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Does Anyone Feel Like This?


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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285150686' post='2175265']
.....but He IS that unbelievable isn't He? [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/topsy.gif[/img]

Yes, He is :love:

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1285130790' post='2175238']
I also don't want to pull the plug on your happiness, but the desire was fleeting for me. From the time of my reversion to this March, I was in a fever to serve God. Nothing was going to stop me, not even my chronic illness. However, as time went on, I became more down to earth and realized that my zeal to serve God was a by-product of conversion. "Convert zeal" as they call it. I was brand new in my faith even though I had technically been a Catholic all my life and I received all the Sacraments, but it wasn't until my reversion that I truly started living my faith. Even though my zeal has cooled and I am no longer discerning religious life (for many reasons), I am still a faithful Catholic but I am more grounded and I don't have that "head in the clouds" feeling I once had. Some call this the honeymoon period because you are so in love, but that turns in to a more serious commitment and you become more matured in your faith. I'm not saying your immature, but this period is like a rosebud waiting to blossom. Continue to pray and serve the Lord as a lay person now and in time, it will blossom. :)


Well, I was afraid that it would be some fleeting fancy too. The thing is, I got my calling more than 5 years ago, and I wasn't even a Catholic then!!! I thought this crazy desire in me would die out somehow, but it never did. At times, I'm actually quite reluctant because I wanna be "normal."[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/brickwall.gif[/img] you know, get married, have kids, live a "worldly" life with all its comforts and luxuries. It's something I struggle with a lot. It's a constant battle to overcome self and follow Him. So yeah, it's not always sweet and rosy, it IS a serious commitment.

I don't mean to make it sound like I have my head in the clouds. I have known darkness and aridity, believe me.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/cry3.gif[/img]Yes I'm in love, I have these crazy feelings, but alongside that I'm fighting worldly desires as well, fighting to overcome weaknesses, temptations...[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/viking.gif[/img] I only chose to share my thoughts on this overwhelming love because my anniversary is coming up and I want to hold on to the sweetness of this relationship. Well, for a honeymoon that's been going on for 7 years....hmm, I'd say it's pretty awesome! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/heart.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img]

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285152234' post='2175268']
Well, I was afraid that it would be some fleeting fancy too. The thing is, I got my calling more than 5 years ago, and I wasn't even a Catholic then!!! I thought this crazy desire in me would die out somehow, but it never did. At times, I'm actually quite reluctant because I wanna be "normal."[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/brickwall.gif[/img] you know, get married, have kids, live a "worldly" life with all its comforts and luxuries. It's something I struggle with a lot. It's a constant battle to overcome self and follow Him. So yeah, it's not always sweet and rosy, it IS a serious commitment.

I don't mean to make it sound like I have my head in the clouds. I have known darkness and aridity, believe me.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/cry3.gif[/img]Yes I'm in love, I have these crazy feelings, but alongside that I'm fighting worldly desires as well, fighting to overcome weaknesses, temptations...[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/viking.gif[/img] I only chose to share my thoughts on this overwhelming love because my anniversary is coming up and I want to hold on to the sweetness of this relationship. Well, for a honeymoon that's been going on for 7 years....hmm, I'd say it's pretty awesome! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/heart.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img]

I admire you for your openness. I don't know how many times I have been told "It isn't about feelings." when I tried to express what you are, so I stopped saying anything. But yes, He is a magnificent lover. And there are tough times, of course, but He more than makes up for it! :love:

May you be so much in love forever and ever! :) Praise God.

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285152234' post='2175268']
I only chose to share my thoughts on this overwhelming love because my anniversary is coming up and I want to hold on to the sweetness of this relationship. Well, for a honeymoon that's been going on for 7 years....hmm, I'd say it's pretty awesome! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/heart.gif[/img][img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img]

Congratulations on your anniversary, Teresita! That is awesome!! I've been discerning for about the same amount of time .. lots of ups and downs, etc. :juggle: Keep going, Sister! :pray:

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[quote name='Chiquitunga' timestamp='1285170016' post='2175298']
Congratulations on your anniversary, Teresita! That is awesome!! I've been discerning for about the same amount of time .. lots of ups and downs, etc. :juggle: Keep going, Sister! :pray:

Thanks! Lots of ups and downs huh? No kidding[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nocomment.gif[/img] [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/stars.gif[/img] Let us persevere and support one another!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/buddies.gif[/img]

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1285120431' post='2175210']
This intensity of consolation sometimes means a path of equally intense desolation, so build up sure foundations in your prayer life through regularity and consistency now.


Hmmm.... I've had lots of struggles, but I still find love a faint experience for me. With people, it is quite joyful. I wonder, since I have a mental/emotional weakness, if God will be careful not to send too much suffering my way?

[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1285120431' post='2175210']
Enjoy the bliss and embrace the crazy love :love: but also be prepared for a possibly bumpy ride. :lol4:


Pray for some to come my way. :)

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
...and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world.

Along with everyone saying feelings will fade, the truth is that what you've said here will never be false. He is always with us, looking at us with an intense love, even if we don't feel it :love: I echo what someone said about building trust.

