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Yes, We Have No More Emos


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Although I can see emos in others' posts, I still can't use them in mine. It's very strange when I make posts. One option is to be totally rational, to which I can only reply--Me? Yeah right.

Or, for the time being, I will have revert to the old days. Yes, kids, hard as it is to believe, in the early days, we had Internet forums with no emos. We did things like. LOL :-> :-P

Primitive, yet when that was all we had, they worked. I know that dUSt is continuing to work on the system, so I will be patient.

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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It should be working, it might take a second to load. Try hitting the show all button, because even if they don't show up automatically they will (should) appear when you do that. (I just did and it worked for me.)

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[quote name='IcePrincessKRS' timestamp='1282677730' post='2162548']
It should be working, it might take a second to load. Try hitting the show all button, because even if they don't show up automatically they will (should) appear when you do that. (I just did and it worked for me.)

Thank-you so much IceP--it worked for me! I was feeling SO lost without emos!

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1282751054' post='2162990']
thepenciledone is an emo and he's still here.


[quote name='eustace scrubb' timestamp='1282755974' post='2163037']
emos are probably here to stay... with their tight jeans, long, wavy hair, and bad music...

I like relatively tight jeans...not super tight of course.

And I like that screamo stuff : P

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='SaintOfVirtue' timestamp='1282758657' post='2163059']
Did anyone else read the title for this thread and think "emos" as in "Goths"?
Both emos and goths would object strongly to being equated with each other.
The emos would go cry in a corner, and the goths would yell at you and write dark poetry.

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[quote name='eustace scrubb' timestamp='1282755974' post='2163037']
emos are probably here to stay... with their tight jeans, long, wavy hair, and bad music...

I'm sure this makes me a dweeb, but I have no idea what an "emo" is other than an emoticon, and I hate bad music (that just means I have good taste).

But, I confess a certain fondness for guys with jeans and long hair. Back in the day, when I was a callow youth, all the guys wore jeans and had long hair (well, unless they were Marines). In the only picture I have left of my ex, taken while we were dating, he had hair almost to his shoulders and a beard, and it reminded me why I was dumb enough to marry him. He still had his long hair and beard when he got his PhD. And, there was one guy at college with gorgeous, shiny long hair down to his waist, and I remember being very jealous because his hair was a lot better than mine.

In my other "never judge people by their appearance" story, I worked for awhile at the Physics Library at Berkeley. One evening I was alone in the library--well, alone with about 10 or 15 physics students. I realized that I had locked myself out of the library office, and was in the middle of calling security, when one of the students overheard me calling. He had hair to his waist in a ponytail, ratty jeans, and your father would never have let you date him. He pulled out a full key ring, found the key to the library office, and opened it for me. After I thanked him profusely, one of the other students explained that he was one of the top PhD candidates, and was considered trustworthy enough to have a master key that unlocked every door in the Physics building, including the offices of professors and administrators. It was a very good lesson to never judge by appearances (particularly in academia).

Edited by IgnatiusofLoyola
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Nihil Obstat

Here are some typical emos. You may have seen them around.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' timestamp='1282767502' post='2163125']
Here are some typical emos. You may have seen them around.

Yes, I recognize this particular subspecies. However, how would I distinguish them from "goths" since there appear to be certain characteristics in common?

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1282767700' post='2163127']
Yes, I recognize this particular subspecies. However, how would I distinguish them from "goths" since there appear to be certain characteristics in common?
It's sorta like trying to tell apart a grizzly and a Kodiak. Subtle differences.

Here's a typical goth:
and an emo:

Fashion wise it's more of a matter of degree, but they differ more from a philosophical standpoint.

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Nihil Obstat

This is what Molly P. on Yahoo answers says:

Emo was originally a nickname for "emotive hardcore" (type of music), but has evolved into meaning "emotional" because it was misinterpreted, since fans of this music were ususally known for being a bunch of depressed-self-harming-teens with too much free time. It's all stereotypical. But this is what it's known for now. An emo person (like I said stereotypical) would be very depressed, hate the world, including themselves and probabl cry all the time. They've even stereotyped and emo style. Usually "emo" kids dress in skinny jeans, dark colors (but not all black), band tee shirts, and chucks. But, like I said about 5 or so times. IT'S ALL STEREOTYPICAL!!! And it did originally mean "emotive hardcore". (and if some one dresses like that it doesn't mean they're gonna go suicidal!)

The word "gothic" was originally used to descibe works of art that were "dark", which is the meaning, hence how it now descibes people we call "goth".
Gothic is now used as an adjective is ususally used to discribe people who wear all, or mostly black. They're usually gloomy. And people think that they do some sort of devil worship. They're sometimes depressed, but everyone can get depressed, so that doesn't really count. Gothic style is: (like I said) all or mostly black, heavy eyeliner, black or odd colored hair. This too can all be stereotypical. Like you can dress "goth" and not worship the devil. You can say you're goth and not worship the devil. There's a goth style music too. It's like a form of rock. Sort of.

But like I said, through this whole thing. Most of this is stereotypical, especially all the "emo" stuff. It's kinda sad how things can get so stupidly out of hand.

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Some emo or goth girls actually look attractive. This is not true of males at all. Man up, you sissies.

Skinny jeans are effeminate.

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