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"Speaking in Tongues"-- Charismatic Catholics  

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 16 2006, 09:52 AM'][url="http://www.in-unity.org/articles/bishconfr.htm"]http://www.in-unity.org/articles/bishconfr.htm[/url]

is this what you are looking for?
No that is not quite what I was looking for. I will have to call my spiritual director and ask for the exact publishing information. I went to him asking for guidance because I had a friend that was thinking about joining a charismatic movement and I wanted some information on it from the magesterium.

[quote]Pope Paul VI will still have to answer for his disastrous Papacy. Dante put a number of popes and bishops in his Inferno. I shudder to think where he would have put Paul VI and JPII if he were writing that poem today.[/quote]That was entirely uncalled for and uncharitable. When you start judging the soul of another, especially the pope whose election was protected by the Holy Spirit you tread on dangerous ground. I believe that all sides would benefit from a stand down on this specific point about placing certain people in Hell. :annoyed:

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='Era Might' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:23 PM']
Just in case anyone is unawares, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was an excommunicated schismatic.

I think we're all aware by now that you like the sound of those words.

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:24 PM']
That was entirely uncalled for and uncharitable.  When you start judging the soul of another, especially the pope whose election was protected by the Holy Spirit you tread on dangerous ground. I believe that all sides would benefit from a stand down on this specific point about placing certain people in Hell.  :annoyed:

Dante did exactly what you're telling us all not to do, and his work was praised by multiple popes. He's had encyclicals written about him, even. Dante was a great [i]Catholic[/i] poet. Sadly, however, his work has been neglected by post-VII Catholics. I guess they don't like discussing the Four Last Things anymore.

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 16 2006, 03:34 PM']I think we're all aware by now that you like the sound of those words.

Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II were not included in "The Inferno".

But Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was included in an Apostolic Letter declaring that he had incurred an excommunication and committed a schismatic act:

[quote]In itself, this act was one of disobedience to the Roman Pontiff in a very grave matter and of supreme importance for the unity of the church, such as is the ordination of bishops whereby the apostolic succession is sacramentally perpetuated. Hence such disobedience - which implies in practice the rejection of the Roman primacy - constitutes a schismatic act. In performing such an act, notwithstanding the formal canonical warning sent to them by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops on 17 June last, [b]Mons. Lefebvre[/b] and the priests Bernard Fellay, Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, Richard Williamson and Alfonso de Galarreta, have incurred the grave penalty of excommunication envisaged by ecclesiastical law.

--Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Letter "Ecclesia Dei"[/quote]

Once again, for the record, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre was an excommunicated schismatic.

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:37 PM']Dante did exactly what you're telling us all not to do, and his work was praised by multiple popes.  He's had encyclicals written about him, even.  Dante was a great [i]Catholic[/i] poet.  Sadly, however, his work has been neglected by post-VII Catholics.  I guess they don't like discussing the Four Last Things anymore.
1. You are not Dante, nor an epic poet.

2. Dante was writing a piece of fiction, not arguing in a debate table making a point about a papacy. You on the other hand are directly comparing in no jovial terms two supreme pontiffs with a schismatic.

There is a difference.

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='Era Might' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:41 PM']Pope Paul VI and Pope John Paul II were not included in "The Inferno".

But they easily could have (and SHOULD have) been included. If Dante only knew...

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='Paphnutius' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:41 PM']1. You are not Dante, nor an epic poet.

2. Dante was writing a piece of fiction, not arguing in a debate table making a point about a papacy. You on the other hand are directly comparing in no jovial terms two supreme pontiffs with a schismatic.

There is a difference.

1. Saying "you are not Dante" really isn't an argument. If Dante did it -- and was praised for it, no less -- I can do it, too.

2. You're the ones who brought up The Archbishop and chose to compare him to Paul VI and JPII, not me. Have you even been following this thread?

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 16 2006, 03:52 PM']But they easily could have (and SHOULD have) been included.  If Dante only knew...

But they weren't.

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, on the other hand, not only COULD have been an excommunicated schismatic, or SHOULD have been an excommunicated schismatic.

He WAS an excommunicated schismatic.

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 16 2006, 01:55 PM']2. You're the ones who brought up The Archbishop and chose to compare him to Paul VI and JPII, not me.  Have you even been following this thread?
[/quote]If I do recall, I said that [i]all sides [/i]would benefit from a stand down. Have you been reading my posts? I find this comparing of one soul to another something left only to God. Shall I bring Scripture into this? Everytime I do you seem to disappear for a while.

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Oy vay! Enough already.
IG stop with insulting the Holy Father, current or past, or you will be edited. This is an [i]orthodox[/i] Catholic board.

Our guidelines are in the top right of the page. Read them.

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='Feb 16 2006, 02:51 PM']Oy vay! Enough already. 
IG stop with insulting the Holy Father, current or past, or you will be edited. This is an [i]orthodox[/i] Catholic board.

Our guidelines are in the top right of the page. Read them.

Ok, I'll stop. But what does orthodoxy have to do w/this? Dante was orthodox, and he put several popes and bishops in his [i]Inferno[/i]. Later popes, as previously mentioned, even wrote encyclicals about his work. I will obey the rules of the board; however, I did nothing wrong or "unorthodox."

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Just follow the guidelines of the board. No one was saying you aren't Orthodox. Just that we are an Orthodox site that does not allow the type of criticism you are offering.

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[quote]Just follow the guidelines of the board. No one was saying you aren't Orthodox. Just that we are an Orthodox site that does not allow the type of criticism you are offering.[/quote]

I'm saying he isn't orthodox - by comments like this:

[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 16 2006, 02:00 PM']The saintly Abp. Marcel Lefebvre, of blessed memory, had nothing to do w/Paul VI's "smoke of Satan" comment and you know it.


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Inquisitor Generalis

What does that have to do w/orthodoxy? There are a lot of ppl who did not follow Abp. Lefebvre, but still have a high degree of respect for that man. Many Indulters, for example, will admit that there likely would not have been an Indult if it wasn't for him.

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since when did the Church become about what "we" think for ourselves?

There are certain things that aren't my favorite, but i don't call the entire thing bad just because i don't like about it. It is part of being the body of Christ. There are many different parts, but one body.

Is it so hard to see that?

If this draws people closer to Jesus, who are we to turn them away?

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