANNOT arrest someone simply because you don't like them or because they're annoying/irritating.

I did think he was a little rude, but he was within his right to be rude. However, he was NOT within his right to arrest her. You can't arrest someone just because. You just can't. Why are you not seeing this??

Had she assaulted him or ACTUALLY COMMITTED A CRIME he would have had the right to arrest her!! But she didn't! So arresting her was out of line!

i never said being unchristian was a crime. i never said she should be arrested. i never posted it, so don't put words in my mouth. i said that its funny that the unchristian women gets a pass for her attitude. on a catholic website none the less.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1287642615' post='2181237']
He gets a pass because he's a cop. And because she was unchristian.


he doesn't get a pass because he is a cop. she doesn't get a pass for being unchristian. seriously, honestly what is so hard to understand about that. :wall:

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' timestamp='1287675113' post='2181303']
Stop posting because it annoys me.

Stop telling me about your faith, it annoys me.

Stop looking my way, your face annoys me.

Annoyance is not some measurable indicator of Christian behavior. None of the above statements, directed at anybody, is reason to stop what you are doing.

classic straw man. they are not even relatable. one is doing nothing and another is doing an action against someone. fact is she was blowing bubbles in someones face. she was told to stop. she continued. that is unchristian. being a christian, its the easiest thing to see. unless your refusing to acknowledge facts.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1287675290' post='2181306']
Who the hell cares if its unchristian?? that has absolutely nothing to do with a person getting arrested.

who cares if someone is unchristian? catholics should care. they should not ignore when someone is sinning. they should not give them a pass. God doesn't.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1287642727' post='2181238']
Well said. The other problem is that before they can cherish it, they have to recognize it.


because without law enforcement you would have that freedom right? oh i forgot you have the ability to defend yourself against all unjust offenders. man you and john rambo must have a lot in commen.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287675657' post='2181311']
classic straw man. they are not even relatable. one is doing nothing and another is doing an action against someone. fact is she was blowing bubbles in someones face. she was told to stop. she continued. that is unchristian. being a christian, its the easiest thing to see. unless your refusing to acknowledge facts.

It obviously wasn't in his face.. and didn't bother the lady cop. Do you see the issue with your assumption? He threatened legal prosecution on something that is not illegal. Bubbles have no history of being held up as assault. She'd also have to be proven to have the mens rae, ie criminal intent, which she does not.

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' timestamp='1287676240' post='2181314']
It obviously wasn't in his face.. and didn't bother the lady cop. Do you see the issue with your assumption? He threatened legal prosecution on something that is not illegal. Bubbles have no history of being held up as assault. She'd also have to be proven to have the mens rae, ie criminal intent, which she does not.

oh, i didn't know your only sinning if it doesn't bother one person but bother the other. also didn't know your not sinning unless your found guilty.

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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287675908' post='2181313']
because without law enforcement you would have that freedom right? oh i forgot you have the ability to defend yourself against all unjust offenders. man you and john rambo must have a lot in commen.

Are individual Statetroopers John Rambo? On average, I do have the ability to defend myself against aggressors better than Statetroopers can defend me, and better than they can defend themselves. That is not bragging. It is simply a fact.

Without State-monopoly statute-enforcers, I would actually have more ability to exercise my freedom. I am sorry you cannot fathom a society in which certain services, including protection services, are not provided at gunpoint. I am not saying that in a sarcastic way. I really am sorry.

Even if I did not have the presence of mind and the physical means to effectively defend myself, neither does a Statetrooper, who is a national average of seven minutes away from any emergency. It is important to consider another detail: the State slaughtered 200,000,000 people in the 20th Century alone. I have no reason to trust my life to their hands.

Everyone ought to be able to defend their own freedoms, both individually, and acting in voluntary concert. Every man, insofar as he is capable, has the obligation to be able to protect the innocent.


Edited by Sternhauser
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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287678338' post='2181330']
oh, i didn't know your only sinning if it doesn't bother one person but bother the other. also didn't know your not sinning unless your found guilty.

Is violence the appropriate response to every sin?


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[quote name='havok579257' timestamp='1287678338' post='2181330']
oh, i didn't know your only sinning if it doesn't bother one person but bother the other. also didn't know your not sinning unless your found guilty.

Bothering someone is not a sin.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1287492355' post='2180643']
I did not know people abused their power and that there were dumbasses with badges. This is really news to me and proves that all police are corrupt and that a system with people in positions of power cannot work.
I also heard that priests abuse boys. The priesthood needs to be done away with now!! Down with the evil Catholic Church!!

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