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Sodom And Gomorrah

Chi Zhuzi

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[quote name='MissScripture' timestamp='1286485736' post='2178401']
I find it interesting that you came to this site to knock people down a notch, but are offended when they try to do the same to you. :|

I recall providing words of encouragement to the woman that posted about her extra-marital affair. Care to point out these post in which I target individuals (besides in this thread, which my words responded in defense and not offense) for ridicule?

What I did do, was attempt to [b][u]goad[/u][/b] Catholics (who are in the millions in the U.S.) to at minimum, [b][u]threaten[/u][/b] to leave or stop voting for Democrats unless that party abandons it's contradictory stance on esteeming Islam and attacking the Catholic Church and faith.

The style and tactic of goading I used is nothing different from what one finds on high school football teams or even in the U.S. Marine Corps. From a stand point of soldiering, it is rather pathetic that a few Muslim men gathered as a crowd overseas can impact and influence the Democratic party more than Catholic Democrats can or even the millions of Catholics in the U.S. that vote and pay taxes. It ought strike Catholic Americans in their bellies. If it doesn't they are merely luke warm for Christ and Mary, and they have nothing to teach me. I can learn more from members of the Aryan Brotherhood or the Muslims or atheists.

And I'm not very formally educated, but I do have enough formal education to no politicians craft speeches to reflect and influence their particular audience. But I'm not a politician, I'm more akin to this former Black Panther and Vietnam vet I heard speaking one day, I speak from my gut and my heart.


[b]Israelite nation

Protestant nation

Catholic nation

Ethnic creole nation

Zulu nation

Gangster Disciples nation

The Brazilian nation

[/b]Humans have differences but lots of similarities. We are tribal and enjoy forming little cliques and saying who can be in and who can't. Even as adults we enjoy the old childhood games -> :clapping:<- [i]I'm in and he/she is not. [/i]

My major interest is Brazil, not the Catholic nation, because the Brazilian nation as a concept is large enough to encompass all humanity in its diversity: Transsexuals, robbers, poets, prostitutes, soldiers, pacifists, rich, poor, Catholic, Protestant, even U.S. citizens and me and so on. A poor factory worker, with no more than a 4th grade education, that had his finger cut off in a machine, can rise to become the democratically elected President of Brazil. That means I have a place there in that society. Because Brazil can encompass all humanity it ingests cultures and realities and turns out new multicultural products like: Brazilian Jujitsu.

Does Catholicism turn out "Catholic Jujitsu"? No, and even presuming some Catholics began that process, inevitably the self-righteous crowd would gather for their condemnations, asserting "Catholic" and "Jujitsu" are incompatible and must remain clearly separate in identity. Fine. So, Catholics can't be authors like Jorge Amado with his sensual tale in his book [i]War of the Saints[/i]. Only Brazilians can be that and be Catholic too.

I'll give you this, Catholicism was multicultural long before America or Brazil (though some would argue Brazil is not) ever were. True. And it's to the glory of the Catholic Church. As the Jesuits in China were but eventually got bashed by other Catholics. But today America and Brazil have surpassed the Catholic Church as nations (the theology of the invisible nationhood of the Church in purgatory and heaven aside).

And I don't care if transsexualism is a sin or not. The famed Brazilian transsexual will [i]remain Brazilian [/i]even if she were to be excluded from Catholicism, until my dieing breath. Because I help build my nation I'm loyal to, I don't rip it in half. I leave that to "the good Catholic" or Orthodox or the now tens of thousands of Protestant nations.

And no, I'm not patriotic to the United States.

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Gentle reminder of behavior that is prohibited here:

[quote="phorum guidelines"]PERSONAL ATTACKS - A post or comment that does not relate to the topic, but is specifically meant to upset or criticize another person or group of people.[/quote]

There is no need to get into a shouting match over which of us is the better Christian.

As I understand it, the purpose of this thread was to discuss what is or is not considered pornographic and inappropriate in the Phorum.

Catholics, as a rule, have great respect for marriage, and thus are not comfortable with distortions and perversions of human sexuality. Sadly, such perverse behavior is very much REAL and part of our fallen world. Ignoring this reality would be to turn a blind eye to those who have to deal with it in their lives, but at the same time....graphically describing such actions when there is no need to do so is to offend against chastity.

