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Yes, We Have No More Emos


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282773403' post='2163192']

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282773403' post='2163192']

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282773941' post='2163194']
Ah, way to edit before I could reply.
I was going to say that you look younger than I expected.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282773403' post='2163192']

Well, he's got pretty eyes (although, to me, they'd look better without make-up). And the piercings just look painful.

But, performers who appeal to very young girls often tend to look kind of effeminate. (Frankly, if I hadn't known this was a guy, I would have thought he was a girl--except maybe for the few, small, chin hairs.) One theory is that very young girls find very masculine men threatening, so they are more attracted to young male performers who are kind of effeminate, so don't look as threatening.

However, I am not a very young girl.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282774009' post='2163196']
Ah, way to edit before I could reply.
I was going to say that you look younger than I expected.
I thought it was extreme douchebaggery to say "I made mine," so I took the comment down. It's not douchebaggery to acknowledge one had a db moment, though.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282774341' post='2163200']
I thought it was extreme douchebaggery to say "I made mine," so I took the comment down. It's not douchebaggery to acknowledge one had a db moment, though.
I don't understand. :P I blame the liberals again.

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1282774247' post='2163198']
Well, he's got pretty eyes (although, to me, they'd look better without make-up). And the piercings just look painful.

But, performers who appeal to very young girls often tend to look kind of effeminate. (Frankly, if I hadn't known this was a guy, I would have thought he was a girl--except maybe for the few, small, chin hairs.) One theory is that very young girls find very masculine men threatening, so they are more attracted to young male performers who are kind of effeminate, so don't look as threatening.

However, I am not a very young girl.
The Queens Underthings! The joke is that he has no depth perception.

The appropriate response:
[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1282774247' post='2163198']

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282774431' post='2163201']
I don't understand. :P I blame the liberals again.
You didn't see my response before I edited it?

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282774678' post='2163207']
You didn't see my response before I edited it?
I did, but I didn't get a particular impression of douchebagginess.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282774742' post='2163208']
I did, but I didn't get a particular impression of douchebagginess.
Repeat it to yourself, but in a real weird voice, like you're mocking me.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282774892' post='2163216']
Repeat it to yourself, but in a real weird voice, like you're mocking me.
:idontknow: It's just not coming.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282774987' post='2163220']
:idontknow: It's just not coming.
Wait...are you a fan of "Jersey Shore?"

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282775251' post='2163225']
Wait...are you a fan of "Jersey Shore?"
Absolutely not.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1282774247' post='2163198']
Well, he's got pretty eyes (although, to me, they'd look better without make-up). And the piercings just look painful.

But, performers who appeal to very young girls often tend to look kind of effeminate. (Frankly, if I hadn't known this was a guy, I would have thought he was a girl--except maybe for the few, small, chin hairs.) One theory is that very young girls find very masculine men threatening, so they are more attracted to young male performers who are kind of effeminate, so don't look as threatening.

However, I am not a very young girl.
Scarier still is that this is a guy:

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