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Answering Jw's And Mormons


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[quote name='MithLuin' timestamp='1283115770' post='2165057']Mormons use the real Bible, but have the Book of Mormon in addition to that.[/quote]

[url="http://wri.leaderu.com/mormonism/bible.html"]This says they think the Bible has errors .[/url] *shrug*

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you could mention that the bible says not to follow false prophets, then mention how many times the Jehovah's Witnesses guy has predicted the end of the world.

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You could put a hat over your face and start off with "Guys! Write this poo down!"

Edited by Winchester
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[quote name='Ziggamafu' timestamp='1283183011' post='2165398']
Just use an anti-sola-scriptura argument. They fling verses at you as if the verses should have authority. By what authority were the verses discerned to be Scripture, and when, and how?

I don't know that Mormoms believe in Sola Scriptura. They have a Church structure, somewhat similar to ours and a Church authority that interprets. They do denounce tradition like typical protestants, but I don't know that I heard sola scriptura expressed.

I hit them on the authority end of things. If Jesus said "the gates of hell shall not prevail" but then the Church immediately becomes corrupt and waits 1800 or so years, for Joseph Smith to establish the true Church when Jesus couldn't, well there is something amiss here.

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[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1283218615' post='2165724']
I don't know that Mormoms believe in Sola Scriptura. They have a Church structure, somewhat similar to ours and a Church authority that interprets. They do denounce tradition like typical protestants, but I don't know that I heard sola scriptura expressed.

I hit them on the authority end of things. If Jesus said "the gates of hell shall not prevail" but then the Church immediately becomes corrupt and waits 1800 or so years, for Joseph Smith to establish the true Church when Jesus couldn't, well there is something amiss here.

Mormons definitely don't believe in Sola Scriptura-- they believe in on-going revelation from their prophets. Well, I mean, I guess you could say in a sense they believe in Sola Scriptura, since they believe that all revelation written down is scripture... so even their new revelation is scripture.

You're definitely right on where to get them, though. It's the Authority. They can't prove the "great apostacy" and therefore no grounding for the need for the revelation to Joseph Smith.

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[quote name='Semper Catholic' timestamp='1283195433' post='2165514']
Lol bad move answering the door, you're among the 1% that do, which means they'll be coming back for sure.

That's the idea, then I don't have to go door to door preaching. Wait for them to come to me.

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1283196075' post='2165526']
No, they won't. Not when I'm done.

I wish I could be a fly on the wall when they come to your door.

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It should be noted that there is a passage, I can't find it offhand but I think it is in John's letters, that says if anyone comes to your door teaching another gospel, do not welcome him. I think there is some prudence in this for the average, everyday Catholic who doesn't have all the "arguements". These people come to your door with the intent (whether malicious or not) to confuse. They know their routine and how to use scripture in their way. Unless you are very well grounded in your faith and can defend it well, it is not a good idea to engage them. We should also remember that Paul tells us "give reason for the hope that is within you". It is fine to know a bit about their religion in order to be able to carry on a conversation. But in the end if your hope is to win them over the root of your arguements must be love and that love must manifest itself in this hope that is within you. I.e. the discussion needs to be less about "bashing" what they believe and more about the truths of the Catholic faith.

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[quote name='Paddington' timestamp='1283187136' post='2165435']
[url="http://wri.leaderu.com/mormonism/bible.html"]This says they think the Bible has errors .[/url] *shrug*
This is true. They have a book....perhaps the Pearl of Great Price (I could be wrong) in which Joseph Smith goes through certain passages that are "wrong" and "translates them correctly."

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[quote name='Semper Catholic' timestamp='1283195433' post='2165514']
Lol bad move answering the door, you're among the 1% that do, which means they'll be coming back for sure.
Yes trust me it is a mistake. I answered the door and all of that and before you know it they were sending their "Bishop" and everyone else to come talk to me. They happened upon my door when I was in a very dark place in my life and just looking for something to hold onto. Once you show even the smallest spark of interest they will cling to that and get other people to come work you over. It becomes a peer pressure sort of thing.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='desertwoman' timestamp='1283123228' post='2165121']
I wanted to know if Mormons still believe that when we die we will rule one of the many planets in the universe as a god. With that line of thinking, wouldn't that mean that there is not just one God, but many? And the god that rules our planet was some human who died and now rules over us?
Yes, when you get down to it they're more henotheistic than monotheistic, meaning they accept the existence of other gods, but only worship one. Or at least that's how it was kinda explained to me by a Mormon friend many years ago.

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[quote name='Archaeology cat' timestamp='1283792372' post='2168828']
Yes, when you get down to it they're more henotheistic than monotheistic, meaning they accept the existence of other gods, but only worship one. Or at least that's how it was kinda explained to me by a Mormon friend many years ago.

There is only one god with whom we deal with is how it was explained to me. In other words, there are other gods but we ignore them.

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[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1283786224' post='2168781']
It should be noted that there is a passage, I can't find it offhand but I think it is in John's letters, that says if anyone comes to your door teaching another gospel, do not welcome him. I think there is some prudence in this for the average, everyday Catholic who doesn't have all the "arguments". These people come to your door with the intent (whether malicious or not) to confuse. They know their routine and how to use scripture in their way. Unless you are very well grounded in your faith and can defend it well, it is not a good idea to engage them. We should also remember that Paul tells us "give reason for the hope that is within you". It is fine to know a bit about their religion in order to be able to carry on a conversation. But in the end if your hope is to win them over the root of your arguments must be love and that love must manifest itself in this hope that is within you. I.e. the discussion needs to be less about "bashing" what they believe and more about the truths of the Catholic faith.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to bash their religion. I just want to be able to show them the inconsistencies of their reasoning. Instead of them questioning you, you are questioning them. That, coupled with strong answers to the questions they ask you can make for very powerful arguments. But you are right, any discussion should be undertaken with the utmost Christian charity. I must remember that as I tend to debate more like St. Jerome than St. Thomas Aquinas.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1283796926' post='2168862']
There is only one god with whom we deal with is how it was explained to me. In other words, there are other gods but we ignore them.
Yes, I think that's how it was explained to me, too. She may have worded it as that there was only one god who was relevant for the salvation of those on earth, and so the others were unimportant for them. Can't exactly remember now.

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