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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Are Certain Vaccines Immoral To Give Our Children?


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[b]Brother Adam[/b], I thought the Church said that it was indirect cooperation, and thus [i]if alternatives were available[/i], the vaccinations were not to be used? Meaning, if there is another form of the vaccine, get that one instead. Or, the parents can complain to the drug companies/CDC/whomever and let them know this is an issue/concern, so that alternatives can be found.

The Church did [i]not[/i] say that Catholics should not vaccinate their children using these vaccines.

Am I mistaken?

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Archaeology cat

I think part of it, too, is evaluating how necessary that vaccine is. Chicken pox? I don't see it as necessary. Rubella? Possibly - depends on where you are, I suppose. We had our son get it in case he got it an exposed a pregnant woman to it. We wrote to the drug company in protest, but they brushed it off and sent us to the NHS link. That link doesn't exist now as far as I can find, but if I remember correctly it downplayed the Catholic objection to it.

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