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How A Radtrad Can Prefer The Ordinary Form

fides' Jack

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[quote name='goldenchild17' timestamp='1282666827' post='2162472']
I don't know which Mass you went to as a traditionalist, but I was a "schismatic" for a few years too and don't agree with your conclusion at all.

The Church wants all of us to attend Mass. What does this have anything to do with the OF being better? They are both a valid Mass and going to either is better than not going at all. I don't think the Church has said anything more than this about the OF being preferable over the EF.

Irrelevant. The value of something (whether it be the EF, OF or anything on any subject whatsoever) is not inherently tied to the holiness of its proponents. We're all sinners, EF and OF attendees alike.

That said, I do believe the OF is a valid and acceptable choice, even for a traditionalist, as it is a good and holy Mass. But I don't see why or how a traditionalist would prefer it over the EF.

Which conclusion (the joke at the beginning, or the fact that a radtrad might prefer it) do you not agree with? Because you seemed to entirely misunderstand what I was trying to say - which isn't your fault. Almost everyone did, so that just tells me that I should have worded the whole thing differently.

Intrinsically, they are both the Mass, and both valid, and so both are equal. Extrinsically, that is, the smells and bells (as some have said), are much better at the EF. But I do prefer the OF just because it is the Ordinary - what the Church has instituted for the majority. Let me put it this way - one of the arguments used by EFers (and myself) is that Mass everywhere should be in Latin, if only because it would create an extra layer of unity among the Church. The same sentiment exists for the EF right now - it's the Extraordinary Form - not Ordinary. It would be great if we could all attend the same form of Mass. Since the OF is the form the Church uses right now, [i]that's[/i] the one that must be used to be unified.

A follow up question to this might be, does anyone here think that Mass in Heaven will be the same for everyone, or will some experience it under other forms? Will we all be unified in this matter in Heaven?

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[quote name='Socrates' timestamp='1282669076' post='2162487']
There are sinners in any parish or congregation, and individual parishes vary in both forms. I can't judge everybody attending a mass, but overall, there tends to be much more reverence and a sense of the sacred at EF masses than at most (not all) NO masses.

I agree entirely.

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