It is not prudish to object to pornographic content. A naked cherub in religious art is not usually pornographic - mere nudity is not the issue. What is being conveyed (in words or pictures) is the issue - if it reduces human beings to objects of lust rather than persons with dignity deserving of respect, then it is not appropriate.

As the Holy Father Pope John Paul II stated,
[quote]Therefore, in this way the whole sphere of aesthetic experiences is, at the same time, in the area of the ethos of the body. Rightly we must think here too of [b]the necessity of creating a climate favorable to purity.[/b] This climate can be threatened not only in the way in which the relations and society of living men take place, but also in the area of the objectivizations characteristic of works of culture;[b] in the area of social communications, when it is a question of the spoken or written word;[/b] in the area of the image, that is, of representation and vision, both in the traditional meaning of this term and in the modern one. In this way we reach the various fields and products of artistic, plastic and dramatic culture, as also that based on modern audio-visual techniques. In this field, a vast and very differentiated one, we must ask ourselves a question in the light of the ethos of the body, outlined in the analyses made so far on the human body as an object of culture.


One can discuss scandals without describing all the gory details. Graphic representations of distorted sexual acts encourage people to fantasize about such acts, as sick as that sounds. The pope said not to go there, so....don't go there.

[b]Cross-posted with Chi[/b]

And by the by, what makes you think anyone posting on this forum votes for Democrats in the US? If you've poked your head into any of the political threads here, the vitriol aimed at the Democratic party is clear, for precisely the reason you suggest - the party is no friend to Catholics, particularly on issues like abortion.

The Church's view is that you may come as you are, but you may not [i]stay[/i] that way - the goal of a Christian life is to seek transformation, that we may all grow in holiness. The Church is universal, and all ethnicities and social classes are members.

And I'm a Catholic kendoka, for what that's worth :)

Edited by MithLuin
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[quote name='Chi Zhuzi' timestamp='1286641226' post='2178766']
No, you're snobbish mouth is, which probably never risked it's chance in a boxing ring, to give you an up close chance to learn more about yourself.
That's simply not true. I've boxed Winchester many many times. He is tough and tenacious. For example, a few months back we had a bout that dragged on and on because he wouldn't quit even though I was absolutely pummeling him. After beating him so much I felt sick about it, I called the match. He claimed victory since I quit. Unfortunately, I had to take him to the hospital for broken ribs and internal bleeding. That's how h-core he is.

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[quote name='notardillacid' timestamp='1286645415' post='2178775']
That's simply not true. I've boxed Winchester many many times. He is tough and tenacious. For example, a few months back we had a bout that dragged on and on because he wouldn't quit even though I was absolutely pummeling him. After beating him so much I felt sick about it, I called the match. He claimed victory since I quit. Unfortunately, I had to take him to the hospital for broken ribs and internal bleeding. That's how h-core he is.
You know I was messing with you. Obviously you stopped out of mercy. I admired that.

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[quote name='Chi Zhuzi' timestamp='1286641226' post='2178766']
Yes, you're attitude is like that man.[/quote]
Well, I heard he had a positive happy go lucky attitude. So thanks.

[quote]You are in fact like me: you are not a very good person.[/quote]
We are nothing alike. I'm good Ash.

[quote]Unlike you, I used to break dance, and like any soldier on a battle field, I have left blood, heart, and soul on the concretes of "the hood." Your sideline watching, your tourism through the hood, your enjoyment of popular films are not "what's up." I'm "what's up." And that ain't bragging. That's fact. That's "100." That's what we term in the hood, "Real talk." Jennifer Lopez is what's up. Tupac Shakur in all his anger, tattoes, foul mouth, and scarred body from bullet wounds, may he rest in peace, is what's up. And if one is Christian they'll say Jesus is what's up. If you're Catholic, if you came up like me, if you wore a track suit like me, if you're ignorant enough to get hit in the head like me, if you're willing to "stand on this," and look another two or three men in their eyes, then you'll say the Virgin Mary is what's up.[/quote]
You lost me at Jennifer Lopez.

Tourism supports 95% of the 'hood, so you should be more appreciative of people like me, touring through your hoods and watching you rapping and

[quote]Now that's what's up. Not your vehicular tourism through the hood passing crackheads like me. [/quote]
I prefer the hot air balloon tourism through the hood. Or a nice carriage ride. I like to wave and the carriage provides me the opportunity. I also toss coins, chocolate bars and cigarettes.

[quote]My former professor that has left a deep impression on me, the light skin Haitian
... black male that introduced me to him. That cat was keeping it 100. And he's what's up. The two white Protestants ...[/quote]
I don't see color.

