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Some Final Professions 2010


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The following information has been gleaned from institute websites, phatmass.com/phorum Vocation Station, and blogs. Its accuracy is not guaranteed.

[b]Dominicans of St. Cecilia[/b] -- 9 final professions

[b]Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist[/b]-- 5 final professions

[b][u]Three Final Professions[/u][/b]

[b]Franciscans of the Renewal[/b]--according to blog [url="http://communio.stblogs.org/2010/09/profession-of-vows-new-novices.html"]http://communio.stbl...ew-novices.html[/url]

[b]Sisters Servants of the Lord and Virgin of Matara[/b] -- 3 final professions, according to phatmasscom/phorum Vocation Station

[b][u]Two final professions[/u][/b]:

[b]Sisters of St. Francis TOR-[/b]-

[b]Sister Servants of the Eternal Word[/b]--

[b][u]One final profession:[/u][/b]
Missionary Benedictines[/b]

[b]Sisters of LIfe[/b]--

[b]Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus[/b]-- [url="http://www.ascjus.org/galleries/6-26-10/index.asp"]http://www.ascjus.or...26-10/index.asp[/url]

[b]Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm[/b]-- [url="http://carmelitesisters.com/discussions/?p=843"]http://carmelitesist...cussions/?p=843[/url]

[b]Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration[/b] Mishawaka IN

[b]School Sisters of Christ the King[/b]--

[b]Sisters of Christian Charity[/b]--from phatmass.com/phorum Vocation Station [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=107145&st=20"]http://www.phatmass....ic=107145&st=20[/url] Thread "Sisters of Christian Charity Profession photos"
Final professions in 2009, none (listed) in 2010[/u][/b]

[b]Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Los Angeles[/b]
---one final profession in 2009, in 'Recent Events' no longer on website

[b]Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George[/b]
Two final professions in 2009 --

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1286309847' post='2178034']
You can add:

Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ
two final professions in March 2010 (see website: www.dljc.org)

Thanks for this information.

I couldn't find anything current on their website, and the most recent info I was able to find was from 2009.

Where were these professions listed?

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The sisters listed as Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George are actually Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis, Peoria.

I think the Alton Franciscans had at least one profession this year. I'll check and repost.

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[quote name='she_who_is_not' timestamp='1286311283' post='2178039']
The sisters listed as Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George are actually Sisters of the 3rd Order of St. Francis, Peoria.

I think the Alton Franciscans had at least one profession this year. I'll check and repost.

You're correct.

I should have included the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis Peoria IL in my One Profession list.


My apologies. I will correct my list.

I looked long and hard for finals under the Alton Franciscans (Srs. of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George)--but couldn't find any for 2010.

I am completely at the mercy of the web, as I don't know anyone I can go to for information in any of these or any other orders.

Edited by Yaatee
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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1286310573' post='2178035']
Thanks for this information.

I couldn't find anything current on their website, and the most recent info I was able to find was from 2009.

Where were these professions listed?

They were listed when they occurred under news and events. However their Praise Him! publication has a spread on the professions.

http://www.dljc.org/english/documents/MarchApril2010.pdf -- Sr. Mariana and Sr. Gabriel Mary made perpetual profession on March 19, 2010
http://www.dljc.org/english/documents/May%20June%20Web%20PDF.pdf Sr. Mary Justin made her 1st vows


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There was one on Saturday with the Benedictine Sisters of Ferdinand, Indiana (Monastery Immaculate Conception).


Speaking precisely, the Benedictines would refer to this as a PERPETUAL profession, reserving the term "final" profession for death.

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[quote name='cmariadiaz' timestamp='1286319293' post='2178074']
They were listed when they occurred under news and events. However their Praise Him! publication has a spread on the professions.

[url="http://www.dljc.org/english/documents/MarchApril2010.pdf"]http://www.dljc.org/...chApril2010.pdf[/url] -- Sr. Mariana and Sr. Gabriel Mary made perpetual profession on March 19, 2010
[url="http://www.dljc.org/english/documents/May%20June%20Web%20PDF.pdf"]http://www.dljc.org/...20Web%20PDF.pdf[/url] Sr. Mary Justin made her 1st vows


Thanks. I overlooked the publication. I have earmarked it for the future.

I have listed the OSB Ferdinand IN final profession in an earlier Recap. I use 'final' instead of 'perpetual' as it's shorter!

I find it extraordinarily difficult to keep up with and especially to FIND formation events. They are often buried in news (under the obits in one case), publications--often page 20-odd in a long newsletter, which takes minutes to download; or in one of several publications which one must sift through in order to find the publication in which formation events are listed; or in the photo galleries. In addition, as new items are added, old items are dropped. Why the webmasters don't list the events under "news" on the front page of a website--I have no idea. Many of course do, but many don't. And some of the most actively growing institutes either don't have websites, don't update them, or don't include formation events--including CFR, SSVM, and the Alma Mercies. I mention only the apostolic institutes, of course. Same situation for the cloistered/contemplative orders.

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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1286327642' post='2178092']
Thanks. I overlooked the publication. I have earmarked it for the future.

I have listed the OSB Ferdinand IN final profession in an earlier Recap. I use 'final' instead of 'perpetual' as it's shorter!

