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Yes, We Have No More Emos


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282768404' post='2163134']
Some emo or goth girls actually look attractive.
Hearing this from you is just kind of strange. :|

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282765250' post='2163115']
Both emos and goths would object strongly to being equated with each other.
The emos would go cry in a corner, and the goths would yell at you and write dark poetry.
Nice summary. And thanks for the yahoo! quote; it helps narrow down the differences quiite a bit.

And while we are on these topics, are there any emo emos?


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eustace scrubb

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282768853' post='2163142']
Hearing this from you is just kind of strange. :|

Not really... a good amount of goths and emos are conservatives... and in the case of goth girls, CAN BE REALLY FREAKING HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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[quote name='eustace scrubb' timestamp='1282755974' post='2163037']
emos are probably here to stay... with their tight jeans, long, wavy hair, and bad music...

lol.. doubt it!

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='JTheresa' timestamp='1282769236' post='2163147']
Nice summary. And thanks for the yahoo! quote; it helps narrow down the differences quiite a bit.

And while we are on these topics, are there any emo emos?


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eustace scrubb

[quote name='JTheresa' timestamp='1282769236' post='2163147']
Nice summary. And thanks for the yahoo! quote; it helps narrow down the differences quiite a bit.

And while we are on these topics, are there any emo emos?



This is one I've seen before.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282768241' post='2163132']
This is what Molly P. on Yahoo answers says:

Emo was originally a nickname for "emotive hardcore" (type of music), but has evolved into meaning "emotional" because it was misinterpreted, since fans of this music were ususally known for being a bunch of depressed-self-harming-teens with too much free time. It's all stereotypical. But this is what it's known for now. An emo person (like I said stereotypical) would be very depressed, hate the world, including themselves and probabl cry all the time. They've even stereotyped and emo style. Usually "emo" kids dress in skinny jeans, dark colors (but not all black), band tee shirts, and chucks. But, like I said about 5 or so times. IT'S ALL STEREOTYPICAL!!! And it did originally mean "emotive hardcore". (and if some one dresses like that it doesn't mean they're gonna go suicidal!)

The word "gothic" was originally used to descibe works of art that were "dark", which is the meaning, hence how it now descibes people we call "goth".
Gothic is now used as an adjective is ususally used to discribe people who wear all, or mostly black. They're usually gloomy. And people think that they do some sort of devil worship. They're sometimes depressed, but everyone can get depressed, so that doesn't really count. Gothic style is: (like I said) all or mostly black, heavy eyeliner, black or odd colored hair. This too can all be stereotypical. Like you can dress "goth" and not worship the devil. You can say you're goth and not worship the devil. There's a goth style music too. It's like a form of rock. Sort of.

But like I said, through this whole thing. Most of this is stereotypical, especially all the "emo" stuff. It's kinda sad how things can get so stupidly out of hand.

Thanks for the explanation. I read the vocational story once of a Passionist nun. She was discerning religious life, and realized that all her life she had loved black and had been a "goth" even before there were "goths." (Meaning teenage "goths," not "visigoths"--an entirely different, and far more violent subspecies). So, when she saw the Passionist habit, she loved it because it meant she could wear black every day for the rest of her life. So, who knows, the goths and emos of today may be the religious Sisters and Brothers of the future.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282769458' post='2163154']
thiis ones not emo! he's just French. :P

[quote name='eustace scrubb' timestamp='1282769646' post='2163160']

This is one I've seen before.
That's better.

lemme see if I can find one with emo tears....

i didn't but I found a cutter:

Edited by JTheresa
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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282768404' post='2163134']
Skinny jeans are effeminate.

This may be true for guys who are wearing eye makeup and other things usually worn by women.

But, on a guy with the right body, and who isn't wearing make-up, etc, skinny jeans can emphasize a guy's, uh, masculinity. Just sayin'. It's all context.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282768853' post='2163142']
Hearing this from you is just kind of strange. :|
I dig the ladies.

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eustace scrubb

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282770777' post='2163173']
I dig the ladies.


Perfect response... lol

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282770777' post='2163173']
I dig the ladies.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282772029' post='2163183']

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