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Does Anyone Feel Like This?


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[quote name='ThereseP' timestamp='1285276817' post='2175537']
Excuse me if I'm blunt, but some people are just jealous, whether they know it or not. I've met people like that, and they just get all worked up when a sister/brother in Christ gets more favors/graces than they do. I'm not condemning them, since it's just human nature and we're all possibly guilty of it. [/quote]

THIS. It's a very human reaction. Say a person has been Catholic their whole lives, pretty faithful, regularly attending mass and receiving the sacraments...but...never has any sort of supernatural experience of God's presence. The person has faith, yes, but has [i]not[/i] seen...so some days, it's a struggle, and prayer might become something like, 'Are you there, God?'

Then along comes a convert, enthusiastic and on fire, sharing an intimate experience of God's love.

Sure, the older brother [i]should[/i] be happy that his brother who was lost has been found again. But, more often than not, the reaction is, 'Look, God, I've always been faithful, and I don't even get a lousy goat? And you gave [i]him[/i] the fatted calf? What gives? How is that fair? [i]Why not me?[/i]'

So, yes, you're going to get the sour grapes response. The '[i]real[/i] Catholics don't rely on ephemeral feelings for their faith' spiel. I mean, it's true enough - God is really there and really loves us whether we feel Him or not, and we must be prepared to keep on living our faith even if the experiences fade. But....sometimes the need to point that out is because of a desire to confirm that such things aren't necessary...to the speaker.

I have had glimpses of what you refer to...to glance at the host when leaving adoration and know that He is gazing back at me with love. It is a giddy feeling! But no, I have not been sick with love before...I love too timidly for that. You may wish to read the Song of Songs. There is a lot there......

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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1285524866' post='2176087']
THIS. It's a very human reaction. Say a person has been Catholic their whole lives, pretty faithful, regularly attending mass and receiving the sacraments...but...never has any sort of supernatural experience of God's presence. The person has faith, yes, but has [i]not[/i] seen...so some days, it's a struggle, and prayer might become something like, 'Are you there, God?'

Then along comes a convert, enthusiastic and on fire, sharing an intimate experience of God's love.

Sure, the older brother [i]should[/i] be happy that his brother who was lost has been found again. But, more often than not, the reaction is, 'Look, God, I've always been faithful, and I don't even get a lousy goat? And you gave [i]him[/i] the fatted calf? What gives? How is that fair? [i]Why not me?[/i]'

So, yes, you're going to get the sour grapes response. The '[i]real[/i] Catholics don't rely on ephemeral feelings for their faith' spiel. I mean, it's true enough - God is really there and really loves us whether we feel Him or not, and we must be prepared to keep on living our faith even if the experiences fade. But....sometimes the need to point that out is because of a desire to confirm that such things aren't necessary...to the speaker.

I have had glimpses of what you refer to...to glance at the host when leaving adoration and know that He is gazing back at me with love. It is a giddy feeling! But no, I have not been sick with love before...I love too timidly for that. You may wish to read the Song of Songs. There is a lot there......

Thanks so much for your post, MithLuin [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img] And I do LOVE the Song of Songs....there's nothing quite like it [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/like.gif[/img]

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I just came across a quote by St. Teresa of Avila that reminded me of what you said in the original post, about Jesus being beside you, looking at you with an intense love. I thought you might appreciate it:

[quote]Yet this [awareness of God's continual presence] brings a special knowledge of God, and from this constant companionship is born a most tender love toward His Majesty, and yearnings, even deeper than those already described, to give oneself wholly up to His service, and a great purity of conscience; for the Presence Which the soul has at its side makes it sensitive to everything. For though we know quite well that God is present in all that we do, our nature is such that it makes us lose sight of the fact; but when this favour is granted it can no longer do so, for the Lord, Who is near at hand, awakens it. And even the favours aforementioned occur much more commonly, as the soul experiences a vivid and almost constant love for Him Whom it sees or knows to be at its side.[/quote]

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[quote name='holly.o' timestamp='1285630662' post='2176315']
I just came across a quote by St. Teresa of Avila that reminded me of what you said in the original post, about Jesus being beside you, looking at you with an intense love. I thought you might appreciate it:


YES, I love this quote!!! Thanks [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun2.gif[/img]

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Well, I sure would love to feel that burning love. Mostly i just feel depressed and I wish my life would just come to an end soon....because life is honestly, quite depressing, and I'd rather be done with this sad life [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img] Sorry that i'm so negative. But anyhow, good for you, tc, it's nice you feel that....and don't you let anyone make you think that you shouldn't "feel" that way, cuz it's beautiful and what I wouldn't give to know that kinda love!!! i'm sure others would as well[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif[/img] By all means, savor what you have because it's precious! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance6.gif[/img]

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In The Arms of The Lord

[quote name='Rosie T' timestamp='1285712391' post='2176562']
Well, I sure would love to feel that burning love. Mostly i just feel depressed and I wish my life would just come to an end soon....because life is honestly, quite depressing, and I'd rather be done with this sad life [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img] Sorry that i'm so negative. But anyhow, good for you, tc, it's nice you feel that....and don't you let anyone make you think that you shouldn't "feel" that way, cuz it's beautiful and what I wouldn't give to know that kinda love!!! i'm sure others would as well[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile2.gif[/img] By all means, savor what you have because it's precious! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance6.gif[/img]

May the Peace of Christ be with you Rosie T. You have my prayers; I hope that you see the beautiful plan Our Lord has for you in this life, and experience this beautiful love of His that He looks upon you with.

