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You Know You Are A Future Nun...


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You start typing 'vocation' whenever you type 'vo'

You can scare your friends by recognizing habits of certain orders.

You used to wear a towel on your head and pretend to be a sister...and sometimes you still do.

Your doll as a little girl had a nun outfit.

You get [i]those looks[/i] from sisters.

People mistake you for a nun even when you're in street clothes.

Please feel free to add!

Dieu vous benisse!

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when you see a woman on the street in a black or grey business suit and think how nice it would look with a veil

when you see a middle aged woman with short hair, conservative dress and some sort of religious emblem (cross, pin etc) and you just know.

Edited by ksterling
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[quote name='ksterling' timestamp='1287061970' post='2179566']
when you see a woman on the street in a black or grey business suit and think how nice it would look with a veil

when you see a middle aged woman with short hair, conservative dress and some sort of religious emblem (cross, pin etc) and you just know.

I was at a hospital picking up medical records wearing a black suit, white blouse, and with a crucifix on a chain. An aide in the elevator told me I looked like a "really young sister"

Edit: can't type nothing write!! Ha Ha.

Edited by she_who_is_not
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[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1287051477' post='2179548']People mistake you for a nun even when you're in street clothes.[/quote]

Happened to me, ha! :hehe:

For me at least, you do not feel sad that you can't get married and have children .. because you know you ARE getting married (to the most beautiful Husband [i]ever[/i] for all eternity!! :love:) and will be having children (spiritual children) .. and you consider yourself engaged, not single.

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...when you spend your vocations going on pilgrimages with a bunch of retired people rather than hanging out with family or friends your own age.

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when you type "vocations" instead of "vacations

...when you spend your vocations going on pilgrimages with a bunch of retired people rather than hanging out with family or friends your own age.

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when you see someone with long dark hair out of the corner of your eye..thinking its a veil you quickly turn and look...only to be disappointed!

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[quote name='ameliabedelia' timestamp='1287094278' post='2179642']
when you see someone with long dark hair out of the corner of your eye..thinking its a veil you quickly turn and look...only to be disappointed!

Hah! I've done that before. It also happens when I see men in black and then I realize it's not a Roman collar

You know you're a future nun when you're the youngest person in daily Mass and your hero is St. Therese of Lisieux and you plan your vacations around convent visits.

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when you dream of the day you get all your hair cut off and look like a boy

(because we all know what comes next [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun.gif[/img] )

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[quote name='ameliabedelia' timestamp='1287094278' post='2179642']
when you see someone with long dark hair out of the corner of your eye..thinking its a veil you quickly turn and look...only to be disappointed!

That happened to me today-- no joke! I was at Mass and the lady across the way had a dark hairband and really dark hair, and I definitely thought it was a veil at first!

[quote name='SoonerCatholic' timestamp='1287101206' post='2179661']
Hah! I've done that before. It also happens when I see men in black and then I realize it's not a Roman collar

My college also had a seminary attached to it, so it was an extremely common occurence to see hundreds of men walking around in clerics. It became just a natural thought-- men in black = priest/seminarian. VERY DIFFICULT to stop making that connection when off campus!!

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[quote name='ksterling' timestamp='1287088222' post='2179620']
when you type "vocations" instead of "vacations"

[quote]...when you spend your vocations going on pilgrimages with a bunch of retired people rather than hanging out with family or friends your own age.

Haha, oops....

I was...distracted....

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When you start to secretly pick and write out your desired religious name (like a teenager doodling Mrs. so and so)

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[quote name='HopefulBride' timestamp='1287120157' post='2179716']
When you start to secretly pick and write out your desired religious name (like a teenager doodling Mrs. so and so)

Oooh! *ahem* I do that!!![img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img]

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