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Fox Failed To Mention Co-Owner Is One They Accuse Of 'terror Fundi

Fidei Defensor

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282844988' post='2163567']
Oh, indeed?

Liberal comedians like Jon Stewart (whom it seems you get most of your political "wisdom" from) are hardly unbiased court jesters interested only in making people laugh and telling "uncomfortable truths."

They are every bit as politically-driven and partisan as Rush Limbaugh and the other right-wing pundits that the bleeding hearts love to hate.

I remember reading a good article about how comedy entertainment actually is a powerful and often overlooked influence on the political views of the American public. Many comedians have a strong left-wing bias, which is reflected in their comedy. I think audiences actually allow themselves unwittingly to be subtly influenced more by comedians, because they let their guard down more when they see the show as being mostly entertainment, and the comedians tell jokes and make them laugh, and many are fooled into seeing them as merely "court jesters" telling "uncomfortable truths."

Things may have changed since then, and I admit I don't usually watch tv, but the article noted how shows like SNL were remarkably timid in spoofing Obama, compared with past presidents, and when they did Obama sketches, he was treated largely as a straight man, and the laughs were at the expense of those who oppose him.

It seems that since Obama and liberal Democrats control the presidency and both houses of Congress, the Left, which previously liked to pose as rebels fearlessly standing up for truth against an oppressive government, now direct all their ire and mockery against anyone who dare oppose the current regime (Oh, those awful people in the right-wing media!).

The "court jesters" are now nothing but loyal toadies of their current king, whom they will dare not speak many "uncomfortable truths" about.

I dont think you have watched much of The Daily Show recently. He spends about half his time making fun of Obama and the liberals. Heck, a few days ago he issued an apology for his coverage of something years ago and agreed with Charlton Heston's speech to the NRA. yup, sounds like a leftist wacko.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' timestamp='1282847288' post='2163588']

I wish i could watch that, but the canadian site doesnt archive that far back. :(

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282844988' post='2163567']
Oh, indeed?

Liberal comedians like Jon Stewart (whom it seems you get most of your political "wisdom" from) are hardly unbiased court jesters interested only in making people laugh and telling "uncomfortable truths."

They are every bit as politically-driven and partisan as Rush Limbaugh and the other right-wing pundits that the bleeding hearts love to hate.

I remember reading a good article about how comedy entertainment actually is a powerful and often overlooked influence on the political views of the American public. Many comedians have a strong left-wing bias, which is reflected in their comedy. I think audiences actually allow themselves unwittingly to be subtly influenced more by comedians, because they let their guard down more when they see the show as being mostly entertainment, and the comedians tell jokes and make them laugh, and many are fooled into seeing them as merely "court jesters" telling "uncomfortable truths."

Things may have changed since then, and I admit I don't usually watch tv, but the article noted how shows like SNL were remarkably timid in spoofing Obama, compared with past presidents, and when they did Obama sketches, he was treated largely as a straight man, and the laughs were at the expense of those who oppose him.

It seems that since Obama and liberal Democrats control the presidency and both houses of Congress, the Left, which previously liked to pose as rebels fearlessly standing up for truth against an oppressive government, now direct all their ire and mockery against anyone who dare oppose the current regime (Oh, those awful people in the right-wing media!).

The "court jesters" are now nothing but loyal toadies of their current king, whom they will dare not speak many "uncomfortable truths" about.

Both shows make fun of anything ridiculous either party does, and yes they are biased toward the liberal side of things sometimes, but they are just trying to get as many viewers as possible. Out of character, both fully admit that their show is not meant as "news" or even on the border of news and comedy. It is not their fault that if people take what they say unquestioningly or if there is no countering comedic "conservative show".

edit: o wait... i forget about rush limbaugh... i guess its even

Edited by sixpence
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282844988' post='2163567']
Oh, indeed?

Liberal comedians like Jon Stewart (whom it seems you get most of your political "wisdom" from) are hardly unbiased court jesters interested only in making people laugh and telling "uncomfortable truths."

They are every bit as politically-driven and partisan as Rush Limbaugh and the other right-wing pundits that the bleeding hearts love to hate.

I remember reading a good article about how comedy entertainment actually is a powerful and often overlooked influence on the political views of the American public. Many comedians have a strong left-wing bias, which is reflected in their comedy. I think audiences actually allow themselves unwittingly to be subtly influenced more by comedians, because they let their guard down more when they see the show as being mostly entertainment, and the comedians tell jokes and make them laugh, and many are fooled into seeing them as merely "court jesters" telling "uncomfortable truths."

