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A Vocations Quiz


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I had an idea of a few questions that would probably never appear on a real vocations quiz to help you find an Order. Feel free to add your own.

Do you like hugging trees?

Do you call animals brother squirrel and sister pigeon?

Do you like shoes?

Are you just as happy in the library as you are in the chapel?

Do you like to argue about proper sledding techniques?

Does the idea of burning your books makes you scream NOOOOO!?

Do you cry a lot?

Can your tears fill a bucket, that you would then use to mop the floor with? [size="1"](thanks to jt for that one! )[/size]


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laetitia crucis

Do you often mistake the word "v[b]a[/b]cation" for "v[b]o[/b]cation"?

Do you accidentally call doctors "Father"?

Do you find yourself "randomly" looking through various websites of religious orders?

Do you like to "nun gaze"?

Does your heart flutter when you see a nun/sister/priest/monk?

Do you practice signing your ideal religious name?

Do you wrap towels around your head and pretend it's a veil?

Do you randomly sing/hum hymns?

Do you refer to your weekly Holy Hour as a "date with Jesus"?


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do you often plan your vacation around areas where there are convents of interest? In other words, do you make your v[b]a[/b]cation all about your v[b]o[/b]cation? :lol:

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Do you call your bedroom a "cell"?

Do you call your kitchen a "refectory"?

Do you call the hallway that leads to your bathroom a "cloister"?

Did you install a turn into your wall? (what?! that's a bit much! Better see a psych doc if you do that!)

Do you eat your breakfast standing up?

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Do you find your bed too soft and prefer to sleep on the floor?

Do you hate wearing jeans/pants/shorts and always wear long skirts?

Do you wear so many religious medals that you "jingle?"

Have you ever worn white socks with sandals in public voluntarily?

Do you have a holy water font in your car?

Is one of your dreams never to have your own bathroom?

Do you wish that someone would set up an hourly schedule for you every day, because you hate having a free choice?

Have you ever envied Muslim women who keep their hair covered and wear long skirts when it's 100 degrees outside?

Do you find yourself waking up at 5:00 am every day and wishing you could get up earlier?

Do you crave liver meatloaf?

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laetitia crucis

I have a confession:

While in high school and college... [size=1]I would occasionally wear white socks and sandals... unabashedly. [/size]


[size=1][/size] :shock:



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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Hilde' timestamp='1282076181' post='2159056']

Don't hate.


Edit: Need I mention... this was pre-conversion days?.... :unsure:

Edited by laetitia crucis
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Amor vincit omnia

I am just reading this post and all I can do is laugh at some of the awesome questions you guys have posted...the question about white socks & sandals made me... :lol_roll:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='Hilde' timestamp='1282076453' post='2159068']
You're a new and improved person.

Jesus makes all things new. Even me and my former "fashion sense"... :lol: Hahaha!

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[quote name='IgnatiusofLoyola' timestamp='1282073181' post='2159023']

Is one of your dreams never to have your own bathroom?

[/quote] This thought scares me. A LOT!

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