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"Speaking in Tongues"-- Charismatic Catholics  

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As I wrote in the open forum, I have been involved in the Charismatic movement for about six years. I didn't start out praying in tongues, but at the Southern California Charismatic Convention one year it just happened much to my surprise. Some people in the prayer group I attend pray in tongues, some don't. Some of us sing in tongues, other's don't. I love to sing in tongues. I love to sing, period! All forms of praying in tongues are for the edification of the Church, not the individual. And praying in tongues is simply another form of prayer, all of which are pleasing to God. Being open to the action of the Holy Spirit in our life is its own reward. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to anyone who asks. How many times did Jesus tell us to ask and we shall receive? He told us we would do greater things than he did. Hard to believe isn't it? But that's what he said. I've seen miracles happen, and so have you. So he wasn't kidding. No way but his way, no truth but his truth, no life but life in him! :twothumbsup:

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='DeeDee' date='Sep 9 2005, 04:31 PM']No way but his way, no truth but his truth, no life but life in him!  :twothumbsup:

I agree with that. It's a wonderful thing that He gave us the virtue of obedience and such a holy Magisterium to follow in every way, a guide to serve us, and to show us the true love of Christ and not the superficial, phony love of the world.

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  • 3 months later...

[COLOR=green] :cool: Too many people, charismatics and others, make Catholicism all about them. Thus masses become broadway shows or like Baptist Revivals with hands in the air and clapping as if Christ hadn't suffered enough to be blasphemed with incompetant gibberish. Much of what I have experienced in the Charismatic movement in way of charisms has been accompanied by militant voices chanting, ranting, and the like in unison during mass, adoration, etc. I say to them: Act like you've been to mass before, honor and revere Christ like an apostle not a gypsy!

Furthermore, If your spirituality moves you to be outward great...but your religion is Catholic and it has served the test of time for nearly 2000 years. Don't force your ways on others.

If you think that waiving your arms in the air and speaking like Adam Sandler did on Billy Madison after a few beers is the way of an Apostle I got news for ya....For people whom place the "holy fire" and "feeling good" ahead of what Catholicism is: wholly and entirly about the mass! And the mass: wholly and entirly about Christ a lesson in obiedience is necessary. :cool:

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

i find no significant meaning to speaking in tounges. i think it was a gift to the Early church, and it is now in heavan.

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[quote name='skuba steve' date='Aug 27 2003, 02:02 AM']where do you get that the eucharist is 100% the true body and blood of Christ... does it say that directly in the bible....? or did someone tell you?


Good Catholics believe like children believe. An answer to any question regarding the most Blessed Sacrament cannot be understood by someone with a closed heart, someone who is reliant on intellect, and one who operates under the pretences of sola scriptura. Should you desire an answer to your question I suggest asking Christ who said of course, "Let the little children come to me."

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DannyBoy, first, check the dates... most of the posts on this thread are 2+ yrs old... sometimes somebody just bumps it and you read through most of it and go, "Oh, that's kinda dead but revived, like a zombie"

Secondly, tongues, as far as I can tell, is merely a devotion, but still valid. It should not be in the way of the Eucharist at all, ever.

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  • 1 month later...

I can't help thinking it sounds kinda weird, but then, I've never been exposed to it. Mother Angelica certainly believed in it, for a while at least...

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 14 2006, 01:23 PM']The Charismatics are a complete and total embarrassment.  The fact that they have not been condemned is a grave scandal.

I would simply advise you to choose your words a bit more wisely.

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 14 2006, 02:23 PM']The Charismatics are a complete and total embarrassment.  The fact that they have not been condemned is a grave scandal.
personal opinion again.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

Origination of speaking in tounges.

Holy Spirit came upon them.

They spoke to the crowds, but not in their (apostles) native language, nay, it was in the native tounge of those in the crowd. I have a hard time believing that the speaking in tounges in the Bible refers to anything [b]but[/b] that of an [b]Earthly[/b] language. I.E. Someone who has never learned a tounge which is found in Africa, yet is able to speak that language, or French, or any other foreign language which they have not studied.

But maybe it's just me :idontknow:

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[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 14 2006, 02:23 PM']The Charismatics are a complete and total embarrassment.  The fact that they have not been condemned is a grave scandal.

Living at the heart of the charasmatic movement, and being a non-charasmatic, and a sceptic, I can say, without a doubt you don't have a clue what you are talking about, and are a danger to the Christian community spouting off your utter ignorance. Tongues is only a minor part of the movement and I've hard them spoken once in my time here where the vast majority of everyone is charasmatic and the movement itself can't be judged based on this gift alone, which of course, it is entirely possible an episode could be valid, which is up to the magisterium to decide.

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Inquisitor Generalis,

Something to consider is that in the end days God will pour out His Spirit onto His people.

[b]Acts 2:17 [/b]
'It will come to pass in the last days,' God says, 'that I will pour out a portion of my spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.

We could very well be in the last days. Of course some will be mistaken about having a gift when they do not, but the possibility is that we could be in the last days and that is what has spawned the movement. St. Pio, Fr. Sudac, and others make a very strong arguement.

God Bless,

[quote name='ironmonk' date='Aug 15 2003, 09:35 PM']
The Catholic Churches teachings are in line with Scripture. We believe Scripture because the Church tells us to, not the other way around. The only thing that is not inline is peoples personal interpretations.

