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Proof Of Reincarnation?


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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1290896168' post='2189571']
Reincarnation is contrary to Christianity, not just Catholicism.


Sterhauser is absolutley correct. Reincarnation is not simply non-compatible with Christianity; it is directly contrary to it. The thing that separated Jewish and Christian world views from the pagans and others in society what that it was linear and not cyclical. This is something brought up by those who first encounter Christianity and by the first several Christian generations. History, outside of Judaism and Christianity, was viewed in a cyclical manner and it is our current linear conception of history that we draw from Judaism and Christianity. We see this in the Scriptures. God acts in a new way for humanity with creation, then covenants and then with the saving action of Christ. There is not a return but rather the Scriptures are pretty clear when we die here, it is over. (Think about the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. The rich man sees Lazarus with Abraham and wants to Lazarus to come help him and Lazarus can't. He then asks if he can return from the dead to warn his brothers and he can't. In fact, the rich man is told that his brothers have Moses and the Prophets that God spoke to, they need nothing more.) (Also the Witch of Endor that Saul uses to talk to Samson. Samson is dead and clearly dead and is presented as not coming back). We are presented with a linear view of history not a cyclical one and this is ultimately the main difference. It is an entirely different spin on the unfolding of history, on our lives, and on the way God acts in the world than in reincarnation. God doesn't constantly act in the same manner but in new manners as humanity progresses. In fact, though John the Baptist came back in the Spirit of Elijah, and Jesus was the Son of David, these men were clearly distinct though they operated in the same mode or context as the others: Great Prophet and Conquering King and Chosen One of God (respectively). If one holds that reincarnation is true, one cannot hold a Christian World-View as presented in the Scriptures and must take a different interpretation of the Scriptures than the way they present themselves. If reincarnations is true, then Christianity is not.

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yes those are all very reasonable views.
on a just musing note, i might even see the possibility of reincarnation being true, just as a way for God to deal with the 'unlevel' playing field of life. someone dies when they are 21, just starting to understand things, like that pilot in that news article link above. someone else dies when they are sixty. and then there's the knowledge they've acquired, and how much they've acted on what they knew, and had etc, or didn't have or know etc. we all say it's up to God, and he can level the playing field and take it all into consideration. that's fair enough.
and as the two poster above argue, very reasonably, we could just go with orthodox christianity on the particular issue and the above line of reasoning.
but we could say very much that reincarnation, for some people, is a way for God to give someone another shot. this life is probably here for a purpose, and 'learning' in the next life isn't the way to do it, necessarily. this place has its perks or its reasons. plus, there's some modern day folks who say they know through credible sources of people who reincarnate. satan? maybe.
perhaps i'm tainting the water too much talking about reincarnation. st. paul says not to talk about about things that are scandaleous to other christians... or at least scandaleous acts, eg eating pork.
just some ideas.

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[quote name='Sternhauser' timestamp='1290843121' post='2189528']
More likely a demon trying to crush faith. And apparently succeeding, with those parents. Look at the fruits. I've heard of demons pulling that kind of B.S. before. They love playing mind games. They try to draw the victim into a discussion based on their lies, preferably if it involves an emotional bond, suddenly pull the rug out from under them, then crush them. It's been Satan's M.O. from day one.


You hit the nail on the head Stern. People tend to downplay the role and very existence of demons, the devil etc. Deceit is their tool of choice as common to them as a toothbrush is to us, parents who allow their child to entertain such thoughts are complicit in the fruits reaped even if its unintended. I see these TV shows like the ones dealing with pschic youth and ghost hunting the same way, a satanic tool to allow or call demons into peoples lives. I see where some of these shows solicit catholic priests, or at least a catholic priest, when they, the theologically untrained hosts of the show, decide the "ghost" may be demonic, one show featured a couple in a mobile home who created a " seance circle " with salt to call a demon through a ouija board and the host, some young guy from a college in Pa. determined through questions that a demon came into their lives when one of the members broke the circle by running away when he became scared. I wonder how many idiots seen this on national television and tried it at home thinking they would get to see a cool demon and be safe whithin the circle, despite the warning " do not try this at home " they appended to the show. These TV shows and their apparent popularity seem to me to be just another tool of satan to place evil into the hearts and minds of the masses as much popular Tv and media is these days. They do not refer to him as the great deceiver for nothing. I wonder why it is so hard for people to recognize there is a devil, even many christians think the devil is a ruse perpetuated to scare us to follow Christ. This seems to be as if they are just discounting much of the bible while maintaining they are christian.


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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' timestamp='1290956373' post='2189654']
yes those are all very reasonable views.
on a just musing note, i might even see the possibility of reincarnation being true, just as a way for God to deal with the 'unlevel' playing field of life. someone dies when they are 21, just starting to understand things, like that pilot in that news article link above. someone else dies when they are sixty. and then there's the knowledge they've acquired, and how much they've acted on what they knew, and had etc, or didn't have or know etc. we all say it's up to God, and he can level the playing field and take it all into consideration. that's fair enough.

Dairygirl, truly, God doesn't need reincarnation in order to level the playing field. He's all just. He's more than capable of judging the entirety of someone's life, including all the circumstances, including their handicaps. We are given a lifetime to accomplish what we are expected to accomplish. Not a certain number of years. A lifetime. Everyone gets an equal shot, and God supplies superabundant actual grace to [i]everyone, [/i]no exceptions.


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[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1290962821' post='2189669']
You hit the nail on the head Stern. People tend to downplay the role and very existence of demons, the devil etc. Deceit is their tool of choice as common to them as a toothbrush is to us, parents who allow their child to entertain such thoughts are complicit in the fruits reaped even if its unintended. I see these TV shows like the ones dealing with pschic youth and ghost hunting the same way, a satanic tool to allow or call demons into peoples lives. I see where some of these shows solicit catholic priests, or at least a catholic priest, when they, the theologically untrained hosts of the show, decide the "ghost" may be demonic, one show featured a couple in a mobile home who created a " seance circle " with salt to call a demon through a ouija board and the host, some young guy from a college in Pa. determined through questions that a demon came into their lives when one of the members broke the circle by running away when he became scared. I wonder how many idiots seen this on national television and tried it at home thinking they would get to see a cool demon and be safe whithin the circle, despite the warning " do not try this at home " they appended to the show. These TV shows and their apparent popularity seem to me to be just another tool of satan to place evil into the hearts and minds of the masses as much popular Tv and media is these days. They do not refer to him as the great deceiver for nothing. I wonder why it is so hard for people to recognize there is a devil, even many christians think the devil is a ruse perpetuated to scare us to follow Christ. This seems to be as if they are just discounting much of the bible while maintaining they are christian.


Ed, some wise points. Have you read "The Screwtape Letters," by C.S. Lewis? Every Christian should read it. A remarkable work on how Satan and his monkeys operate. Lewis said it dragged him down to think so much on such depressing issues, writing from the viewpoint of a demon. But that book has doubtless dragged thousands of people away from hell.


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