[quote]No, you're snobbish mouth is, which probably never risked it's chance in a boxing ring, to give you an up close chance to learn more about yourself.
Boxing? That's a holiday in Canadia, right? Let's ask Nihil, he'll know.

I have studied the art of sinanju for many years under Master Chuin.

Addendum(snobby word!): I am kind of hurt that you haven't commented on my use of three (3)! tracksuits.

Edited by Winchester
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[quote name='notardillacid' timestamp='1286645415' post='2178775']
That's simply not true. I've boxed Winchester many many times. He is tough and tenacious. For example, a few months back we had a bout that dragged on and on because he wouldn't quit even though I was absolutely pummeling him. After beating him so much I felt sick about it, I called the match. He claimed victory since I quit. Unfortunately, I had to take him to the hospital for broken ribs and internal bleeding. That's how h-core he is.

Winchester's trick of getting hopped up on meth before a boxing match is cheating. Don't reward such behavior.


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[quote name='Chi Zhuzi' timestamp='1285832276' post='2176891']
I'm not a practicing Catholic. I do pray to two particular saints within the Church, and I continue to pray from time to time to Jesus and Mary. Before you find yourself convinced I'm the enemy of Jesus I'd offer the advice to pray to him first.

Once a upon a time a fork was enough to beaver dam a Catholic to hell eternally. Or so the best of Catholics thought. We had Galileo. And we have currently a a wide gap between "logic" and "science" from that of subjective view points of "pornographic language." From the stand point of American Calvinistic Catholic Americans... Italian Catholics excel in artistic pornography. The Conquistadors leave letters being wowed over the bare naked bodies of Tupi women.

Jesus said many things. One of which was to grab swords at the conclusion of his final meal, another gem was that those that will say "Lord, lord..." will find themselves beneath - presumably - people like me.

My real focus or desire is on Brazil. I'm overjoyed hearing the great news about Brazil's rise. Hopefully I can be a part of this emerging greatness, and tell my kids I was there to see those great days.

You misunderstand me. I'd ask you to go before Jesus. He understands me better. No Republican cares for a crackhead like me... yet I would fall on "my sword for the Church" and vote for Republicans over Dem's. Jesus and his mother knows me. You do not.

Statistics are a game. I played that game Osbert summer taking a statistics course. It is true - so far as I know - that 2% roughly, of Catholic clergy molested minors and children. What I find interesting is that you overlooked the other statistical reality. And the statistical reality being, how many victims a [u][b]single[/b][/u] Priest could compile by being moved from one parish to the next. I'll save you the time. [u][b]It is embarrassing.[/b][/u][b] [/b]When a lay Catholic lawyer, defending the Church, forewarned a Bishop, and I paraphrase, "Father... something has to be done, or one day a major lawsuit will be brought against the Church," And the Bishops response was, "I don't think anyone will ever sue the Catholic Church." I'd ask you to go before Jesus before you dam either him or I as in league with Satan to destroy the Church.

I've did minor, personal, reading up on the Catholic sexual abuse scandal, before I ever joined this website. Unlike the recent poll revealing Catholic Americans as some of the least knowledgeable people about their own religion and religion in general, I do know a fair amount. I know enough that Protestant do not cross me lightly. I'd go to Jesus before I'd join force to initiate Inquisition. After all... a sinner like me helped bring [u]two Catholic American women [/u]back to the Catholic Church. I know from the emails (many years ago) they sent me. Currently I have a young Brit who was anti-Catholic become less anti-Catholic toward the Church and the Virgin Mary.

Contrary to what you think, the Bishops of the Church harmed the image and reputation of the Church more than I or the Catholic lay lawyer did.

Do not view silence as the best way - always - to protect the Church.

I let that be known pretty clearly.

Understand... I am not brilliant. What I know are some meager things related to natural science and logic.

From a literary standpoint, what I stated was not that far out, and not that "pornographic

I stated "hair pulling" and used a certain word. That hardly qualifies as the worlds greatest "very descriptive" literature.

I'm tired.................. I can't say much more at the moment.

Peace. :)

(I'm not here to troll... I'll move on before I get caught up into one of the United States .....)

I honestly don't know what a single word of this has to do with anything I said.

And for the record I do go to Jesus. I find it hypocritical of you to tell me (how) to pray when you don't even practice the Faith.

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