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"barack Obama Has Abandoned America..." - 9/11 Families


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9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America
Statement of Debra Burlingame, Co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, in Response to President Obama’s Remarks about the Ground Zero Mosque

9/11 Families Stunned by Presidents Support of Mosque at Ground Zero

New York, NY, Aug. 14 — Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see. Since that dark day, Americans have been asked to bear the burden of defending those values, again and again and again. Now this president declares that the victims of 9/11 and their families must bear another burden. We must stand silent at the last place in America where 9/11 is still remembered with reverence or risk being called religious bigots.

Muslims have worshipped in New York without incident both before and after the attacks of 9/11. This controversy is not about religious freedom. 9/11 was more than a “deeply traumatic event,” it was an act of war. Building a 15-story mosque at Ground Zero is a deliberately provocative act that will precipitate more bloodshed in the name of Allah. Those who continue to target and kill American civilians and U.S. troops will see it as a symbol of their historic progress at the site of their most bloody victory. Demolishing a building that was damaged by wreckage from one of the hijacked planes in order to build a mosque and Islamic Center will further energize those who regard it as a ratification of their violent and divinely ordered mission: the spread of shariah law and its subjugation of all free people, including secular Muslims who come to this country fleeing that medieval ideology, which destroys lives and crushes the human spirit.

We are stunned by the president’s willingness to disregard what Americans should be proud of: our enduring generosity to others on 9/11–a day when human decency triumphed over human depravity. On that day, when 3,000 of our fellow human beings were killed in barbaric act of raw religious intolerance unlike this country had ever seen, Americans did not turn outward with hatred or violence, we turned to each other, armed with nothing more than American flags and countless acts of kindness. In a breathtakingly inappropriate setting, the president has chosen to declare our memories of 9/11 obsolete and the sanctity of Ground Zero finished. No one who has lived this history and felt the sting of our country’s loss that day can truly believe that putting our families through more wrenching heartache can be an act of peace.

We will honor the memory of our loved ones. We will protect our children, whose lives will never be the same. We will not stand silent.


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[quote name='StMichael' timestamp='1281808401' post='2157279']

9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America
Statement of Debra Burlingame, Co-founder of 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America, in Response to President Obama’s Remarks about the Ground Zero Mosque

9/11 Families Stunned by Presidents Support of Mosque at Ground Zero

New York, NY, Aug. 14 — Barack Obama has abandoned America at the place where America’s heart was broken nine years ago, and where her true values were on display for all to see. Since that dark day, Americans have been asked to bear the burden of defending those values, again and again and again. Now this president declares that the victims of 9/11 and their families must bear another burden. We must stand silent at the last place in America where 9/11 is still remembered with reverence or risk being called religious bigots.

Muslims have worshipped in New York without incident both before and after the attacks of 9/11. This controversy is not about religious freedom. 9/11 was more than a “deeply traumatic event,” it was an act of war. Building a 15-story mosque at Ground Zero is a deliberately provocative act that will precipitate more bloodshed in the name of Allah. Those who continue to target and kill American civilians and U.S. troops will see it as a symbol of their historic progress at the site of their most bloody victory. Demolishing a building that was damaged by wreckage from one of the hijacked planes in order to build a mosque and Islamic Center will further energize those who regard it as a ratification of their violent and divinely ordered mission: the spread of shariah law and its subjugation of all free people, including secular Muslims who come to this country fleeing that medieval ideology, which destroys lives and crushes the human spirit.

We are stunned by the president’s willingness to disregard what Americans should be proud of: our enduring generosity to others on 9/11–a day when human decency triumphed over human depravity. On that day, when 3,000 of our fellow human beings were killed in barbaric act of raw religious intolerance unlike this country had ever seen, Americans did not turn outward with hatred or violence, we turned to each other, armed with nothing more than American flags and countless acts of kindness. In a breathtakingly inappropriate setting, the president has chosen to declare our memories of 9/11 obsolete and the sanctity of Ground Zero finished. No one who has lived this history and felt the sting of our country’s loss that day can truly believe that putting our families through more wrenching heartache can be an act of peace.

