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Contemplative Sisters Of St John


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Just thought I'd mention that there have been some slight changes to what I said earlier - I won't be in St Jodard and I may delay going due to work reasons. Anyway, email me or check my blog and I will let you know the updates.


As for the problems with the Sisters, it has to do with the leadership split between those who knew Fr Philippe and those sisters who didn't. There is conflict going on because some are trying to be closer to the Vatican and Papal customs, while others who knew Fr Philippe wanted to keep faithful to his spirituality and other practices, that some argue aren't entirely one way or another in a particular tradition. Apparently, that's what's going on. The best way though, is to here it from the horse's mouth and speak to the Brothers or Sister of St John who can tell you the full story. It just so happens that my SD is one of the brothers. That's all.


I'll keep you in prayer, and GBY.

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The Apostolic Sisters of St John have recently posted on their (French) website new information regarding the Contemplative Sisters' situation. My very, extremely rough paraphrased translation, from their website and the document issued by the Vatican this January 10, 2013:

The Holy Father has officially dissolved an institute of "Sisters of St John and St Dominic" that was founded in the Diocese of Cordoue (Spain) last June (2012) and of which the members came principally from the Contemplative Sisters of St John. This institute (of "Sisters of St John and St Dominic") has gravely violated/undermined ecclesial discipline and is immediately and permanently suppressed in the Diocese of Cordoue and in any other diocese, without possibility of reconstitution in any form. The Holy Father wills to preserve the unity of the Family of Saint John.

[Me again. Petitpèlerin. Basically, it sounds like this was a splinter group of Sisters of St John that sought to establish itself apart from the Community of St John. It's the first I'd ever heard of it. To me, it seems clear that, while this is difficult news for many, it is also good news, because it is progress toward the unity of the Contemplative Sisters among themselves, with the entire Community of St John, and with the Church and the Holy Father. The Apostolic Sisters' announcement continues:]

The community of Apostolic Sisters of Saint John, through her prior general, Sr Anne Cécile, expresses in renewed fashion her communion and obedience to the Holy Father. The Apostolic Sisters continue to carry the community of Contemplative Sisters in prayer. They invite their oblates and friends to unite with them, around the Holy Father, in the same trusting intercession near the Virgin Mary. [I'm sure I botched the translation of last phrase but you get the point: pray trustfully to Mary!]

If you can read French, you can read the apostolic sisters' statement here, and also download in JPG the document issued by the Vatican:


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i am a former Brother of St John, and if you are sent to the 'Contemplative Sisters in France' for a visit, its always St. Jodard. zoomable MAP here, http://wikimapia.org/#lat=45.8802764&lon=4.1337993&z=17&l=0&m=b  ,of course you can now do most formation with Sisters in Illinois USA, but must learn French ad finish formation in France..... as most new Communites ,the Brothers and Sisters went tbrough growing pains , restructuring,some bumps in the road, and over the years there have been 2 splinter Communites founed from women close to the Community, particulalrly the Sisters,and asscotied under the Congrgations wings somehow.., both of whom where Suppressed,,,.But all is well. and i would have no reservations as of today, recomending the Community of St. John to freinds, though its a very particular charism. I have lawys admired the Sisters.(ps know that  of French media regularly 'expose'and attack New  yet tradtional or  Contemplative Communites, for they even think that having  Papal Enclousre, not being bale to go home, perpetually wearing habit or being externely counter cultaral is the sign of a cult or abuse, and an afront to the peace of The State, as  sadly do many Catholic parents also)

Edited by EJames2
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Just thought I'd mention that there have been some slight changes to what I said earlier - I won't be in St Jodard and I may delay going due to work reasons. Anyway, email me or check my blog and I will let you know the updates.


As for the problems with the Sisters, it has to do with the leadership split between those who knew Fr Philippe and those sisters who didn't. There is conflict going on because some are trying to be closer to the Vatican and Papal customs, while others who knew Fr Philippe wanted to keep faithful to his spirituality and other practices, that some argue aren't entirely one way or another in a particular tradition. Apparently, that's what's going on. The best way though, is to here it from the horse's mouth and speak to the Brothers or Sister of St John who can tell you the full story. It just so happens that my SD is one of the brothers. That's all.


I'll keep you in prayer, and GBY.


couldnt add this to my post here is exact location http://goo.gl/maps/igAFI  , and if you zoom out every green mark is a Priory Location.

(ps, i was formed under Fr.Phillipe, and i see today that the Community has gotten less conservative or perhaps should say les  strict,, but of course are still very Faithful to CHurch) when discerning always ask questions ,even hard ones, the Brothers promote this idea of questioning, reflecting and honesty)

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I'm hoping to see if I can get there for like possibly the first week in April might be possible with my work schedule, but I would have to discuss that with my SD in my next meeting with him end of Feb. I would like to meet up, although I am not sure what my schedule will look like as the Brothers already keep me under a strictly disciplined timetable with daily mass, the office and adoration as well as silent prayer times and other devotions. I am part of the confraternity of our Lady of Mount Carmel and was invested in the Brown Scapular so the Brothers make sure I pray the Rosary everyday, but slowly and really contemplate the mysteries. I am usually in Church at 6.30am until about 9am, then I work between 10-6, or 11-8, and then go back to Church usually until 9.30-10pm, sometimes even later than that. I live a 3-5 min walk from Church and spend my days off in the parish under obedience to my SD and parish sister. What's funny is I even got locked in a couple times and considered using the processional cross to pick the lock. I gtg back to work now, but will write more when I am back at work online next week as I have no internet access at home.


for you

'In Praise of Contemplation' (1997)~Congregation of St. John

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I should just make a correction here: the name of the Contemplative Sisters' priory in St Jodard is "Prieuré Saint Marthe", while the brothers' next door is "Prieuré Saint Joseph", so the sisters' address is:


Soeurs Contemplatives de Saint Jean
Prieuré Saint Marthe
42590 Saint Jodard


(although this town is so tiny anything you address to "Seours Contemplatives" in "Saint Jodard" will get to them!)

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