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Vatican Ii- Good Or Bad For The Church?

C Martel

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Do you think the changes of Vatican II were overall good for the Church or have they caused harm to the Church? I think there are good arguments to both sides but I'm going to go with harm to the Church.

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Vatican II is good seen through the eyes of Tradition, but seen as a super dogma a from zero starting point very very bad (as would any council). Vatican II good, the 'spirit of Vatican II' bad.

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It was needed and timely, unfortunately it wasn't used in the best way, so it became divisive. It is still seen that way, as a divide that Catholics have to be on one side of or the other.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1283390538' post='2166718']
Vatican II was good for the church.

The misimplementation of Vatican II was bad for the church. Yes, I just now made that word up.

Misimplementation- I like it!

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1283390538' post='2166718']
Vatican II was good for the church.

The misimplementation of Vatican II was bad for the church. Yes, I just now made that word up.

What dUSt says...... :like:

The Holy Father (when he was Prefect for the Doctrine of the Faith) has spoken about Vat II on many occasions, and this is basically how he feels too...... he also talked about how there is always a time of upheaval after a council.

'God and the World' by Peter Seewald (interview with Cardinal Ratzinger)
'Salt of the Earth: The Church at the End of the Millenium' ' by Peter Seewald (interview with Cardinal Ratzinger)
'Exclusive Interview on the State of the Church' by Vittoria Messori (interview with Cardinal Ratzinger)
'Ratzinger Report 'by Vittoria Messori (interview with Cardinal Ratzinger)

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Good for the Church, in many ways. Imperfect implementation? Yes, and not really to be wondered at.

BTW, The Word Nerd approves of 'misimplementation' as a neologism. Anyone care to translate it into Latin?

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' timestamp='1283392809' post='2166729']
Every council brings 40-50 years of grief as things get sorted out.

She's seen most of them

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Ultimately it was good for the Church.

Of course new councils are going to have a rough start, since obviously those that conduct the new practices and traditions are not perfect either. So, I have to say it was great for the Church.

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I think, if understood correctly, it is good for the Church. My problem with Vatican II is not of its teachings. It's its ambiguity, that creates a split between indifferentists and schismatic traditionalists.

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