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Does Anyone Feel Like This?


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Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

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Wow. Please pray for me to come to such an experience. In my experience, it is very faint, as far as love direct from Jesus. :love: But through people, I get lifted up and all joyful and I just love contemplating on people that I love. If that makes any sense.

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I dunno! He just makes me feel so crazy in love it's almost too much to bear!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/love.gif[/img] I hardly even know what to do with myself, since I feel it so strongly, yet I'm supposed to stay in this world for now since the community I'm visiting with wants me to wait....I don't know how much longer, since I was baptized about 3 years ago.....that is, if they take me at all, some day....

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In The Arms of The Lord

[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

How beautiful. Thank you for sharing some of your relationship with Our Lord; it's always so touching to hear about and see His love in another; and I do understand what you are describing. I pray that you will remain faithful to His love. How exciting that your discerning to become a Carmelite! Wherever and whoever you are and will be; you'll always be His. I am in the application process to enter a Carmelite Monastery. You have my prayers as you continue your journey.

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285107650' post='2175165']
I dunno! He just makes me feel so crazy in love it's almost too much to bear!!! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/love.gif[/img] I hardly even know what to do with myself, since I feel it so strongly, yet I'm supposed to stay in this world for now since the community I'm visiting with wants me to wait....I don't know how much longer, since I was baptized about 3 years ago.....that is, if they take me at all, some day....

It would be great if you could talk to a Priest or Sister about contemplative prayer and just soaking up His love for you. You may also want to do ejaculatory prayer, where you just say "I love you" or similar to Jesus. Maybe sing to Jesus, write poetry, etc. "Fire Within" by Fr. Dubay is a great book that you may like.

Was it St. Teresa of Avila that said she could die of love, when she was experiencing Jesus? If we really knew the immensity of God's love for us, I don't think we would be capable of surviving. I think I remember a Saint that in his special experiences, he had a barely beating heart, almost dead, yet he survived. Amazing.

Edited by JoyfulLife
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Wow. I can honestly say I am in love with Christ but nowhere near to this feverish love. I do pray to one day attain it. I will keep you in my intentions that you continue to love Him this strong and that this love helps you during your waiting period.


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That is a great feeling, but just remember it can be fleeting. It's like a pitcher in baseball. The season is 6+ months long, and some days you curve ball is wicked, and some days, it just isn't there. Real aces are the ones who can keep their team in the game even when they don't have their best stuff. The fever days make it easy to stay with your vocation. People like Mother Theresa could tell you that it is the dark days that you have to learn to struggle through to sustain your vocation.

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Indwelling Trinity

[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

Yes sister, intense spiritual longing often overflows into the body It can be overwhelming at times and surely humbles the soul that So great a God is so immanenr to us as to dell in our very midst.. God uses these experiences to lure us closer to him so as to captivate our love and give us the desrie to seek his face alone in silence and solitude, in a prayer that is unceasing offering ourselves as he did for the salvation of many.

I am praying for you dear sister.


Indwelling Trinity... carmelite

Edited by Indwelling Trinity
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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

You definitely sound like a Carmelite :) I will keep you in my prayers for your vocation.

This intensity of consolation sometimes means a path of equally intense desolation, so build up sure foundations in your prayer life through regularity and consistency now. The life of Carmel is one of daily repetitive routine and small sacrifices that can often take more surrender than larger and more dramatic ones.

I am the last one in the world to want to dampen your enthusiasm of spirit because it is beautiful and yes, I know exactly how you feel. But as Catherine points out, this is lifetime relationship that requires the same 'for better or worse' attitude that is needed in married life. As your relationship with Jesus deepens, and your spiritual strength grows, your may also be asked to carry a heavier Cross. "To whom much is given, much is expected." In addition to your intense love for Jesus, start working on an equally strong level of trust in Him. Your faith is what is going to see you through all the way to the end.

Enjoy the bliss and embrace the crazy love :love: but also be prepared for a possibly bumpy ride. :lol4:

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285106666' post='2175163']
Does anyone feel like they're so in love with Christ that it feels like a fever? It's this intense feeling that overwhelms you, and it feels like He's everywhere, and most of all, it's as though He's right next to you: like He's on your right hand side and looking straight at you with the craziest kinda love in the world. That's how I feel most of the time, and it leaves me with this overwhelming sense of love for Him. As we're approaching our 7th anniversary, I feel as in love as ever, if not more....I'm waiting to become His (quite possibly as a Carmelite nun)