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In The Arms of The Lord

[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1285201026' post='2175371']

Hmmm.... I've had lots of struggles, but I still find love a faint experience for me. With people, it is quite joyful. I wonder, since I have a mental/emotional weakness, if God will be careful not to send too much suffering my way?


Mental and emotional weakness can certainly be an intense suffering at times. About Him being careful not to send too much suffering; He knows your capacity. It's always important for us to remember that everything that happens is chosen or permitted by Him, and He always gives what we need to bear what we go through. So any suffering that comes your way you have also with it the graces you need. Love does certainly cause these intense feelings that have been talked about here, but at the same time experiencing His Love is much deeper than a feeling of any kind. For me I suppose, I find that I am not able to explain His Love; you can explain the feelings that it may cause, but the love is not a feeling. This a love that is so infinite, and with so little amount of words compared, how could we possibly put together words to explain this? Words used or not, it is rather that we show this love by giving and acting, no matter what we feel or not feel, and this in many different ways; but it's always an act of the will. Feelings don't compare at all to a love that is so great. We experience His Love in many different ways, and whether we experience feelings of intense consolation or intense suffering or neither, it's always being givien to us in such an abundance.

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[quote name='In The Arms of The Lord' timestamp='1285260300' post='2175474']
Mental and emotional weakness can certainly be an intense suffering at times. About Him being careful not to send too much suffering; He knows your capacity. It's always important for us to remember that everything that happens is chosen or permitted by Him, and He always gives what we need to bear what we go through. So any suffering that comes your way you have also with it the graces you need. Love does certainly cause these intense feelings that have been talked about here, but at the same time experiencing His Love is much deeper than a feeling of any kind. For me I suppose, I find that I am not able to explain His Love; you can explain the feelings that it may cause, but the love is not a feeling. This a love that is so infinite, and with so little amount of words compared, how could we possibly put together words to explain this? Words used or not, it is rather that we show this love by giving and acting, no matter what we feel or not feel, and this in many different ways; but it's always an act of the will. Feelings don't compare at all to a love that is so great. We experience His Love in many different ways, and whether we experience feelings of intense consolation or intense suffering or neither, it's always being givien to us in such an abundance.

It is SO much more than just a feeling....I don't know why so many people here seem to think that I just go about my spiritual life based on "feelings" alone -_- Frankly I'm a little sick of hearing about it. Sometimes I feel like because I'm a convert, people don't take me seriously -_- Like I'm immature and full of overeager fervor. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/covereyes.gif[/img]The thing is, it's been SEVEN years, and I'm 27, so yeah it's already been a big part of my life. And it's been HARD, believe me, my parents are not Catholic, and they tend to ridicule and mock me every chance they get. Granted, it's better now, but I had to really FIGHT for it! Without the love of Christ, I wouldn't still be here with Him after all these years and TRUST ME, there has been a lot of trust-building going on, thank you very much.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

I love what you said, In the Arms of the Lord, about how "you can explain the feelings that it may cause, but the love is not a feeling. This a love that is so infinite, and with so little amount of words compared, how could we possibly put together words to explain this?" You're right, feelings don't compare at all to a love so great.....words will always come up short. I mean, this love is so overwhelming and limitless, that all I can do is talk about the incredible way it makes me feel. I've had a crazy journey with Him and I don't even know how to express that adequately in words!!! It's been insane, breathless, heart-wrenching, but it's been so full of love, joy, fun, excitement, etc...

And if anyone still gets the impression that I'm flying high and got my head stuck in the clouds...[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohno.gif[/img] NO that's not true. In fact, I'm going through some stuff right now, and it's tough. So yeah, I still decided to post a positive topic about His love, and why is that? Cuz I decided to hold on to my faith with all my might and trust in the Lord and love Him even when it's hard. I guess that's called trusting and staying faithful even when it's difficult isn't it??? So yeah, I'm not just all about "feelings." We do have a solid foundation for our relationship, and I'm most grateful for that![img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/console.gif[/img]

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I kinda agree with you, teresitacarmel. I mean, what are we left with if we don't have our feelings? We're mere mortals for crying out loud. I know we're not supposed to rely on consolations, and as one matures in the faith, one learns to do without these things.....but what are we supposed to do when our Lord so generously grants this great favor? Accept it with gratitude and sing His praises! I'm sorry if you feel a little frustrated. I've encountered such....oppositions/criticisms as well. What some people don't seem to realize is that someone has come a long way to trust in the Lord and immerse themselves in His love like that. It certainly isn't an easy path that's for sure. What sort of follower of Christ didn't have to fight against temptations, attacks from others, ridicule, etc etc? What sort of follower never had to learn to build up trust in Him???? It's most definitely a struggle every step of the way!!!

Excuse me if I'm blunt, but some people are just jealous, whether they know it or not. I've met people like that, and they just get all worked up when a sister/brother in Christ gets more favors/graces than they do. I'm not condemning them, since it's just human nature and we're all possibly guilty of it.

Just stay strong and lean on Him always [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/amen.gif[/img]

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Three times in my life I have felt a joy so profound it scared me.

The first was the day of my First Communion.

The second was after Confession.