We will honor the memory of our loved ones. We will protect our children, whose lives will never be the same. We will not stand silent.



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...i read that there is a strip joint a block away from ground zero...

i wish people would protest that...

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I read that a man proposes to build a gay bar right next to the mosque and that while it is for all gay people, there will be a section in the bar specifically for homosexual Muslim men.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' timestamp='1281814598' post='2157336']
I read that a man proposes to build a gay bar right next to the mosque and that while it is for all gay people, there will be a section in the bar specifically for homosexual Muslim men.

Greg Gutfeld!!

I actually love the idea. I think it's hilariously brilliant. Everyone knows that while there are some people who would rather homosexuals convert to their religion, Muslims, if Sharia were made the law of the land would be putting them up against a wall and executing them first. :D

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[quote name='iheartjp2' timestamp='1281819829' post='2157421']
Greg Gutfeld!!

I actually love the idea.[/QUOTE]

You support the idea of a festering, cesspool of sin being built? I guess you are part of that naughty and subversive homosexual agenda. :ohno:

Your gleeful attitude reveals an unsettling truth. You don't really consider ground zero to be 'sacred ground' or anything of the sort. If you didn't you wouldn't respond to the idea of building a gay bar next to the Mosque. Why would you support sin and filth being heaped on sacred ground if you really were repulsed by sacrilege? Of course, you wouldn't. You love the idea of a gay bar in the area because you want to spite the Muslims. That's what this has always been about for many of those who oppose the Mosque.

Thank you for putting aside the croutons and being up front about your motives.

[QUOTE] I think it's hilariously brilliant. Everyone knows that while there are some people who would rather homosexuals convert to their religion, Muslims, if Sharia were made the law of the land would be putting them up against a wall and executing them first. :D

As would you all if Levitical law were listened to or the anti-sodomy laws that prevailed throughout Christian Europe for most of its history were reinstated. Were they alive today, I think Oscar Wilde or Alan Turing (the former killed indirectly by British anti-sodomy laws in the 50's following his chemical castration, mandated by the courts for engaging in consensual sexual activities) would have an earful for you.

Obviously, if any such gay bar were to be built they would be within their rights. It would be both sad and ironic if one historically despised but increasingly accepted minority used their greater acceptance (evidence by being allowed to build an openly gay oriented bar in the first place) to spite another minority because they fought for their rights.

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I like how the articles title makes it Barack Obama's fault that a building is being built, but fails to expand on exactly how that is so. You know, things can happen in america without them being directly the President's merit or fault.

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Mark of the Cross


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[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1281838443' post='2157534']
I like how the articles title makes it Barack Obama's fault that a building is being built, but fails to expand on exactly how that is so. You know, things can happen in america without them being directly the President's merit or fault.
The Canadian is right.

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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1281839432' post='2157541']
The Canadian is right.

Did Obama cause you to write that?


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1281839596' post='2157543']
Did Obama cause you to write that?


No! It was 'They Shoulda' or 'They Shouldn'ta'

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i opened this tread because the description said [b]- barack Obama Has Aband[/b] -

that's not what this story is about, at all

Never-mind :lol_roll:

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[quote name='iheartjp2' timestamp='1281819829' post='2157421']
Greg Gutfeld!!

I actually love the idea. I think it's hilariously brilliant. Everyone knows that while there are some people who would rather homosexuals convert to their religion, Muslims, if Sharia were made the law of the land[b] would be putting them up against a wall and executing them first.[/b] :D

Actually, I just read something about the bold part. Islam is ok with homosexuality with juveniles. I was reading some articles about the martyrs of Uganda, and found out that it was the Muslims who introduced the Sin of Sodom to the King of Uganda. That is part of the heavenly reward for suicide bombers, after the doe eyes virgins, apparently.....:ohno:

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