I also don't want to pull the plug on your happiness, but the desire was fleeting for me. From the time of my reversion to this March, I was in a fever to serve God. Nothing was going to stop me, not even my chronic illness. However, as time went on, I became more down to earth and realized that my zeal to serve God was a by-product of conversion. "Convert zeal" as they call it. I was brand new in my faith even though I had technically been a Catholic all my life and I received all the Sacraments, but it wasn't until my reversion that I truly started living my faith. Even though my zeal has cooled and I am no longer discerning religious life (for many reasons), I am still a faithful Catholic but I am more grounded and I don't have that "head in the clouds" feeling I once had. Some call this the honeymoon period because you are so in love, but that turns in to a more serious commitment and you become more matured in your faith. I'm not saying your immature, but this period is like a rosebud waiting to blossom. Continue to pray and serve the Lord as a lay person now and in time, it will blossom. :)

[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1285114016' post='2175188']
That is a great feeling, but just remember it can be fleeting. It's like a pitcher in baseball. The season is 6+ months long, and some days you curve ball is wicked, and some days, it just isn't there. Real aces are the ones who can keep their team in the game even when they don't have their best stuff. The fever days make it easy to stay with your vocation. People like Mother Theresa could tell you that it is the dark days that you have to learn to struggle through to sustain your vocation.


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[quote name='JoyfulLife' timestamp='1285108653' post='2175168']
It would be great if you could talk to a Priest or Sister about contemplative prayer and just soaking up His love for you. You may also want to do ejaculatory prayer, where you just say "I love you" or similar to Jesus. Maybe sing to Jesus, write poetry, etc. "Fire Within" by Fr. Dubay is a great book that you may like.

Was it St. Teresa of Avila that said she could die of love, when she was experiencing Jesus? If we really knew the immensity of God's love for us, I don't think we would be capable of surviving. I think I remember a Saint that in his special experiences, he had a barely beating heart, almost dead, yet he survived. Amazing.

I have a spiritual director who's a Sister, so I talk to her about this [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/like.gif[/img] It's so cool that you mentioned "Fire Within" because I ordered it and I'm waiting for the delivery [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap.gif[/img]

I'm sure that one can die of love [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img] It is THAT amazing.....

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[quote name='teresitacarmel' timestamp='1285149569' post='2175262']
I have a spiritual director who's a Sister, so I talk to her about this [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/like.gif[/img] It's so cool that you mentioned "Fire Within" because I ordered it and I'm waiting for the delivery [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/clap.gif[/img]

I'm sure that one can die of love [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/blowkiss.gif[/img] It is THAT amazing.....

Believe me, sometimes one prays to die of love, but they keep on living anyway :love:

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1285120431' post='2175210']
You definitely sound like a Carmelite :) I will keep you in my prayers for your vocation.

This intensity of consolation sometimes means a path of equally intense desolation, so build up sure foundations in your prayer life through regularity and consistency now. The life of Carmel is one of daily repetitive routine and small sacrifices that can often take more surrender than larger and more dramatic ones.

I am the last one in the world to want to dampen your enthusiasm of spirit because it is beautiful and yes, I know exactly how you feel. But as Catherine points out, this is lifetime relationship that requires the same 'for better or worse' attitude that is needed in married life. As your relationship with Jesus deepens, and your spiritual strength grows, your may also be asked to carry a heavier Cross. "To whom much is given, much is expected." In addition to your intense love for Jesus, start working on an equally strong level of trust in Him. Your faith is what is going to see you through all the way to the end.

Enjoy the bliss and embrace the crazy love :love: but also be prepared for a possibly bumpy ride. :lol4:

Oh trust me, I've known intense desolation, just as I've known intense love. I didn't get through being with Him for seven years without some tumultuous times along the way[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif[/img] It's nice though, because with all the things I've gone through, our Lord has built me up somehow....to be stronger, more faithful, more in love. It is a lot like marriage actually[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/kiss.gif[/img] You fight with your spouse and sometimes you wanna walk away, but you always wanna make things work and stay together,for better or worse.

Yeah you don't need to tell me about the bumpy ride [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol.gif[/img] Been there, done that....and I know it's most likely a fight to the very end. Of course it's not always smooth sailing for me[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/cry4.gif[/img] It's been one heck of a roller coaster ride for me....so crazy it makes my head spin....but He IS that unbelievable isn't He? [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/topsy.gif[/img]

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[quote name='nunsense' timestamp='1285150290' post='2175263']
Believe me, sometimes one prays to die of love, but they keep on living anyway :love:

I agree! [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/dance.gif[/img]

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