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to all,

thank you to everyone who has been posting on this thread... you are helping me to understand some similar experiences I have had... :blush: I will pray for all of you who are so deep in love and all of you who are seeking to be there one day...

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  • 3 weeks later...

[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

Wow I really know what you mean, but replace Christ with God the Father. Sometimes I really feel overwhelmed when I think about him. When I read your words here I knew I had to respond right away <3 I have felt like this often, both in Church sometimes, or when praying or reading religious material, or even when I get thinking about God in my regular/secular time. I feel blessed to feel it, and sometimes I just repeat things (simplistic stuff) like 'Lord, I love you', etc. It's a very beautiful feeling <3

: )

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[quote name='kljoyce' timestamp='1287016616' post='2179510']
Wow I really know what you mean, but replace Christ with God the Father. Sometimes I really feel overwhelmed when I think about him. When I read your words here I knew I had to respond right away <3 I have felt like this often, both in Church sometimes, or when praying or reading religious material, or even when I get thinking about God in my regular/secular time. I feel blessed to feel it, and sometimes I just repeat things (simplistic stuff) like 'Lord, I love you', etc. It's a very beautiful feeling <3

: )

Oh yeah! It'll pop up in the most secular moments [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img] And I agree, saying things like "I love you" helps to enkindle that flame of love and it's very very beautiful [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun1.gif[/img]

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1287039558' post='2179545']
Oh yeah! It'll pop up in the most secular moments [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img] And I agree, saying things like "I love you" helps to enkindle that flame of love and it's very very beautiful [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun1.gif[/img]

: )))) You know, I've often wished there was a board here on the forum for people to just mention moments when they felt like this, when they were overwhelmed with love for God. It would be kind of like a really positive, yet deep/seriously spiritual place of trading stories of this feeling. I know I always enjoy reading about how others have felt this. Despite the prayer board being a place where this type of thing is mentioned, I always scour all the boards for this type of post exactly!! :D I'm so happy I saw this one <3

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  • 10 months later...

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1285120431' post='2175210']
You definitely sound like a Carmelite [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif[/img] I will keep you in my prayers for your vocation.

This intensity of consolation sometimes means a path of equally intense desolation, so build up sure foundations in your prayer life through regularity and consistency now. The life of Carmel is one of daily repetitive routine and small sacrifices that can often take more surrender than larger and more dramatic ones.

I am the last one in the world to want to dampen your enthusiasm of spirit because it is beautiful and yes, I know exactly how you feel. But as Catherine points out, this is lifetime relationship that requires the same 'for better or worse' attitude that is needed in married life. As your relationship with Jesus deepens, and your spiritual strength grows, your may also be asked to carry a heavier Cross. "To whom much is given, much is expected." In addition to your intense love for Jesus, start working on an equally strong level of trust in Him. Your faith is what is going to see you through all the way to the end.

Enjoy the bliss and embrace the crazy love :love: but also be prepared for a possibly bumpy ride. :lol4:

What can we here at Phatmass do to help you through the rough times?

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I want to risk disclosing a little about where my journey has brought me today.
Although I had to say goodbye to my spiritual director when I relocated to a different part of the country, the advice she has given me has continued to help me since we parted. It is pleasant to remember her counsel to me because she was so gentle and maternal; she had decades of experience in spiritual direction and I always felt safe with her.
Without her to talk to, I have had to talk to myself, and to listen to God and hope that I could actually understand what God was telling me, without somebody older and wiser to help intrepret the message.
Recently I looked long and hard at my defects of character, my faults, my shortcomings, and I asked God's help in becoming mature enough not to deny them, cover them up, or split off and dissociate from them -- to grow up and see myself through mature eyes.
By the grace of God, today I have enough humility to see my flawed presentation to my fellow humans the way it really is. Not humiliating, simply humbling. If I make such a big deal out of this, it is because I am not only by nature arrogant but also really stubborn. I will hang onto something with a grip like death, once I form an attachment. And I have hurt myself and others by doing so.
By the grace of God, today I can perceive that I have a capacity for self-deception which is truly humbling to confess to. I have deceived my own self for much of my life about many things. I have needed professional help to comprehend what is right under my own nose. And I have been mistaken, thoroughly mistaken, about my needs, my wants, my reason for being on this earth, my value to my fellow human beings -- just too mistaken for words.
Sorry if it sounds like I am beating myself up here, but I'm not, honestly. I am saying all this quietly, in a low voice, with a sigh of relaxation and relief. The truth about me is not perfect nor vile, it is acceptable as it is. After decades of straining and struggling to be worthy of peak experiences and transcendant states and whatever else, I am grateful to God that I don't have to bend myself out of shape anymore. I am grateful for even the little humility of which I am capable today, which I was not capable of before.
If this is a complete hijack of this thread, I'm sorry. I guess my subject is different than the original post. I'll just close by saying that my post is sincere and true for me today. Thanks for listening.

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Beautiful, spirit-filled hijack - thanks very much for sharing. Rejoicing with you in your openness to God's merciful grace. Praying for the same for self and others in similar need.

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