The third was after going to a Christmas concert.

I can tell you, the feeling won't last forever. Of course I'm still close to God, and feel joy, but not that profound joy. I suspect that it will come back. But it is fleeting. There will be bad days--my goodness, there [i]will[/i] be bad days. And yet, God's always there. That's why I love daily Mass so much: I'm reminded of His presence and who is really in charge.

This is why we are here! To support each other. Let the Lord's grace fill you, and keep loving Him!


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In The Arms of The Lord

[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285272281' post='2175505']
It is SO much more than just a feeling....I don't know why so many people here seem to think that I just go about my spiritual life based on "feelings" alone -_- Frankly I'm a little sick of hearing about it. Sometimes I feel like because I'm a convert, people don't take me seriously -_- Like I'm immature and full of overeager fervor. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/covereyes.gif[/img]The thing is, it's been SEVEN years, and I'm 27, so yeah it's already been a big part of my life. And it's been HARD, believe me, my parents are not Catholic, and they tend to ridicule and mock me every chance they get. Granted, it's better now, but I had to really FIGHT for it! Without the love of Christ, I wouldn't still be here with Him after all these years and TRUST ME, there has been a lot of trust-building going on, thank you very much.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.gif[/img]

I love what you said, In the Arms of the Lord, about how "you can explain the feelings that it may cause, but the love is not a feeling. This a love that is so infinite, and with so little amount of words compared, how could we possibly put together words to explain this?" You're right, feelings don't compare at all to a love so great.....words will always come up short. I mean, this love is so overwhelming and limitless, that all I can do is talk about the incredible way it makes me feel. I've had a crazy journey with Him and I don't even know how to express that adequately in words!!! It's been insane, breathless, heart-wrenching, but it's been so full of love, joy, fun, excitement, etc...

And if anyone still gets the impression that I'm flying high and got my head stuck in the clouds...[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/ohno.gif[/img] NO that's not true. In fact, I'm going through some stuff right now, and it's tough. So yeah, I still decided to post a positive topic about His love, and why is that? Cuz I decided to hold on to my faith with all my might and trust in the Lord and love Him even when it's hard. I guess that's called trusting and staying faithful even when it's difficult isn't it??? So yeah, I'm not just all about "feelings." We do have a solid foundation for our relationship, and I'm most grateful for that![img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/console.gif[/img]

Exactly what you said; staying trusting and faithful through it all. His Love, and all feelings that come with it, should always be treasured. As someone else said here, "but what are we supposed to do when our Lord so generously grants this great favor?" You have a beautiful relationship with Our Lord, and I pray that you treasure all the beautiful graces that come with it.

I know you mentioned that you ordered "Fire Within." After my visit to the Monastery i'm discerning with, Reverend Mother recommended that I read it. I purchased it and it has been a great read so far; to learn more about prayer and union. I hope it helps you also. How is your discernment coming along?

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It's hard to talk about this kind of stuff because we are all so different and each of us experiences God in our own personal way. He designed each one of us to be a receptacle for His love because He wants us to return it to Him, for His glory and our sanctification.

I don't know the number of times I have been told "It isn't about feelings." so I understand the frustration of anyone who tries to describe their experiences without using that word!!

Now when someone tells me that it isn't about feelings, I have one of two responses in my head (I don't usually say them).

1) Define 'feelings'.
2) Yes it is. It isn't about emotions. But it most definitely is about feelings.

We can't ever expect another person to completely understand what we are experiencing, and perhaps that is why one spiritual director told me that it is a good idea NOT to talk too much about our own experiences, but to keep them to ourselves (except with our SDs if needed). Sometimes this is very hard when one is overflowing with love, but I have found that if I take all of that straight back to God in prayer and offer it to Him, then my relationship wih Him gets even deeper, and it serves as an act of praise and adoration. He gives us the love so we can give it back to Him again. It is also seems to open my heart to loving others more too, which is something else He asks of us.

I don't necessarily think that those who can't understand are jealous of someone who is flying high in love, that is a bit judgmental IMO. I think it is more likely to be simply that we all react differently to God's love - and when we come to think of it - how special is it that He knows eactly what each one of us needs? After all, St Thomas Aquinas did not react the same way as St John of the Cross or St Therese or St Mary Magdalene de Pazzi or St Francis etc etc etc.... God works with each one of the way we are.

We all need to just enjoy what God gives us with gratitude and love. Love doesn't come to an end, but the ways we experience can and do change over time, for our own good. God always works for our own good. :love:

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Beautifully & wisely said, nunsense.

teresita, have you ever read St. John of the Cross' Canticle? The love expressed within it is so overpowering... & to know that came from the same person who wrote about the Dark Night of the Soul is quite amazing.

:heart: !

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[quote name='holly.o' timestamp='1285467234' post='2175938']
Beautifully & wisely said, nunsense.

teresita, have you ever read St. John of the Cross' Canticle? The love expressed within it is so overpowering... & to know that came from the same person who wrote about the Dark Night of the Soul is quite amazing.

:heart: !

OH YES!!! I love it! It makes me...swoon, with all its beauty [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/nun1.gif[/img]

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