Here is something that Fr. Sudac; the living stigmatist has to say....
From: [url="http://www.stjeromecroatian.org/eng/frsudac.html"]http://www.stjeromecroatian.org/eng/frsudac.html[/url]

[b]Gifts From God[/b]

[b]Q: Have Jesus or Mary ever spoken to you? [/b]

No, I have never had a vision or an apparition, but I have a conversation of the heart. It is a gift of being able to diagnose or read people's hearts. That gift is manifested with me when I am in spiritual conversations or hearing confessions. It is always given as a help to the person so that he can express himself and fall in love with God.

[b]Q: Did that gift of reading souls come after the stigmata? [/b]

Before the phenomenon of stigmatization, I had gifts like the gift of tongues, the gift of healing, the gift of counsel, and slowly the gift of knowledge came also. After the stigmatization, I received many other gifts. Some of these gifts overwhelmed me very much. And so I needed some time to get accustomed to what was happening. By this I refer specifically to the gifts of levitation, bilocation, illumination, and the knowledge of upcoming events - the knowledge about the near future, especially about future dangers.

[b]Q: Are you allowed to speak of those? [/b]

I would like to wait until a certain time passes. I am in cooperation with some experts - the top experts in the world. I would like the whole thing, from their side to be well observed. And until the official Church makes an announcement regarding these certain phenomenon, in my heart I am not sure whether it is good to speak about these things. I want to draw attention to Jesus Christ, and I am afraid that with these things, I may be drawing attention to myself. I am a sinful man. Since the stigmatization, I have a tremendous need for the Sacrament of Confession. For me it is the same as for everyone else to walk this earth, to be little and in that way I will belong to God.

[b]Q: You spoke of the gift of languages, is it a gift of tongues or is it a gift of multiple languages? [/b]

No, [b]the gift of tongues have two or three groupings[/b]. One is that a person has never studied a known language but is able to speak that language. The second is that a person can speak old forgotten Hebrew, Aramaic or other old Semitic languages. [b]And the third gift is the so-called babbling - when a person through the grace of God can speak the so-called angelic language. This gift is mentioned in Holy Scripture. We have to be very careful with this gift because evil spirits can also use this gift of tongues. Once there was a séance where people were praying in tongues, and these gifts of tongues were tape-recorded. A person who had the gift of understanding tongues, understood that those were all cursing, blasphemies and profane language against God.[/b] At Pentecost when the apostles spoke in various tongues, then one spoke and everyone understood. With us at our prayer meetings, it so often happens that everyone speaks (in tongues) and no one understands. [u]My experience is this - the one who has the gift of tongues and feels purity in their heart and the need to praise God with this (gift), he should begin to pray out loud. But if in that moment, a person with the gift of understanding tongues does not come forward, then that gift, in that moment is not given for the building up of the community, but for the individual building up of that person. Then I recommend that that person pray quietly to himself.[/u] [b]Every gift which we have is not given for the individual person but for others, for the community. I am at the service of the will of God.[/b]

[b]Q: Can you tell us about your bilocation? [/b]

It's a very interesting gift, which is manifested only at the point when other people bear witness to it. The person (with this gift) up until the last moment is not certain what is happening with him. You have the feeling that you are at one place, but your heart and imagination wants to be somewhere else. This happens when the person is forbidden from being with God, with prayer, with the Blessed Sacrament. After a similar prohibition which I experienced, the bilocation manifested itself.

[b]Q: They would not let you close to God so when you bilocated you went close to God? [/b]

I was with God at one place and the other, but the other place I experienced more in my heart and imagination than in my body. It's interesting that I knew everything that was happening there. I would have ascribed this all to my imagination had some people not come forward and confirmed it all - six people who saw me physically there. With one of these people I even shook hands.

[b]Q: This was at home in your diocese? [/b]

At the same time I was with some young people praying and meditating. (Fr. Jozo's additional commentary) "and they knew he was there - he was praying with them. At the second place it was a church and some people saw him in front of the church and they shook his hand so they knew he was there."

[b]Q: Father Sudac, you said at the beginning of the interview that this has given you (tremendous) fear of the Lord. [/b]

I still feel it very much. God is something which surpasses any and all thoughts about Him. He surpasses our feelings, and even the state of our souls. It is impossible to speak about Him. The only way to communicate with God is to love God. We have to sink into God so that I no longer exist but God does. When I do this I don't lose myself, but find myself in God. This can be understood only by those people who love God with all their heart, all their soul, and all their strength. If anyone sins, the only cause for all sins is the lack of love towards God and the lack of love for mankind and ourselves, that is the cause of all evils. If this wounded humanity would discover the formula of love, unconditional love, this life would be heaven on earth.
God Bless,

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Inquisitor Generalis

[quote name='ironmonk' date='Feb 14 2006, 02:34 PM']Inquisitor Generalis,

Something to consider is that in the end days God will pour out His Spirit onto His people.

This is not happening through the charismatic movement. The charismatics came from the Pentecostal heresy.

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Mrs. Bro. Adam

[quote name='Inquisitor Generalis' date='Feb 14 2006, 02:47 PM']This is not happening through the charismatic movement.  The charismatics came from the Pentecostal heresy.

Do you even understand the true intent of the Charistmatic movement and where it originated? If I remember correctly, the Charistmatic movement, correct me if I'm wrong, was supported and encouraged by our late beloved John Paul II.

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