Things may have changed since then, and I admit I don't usually watch tv, but the article noted how shows like SNL were remarkably timid in spoofing Obama, compared with past presidents, and when they did Obama sketches, he was treated largely as a straight man, and the laughs were at the expense of those who oppose him.

It seems that since Obama and liberal Democrats control the presidency and both houses of Congress, the Left, which previously liked to pose as rebels fearlessly standing up for truth against an oppressive government, now direct all their ire and mockery against anyone who dare oppose the current regime (Oh, those awful people in the right-wing media!).

The "court jesters" are now nothing but loyal toadies of their current king, whom they will dare not speak many "uncomfortable truths" about.
So rather than comment on the actual story, you go off on a rant about the "liberal media." Regardless of how you feel about the source, what are your thoughts on story at hand?

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[quote name='fidei defensor' timestamp='1282871052' post='2163799']
So rather than comment on the actual story, you go off on a rant about the "liberal media." Regardless of how you feel about the source, what are your thoughts on story at hand?

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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282871200' post='2163803']

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282871453' post='2163809']
I love you both. You know that.

Love your avatar.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1282866296' post='2163729']
I dont think you have watched much of The Daily Show recently. He spends about half his time making fun of Obama and the liberals. Heck, a few days ago he issued an apology for his coverage of something years ago and agreed with Charlton Heston's speech to the NRA. yup, sounds like a leftist wacko.
Like I said, I don't watch tv. Never called anyone a "leftist wacko."

The article I referenced was written not that long after Obama's swearing-in, and I don't recall it talking about Jon Stewart specifically, though other examples were given. At that time, there was this attitude of reverence concerning Obama, which thankfully seems to fading now.

[quote name='sixpence' timestamp='1282866917' post='2163735']
Both shows make fun of anything ridiculous either party does, and yes they are biased toward the liberal side of things sometimes, but they are just trying to get as many viewers as possible. Out of character, both fully admit that their show is not meant as "news" or even on the border of news and comedy. It is not their fault that if people take what they say unquestioningly or if there is no countering comedic "conservative show".

edit: o wait... i forget about rush limbaugh... i guess its even
Part of the point was that a lot of people are lazy and don't bother to educate themselves on politics, so tv comedy shows and such are mostly what informs their political opinions when they actually bother to vote.

Apathy and intellectual laziness on the part of the public are as much to blame as anything else.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282932463' post='2164192']
Apathy and intellectual laziness on the part of the public are as much to blame as anything else.

I concur. It seems I'm the only one of my friends who makes an honest effort to stay informed, and who doesn't consider comedy central a "good source of information". I asked a few friends the other day who they might be voting for in the up coming elections, they hadn't a clue who was even running.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282844988' post='2163567']
I remember reading a good article about how comedy entertainment actually is a powerful and often overlooked influence on the political views of the American public. Many comedians have a strong left-wing bias, which is reflected in their comedy. I think audiences actually allow themselves unwittingly to be subtly influenced more by comedians, because they let their guard down more when they see the show as being mostly entertainment, and the comedians tell jokes and make them laugh, and many are fooled into seeing them as merely "court jesters" telling "uncomfortable truths."

So true.

I stick with Fox News -- it's as right-wing, republican and conservative as I can find. Admittedly not perfect.

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282844988' post='2163567']I remember reading a good article about how comedy entertainment actually is a powerful and often overlooked influence on the political views of the American public. Many comedians have a strong left-wing bias, which is reflected in their comedy. I think audiences actually allow themselves unwittingly to be subtly influenced more by comedians, because they let their guard down more when they see the show as being mostly entertainment, and the comedians tell jokes and make them laugh, and many are fooled into seeing them as merely "court jesters" telling "uncomfortable truths."[/quote]

So true.

I stick with Fox News -- it's as right-wing, republican and conservative as I can find. Admittedly not perfect.

Edited by JoyfulLife
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Fidei Defensor

[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282932463' post='2164192']
Like I said, I don't watch tv. Never called anyone a "leftist wacko."

The article I referenced was written not that long after Obama's swearing-in, and I don't recall it talking about Jon Stewart specifically, though other examples were given. At that time, there was this attitude of reverence concerning Obama, which thankfully seems to fading now.

Part of the point was that a lot of people are lazy and don't bother to educate themselves on politics, so tv comedy shows and such are mostly what informs their political opinions when they actually bother to vote.

Apathy and intellectual laziness on the part of the public are as much to blame as anything else.
And still, you haven't addressed the reason for the thread and the subject of the video. Do you have anything to say about it or are you just going to continue to attack strawmen?

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