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"if That Bubble Touches Me, I'm Going To Arrest You"


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"If that bubble touches me, I'm going to arrest you for assault. Do you understand me? . . . in handcuffs." She was arrested.


Does anything else need to be said? Yes, as a mater of fact! Sensitive Officer Bubbles is suing YouTube for "defamation of character."


Edited by Sternhauser
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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1287435844' post='2180488']
"If that bubble touches me, I'm going to arrest you for assault. Do you understand me? . . . in handcuffs." She was arrested.


Does anything else need to be said? Yes, as a mater of fact! Sensitive Officer Bubbles is suing YouTube for "defamation of character."


There's a gap in the video.

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Yes, where the bubble he threatens to arrest her over transmogrifies into a KNIFE! She was blowing KNIFE BUBBLES! I cleverly left that part out because its presence would have undermined the whole point of my posting the video.


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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1287447283' post='2180559']
Well, we don't know what happened during those "moments later".

Who cares? I don't. The point is that Officer Bubbles felt so threatened by a bubble touching his Untouchable Self that he threatened to throw her into cuffs. That only a psychopathic, ego-tripping buffoon would consider being hit with a bubble an "assault." That it's all about a show of power, not protection. Anything else is gravy.


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[quote name='MichaelFilo' timestamp='1287447726' post='2180563']
Officers hate freedom. Enjoy your police state.

That's a pretty broad statement!


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Pretty stereotypical childish hippie. Probably thinks freedom means being able to do anything, at anytime, anywhere without any consequences. I remember when I was five years old and liked blowing bubbles in my friends faces to be annoying.

Get a job and become a contributing member of society

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[quote name='Norseman82' timestamp='1287447283' post='2180559']
Well, we don't know what happened during those "moments later".

Or what happened before the scene was recorded. The officer may have just dealt with someone who threw bubbles or some other liquid at a police officer - note the comment he made to the young woman about the bubbles being a detergent, and she had better not throw it at the female officer. In the video, such a comment came out of the blue, especially since the young woman was not making such threats. Therefore I assume the police officer has had to deal with it before.

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[quote name='notardillacid' timestamp='1287453733' post='2180588']
Pretty stereotypical childish hippie. Probably thinks freedom means being able to do anything, at anytime, anywhere without any consequences. I remember when I was five years old and liked blowing bubbles in my friends faces to be annoying.

Get a job and become a contributing member of society

I have a job. And no, I believe in consequences to your actions. However, it seemed like a peaceful protest and officers abused the law. True, he knew what assault is, but unfortunately he used the forced of the law to stop bubble blowing. Hardly an officer of the peace. Threatening to use the law against someone is hardly necessary in that situation.

The police state is one of the greatest enemy's of liberty. Do you think the beatings, the killings, etc. can exist without the police state as it is today?

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[quote name='MichaelFilo' timestamp='1287457547' post='2180599']
However, it seemed like a peaceful protest and officers abused the law.[/quote]

Key words: "it seemed".

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The video description "Const. Adam Josephs, now known simply as Officer Bubbles, has become one of the Toronto Police Service's most infamous members thanks to a Real News video. But has the popularity of the video hurt or helped the media's portrayal of the events of the G-20 in Toronto? Produced by Jesse Freeston."

It was at the G-20 meeting. He evidently didn't end up liking the comments he got on youtube for this video and went after many people for defamation of character, a total of 24 people. He was not happy he got recorded and that people commented on him.. Let us be perfectly honest, this is abuse of power showing an officer using the force of his position to intimidate.

From Wikipedia on the protests :

"As security was further tightened and forces increased in presence the following day, protests against police brutality occurred in front of the Eastern Avenue temporary detention centre, where nearly 500 arrested individuals were kept from the previous day's riots.[104] A group of protesters was also "kettled" for several hours through the night after black bloc protesters were believed to be in the crowd.[105] Over 900 people were confirmed to be arrested over the week.[106] The ISU performed sweeping arrests within a specific boundary from the summit venue.[107] However, despite media coverage informing the public that officers had the power to demand identification and to detain people within five metres of the site, it was later found that no such law existed.[108] Individuals arrested during the protests condemned the treatment they received from police"

The police state is one of the greatest threats to freedom today. WE have empowered a class of people with the ability to exercise force, even deadly force, to enforce the arbitrary and often unconstitutional rule of the State. I am not some hippie, this is about the freedom that this country stands for. It is about the equality that should be inherent in our dealings with each other. Understandably, this was in Toronto, but Canada is not a distant cousin, she is our neighbor, and this kind of things goes on at home anyway.

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If you don't like police states, ask the Vietnamese Boat People how much fun it was not being part of a state and not having any laws or law enforcement officers around.

If you are having trouble finding them....well, there's a reason for that, too.

Some protestors make a game out of getting arrested. It's a badge of honor, in a 'I'm being oppressed! I'm being oppressed!' kinda way.

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1287462305' post='2180612']
If you don't like police states, ask the Vietnamese Boat People how much fun it was not being part of a state and not having any laws or law enforcement officers around.

If you are having trouble finding them....well, there's a reason for that, too.

Some protestors make a game out of getting arrested. It's a badge of honor, in a 'I'm being oppressed! I'm being oppressed!' kinda way.

Oh, there is a difference between having police and the police state. At the inception of the IRS we became a people governed by a police state. Our rights were suspended if we did not obey the state's orders to pay. At the same time Wilson began imprisoning Americans, as did Roosevelt later on, for not approving of their wars, using police force to do so.

Do you think the kid in Gainesville, FL who got tazed was tazed by "Law Enforcement officers" or police men? Men who have the full backing of the state to legally use force against citizens for things as truly disturbing as speaking freely? Do you understand the link between your liberty and the limitations that should be place on the coercive actions of government officials, namely the police?

The police were used to hose down peaceful protesters during the Civil Rights movement. How about when Waco happened? Those were ATF agents. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss those patriots who would oppose the encroaching violations of our liberties by the new class of citizens known as police officers. The tradition of those governments which make extensive use of these officers for intrusions into the lives of it's citizens has always been the tradition of tyrants. Legitimate officers of the peace know their constitutional limitations and understand the force of their position, so they know the restraint that comes with loving freedom. Opposing tyrants with badges is hardly the same as hating peace officers.

Being arrested for non-crimes is a sign of illegitimacy of the state, which rules as a tyrant today. I could see it being a badge of honor.

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Semper Catholic

Lol I'm sorry but blonde little white girls armed with bubbles aren't exactly a threat to 6'5" police officers. I love how the female cop could barely keep a straight face. Love how it's in Canada too, good to know that power abusing cops aren't just within the limits of America.

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