I find it extraordinarily difficult to keep up with and especially to FIND formation events. They are often buried in news (under the obits in one case), publications--often page 20-odd in a long newsletter, which takes minutes to download; or in one of several publications which one must sift through in order to find the publication in which formation events are listed; or in the photo galleries. In addition, as new items are added, old items are dropped. Why the webmasters don't list the events under "news" on the front page of a website--I have no idea. Many of course do, but many don't. And some of the most actively growing institutes either don't have websites, don't update them, or don't include formation events--including CFR, SSVM, and the Alma Mercies. I mention only the apostolic institutes, of course. Same situation for the cloistered/contemplative orders.

PS.---Does anyone have [i]any[/i] information on the Alma Mercies--The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, MI? Folks on VS have had info on SSVM and CFR, or it's been on blogs, but not on these institutes' websites!

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[quote name='Yaatee' timestamp='1286381450' post='2178177']
PS.---Does anyone have [i]any[/i] information on the Alma Mercies--The Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma, MI? Folks on VS have had info on SSVM and CFR, or it's been on blogs, but not on these institutes' websites!

Take a look on this Community's Web site under "Formation." There is a slideshow of "2010 Profession Ceremonies," with what appears to be one final profession and one renewal of vows. Then click on each Stage of Formation, and there are more pictures of Sisters at each stage. It looks like 6 postulants entered this year, and that there are something between 10-14 novices. (There were two different pictures of novices--and the number of white veils in each was different. I confess, I didn't study the pictures carefully to try to figure out the reason for the discrepancy--if there is any at all. Both pictures seem to include other people besides novices, so I could have miscounted. Or one picture could be all novices--both first and second year, and the other with only one year.) I didn't see any clothing ceremonies on the Web site, but I also didn't study the Web site in any depth.

Here is the link to the Formation section of the Web site of the Religious Sisters of Alma, MI.


Hope this information helps.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1286398775' post='2178211']
Take a look on this Community's Web site under "Formation." There is a slideshow of "2010 Profession Ceremonies," with what appears to be one final profession and one renewal of vows. Then click on each Stage of Formation, and there are more pictures of Sisters at each stage. It looks like 6 postulants entered this year, and that there are something between 10-14 novices. (There were two different pictures of novices--and the number of white veils in each was different. I confess, I didn't study the pictures carefully to try to figure out the reason for the discrepancy--if there is any at all. Both pictures seem to include other people besides novices, so I could have miscounted. Or one picture could be all novices--both first and second year, and the other with only one year.) I didn't see any clothing ceremonies on the Web site, but I also didn't study the Web site in any depth.

Here is the link to the Formation section of the Web site of the Religious Sisters of Alma, MI.

[url="http://rsmofalma.org.../formation."]http://rsmofalma.org...g.../formation. [/url] html

Hope this information helps.


I didn't interpret "Profession Ceremonies 2010" as a link, so didn't open it.

I think that they had one final profession. I am going to add this to my list.

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  • 3 years later...

I wrote this in 2010, a list of some Final Professions which took place in 2010.


Can anyone post updates on these from 2013?  I don't have the energy to research them again!


Here they are--from 2010.


Dominicans Sisters of St Cecilia  ---9 FP`

Dominican Sisters of Mary Mother of the Eucharist --- 5 FP

Franciscans of the Renewal --- 3 FP

Sisters Servants of the Lord and Virgin of Matara --- 3 FP


Sisters Servants of the Eternal Word  --- 2 FP

Sisters St. Francis TOR ---2 FP

Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ  March 2010--- 2 FP

Missionary Benedictines--- one FP

Sisters of Life ---one FP

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesis---one FP

Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm---one FP

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration  Mishawake IN---one FP

Schol Sisters of Christ the King ---one FP

Sisters of Christian Charity---one FP

Sisters of St Francis of the Martyr St. George (Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis, Peoria, IL)---one FP

Benedictine Sisters Ferdinand IN---one FP

Religious Sisters of Mercy  Alma MI---one FP

Final Professions in 2009  none listed in 2010

Carmelite Sisers of the Most Sared Heart of Los Angeles


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I am sorry. I meant to post the following as  a new post, with reference to the old post.


Here is the old post. I am looking for updates on the following communities.


All of the following are from 2010:



Dominicans Sisters of St Cecilia  ---9 FP`

Dominican Sisters of Mary Motherof the Eucharist --- 5 FP

Franciscans of the Renewal --- 3 FP

Sisters Servants of the Lord and Virgin of Matara --- 3 FP


Sisters Servants of the Eternal Word  --- 2 FP

Sisters St. Francis TOR ---2 FP

Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ  March 2010--- 2 FP

Missionary Benedictines--- one FP

Sisters of Life ---one FP

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesis---one FP

Carmelite Sisters of the Aged and Infirm---one FP

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration  Mishawake IN---one FP

Schol Sisters of Christ the King ---one FP

Sisters of Christian Charity---one FP

Sisters of St Francis of the Martyr St. George (Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis, Peoria, IL)---one FP

Benedictine Sisters Ferdinand IN---one FP

Religious Sisters of Mercy  Alma MI---one FP

Final Professions in 2009  none listed in 2010

Carmelite Sisers of the Most Sared Heart of Los Angeles


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It looks like the Dominican Sisters of St Cecila had 11 final professions this year (in July).

I'll see what I can dig up on the other communities

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Looks like the RSM of Alma had two final professions this year

The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus also had two final professions

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