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Banning The Burqa

Lil Red


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what about the women who want to wear one. by not allowing them, your denying them the freedom of religion. the problem is if the government is able to deny one group of people thier rights to freedom of religion, then it will be no time before they deny all relgions their rights. if the burqa gets banned, it will only be a while before the nun's outfit is banned. if you really think the liberal left will stop at one religion's clothing then your deluding yourself.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='organwerke' date='06 August 2010 - 06:55 AM' timestamp='1281034540' post='2152783']
The burqa is not a simple veil which covers only the head, but a veil which covers partially, or entirely, the face.

So it is completely different from a traditional nun's habit, except for some habits of nuns who live in enclosure, but the ban only matters the wearing in public, not in private, so the religious habits in convents is not included in the case (such as women who wear burkas in their home).

I'm in favour of this ban and don't think this is against the freedom of religion, on the contrary it is in favour of the dignity of the women that is absolutely mortified with this kind of wearing; second, it is in favour of the public society's security, because, at least in my country, a person can't go in public places covering his face so that he can't be recognized. You can find this ridicolous, but a law that forbids people to go in public places with the face covered was made much earlier that Muslim immigration started here, so the burqa's cultural problem was not at all an excuse to this law.

Banning the burqa is simply an act of common sense for plenty of reasons, another one is a simple rule of respect among the persons that is that when I speak or deal with a person I would like to see her in her face (and of copurse I show myself), and not to speak with a "ghost" who hides herself with a veil.

I can't see ridicolous or shocking motives in banning the burqa, on the contrary, I can only see plenty of reason in favour of it.


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' date='05 August 2010 - 03:57 PM' timestamp='1281038267' post='2152818']
Wearing a habit and being a nun is a choice, being forced by men to cover your face because you are fear for your life and skin is not. Covering your face is not the same as covering your body - one is covering and negating your identity as a human being, the other is a choice of standards of modesty.

Do you accept the logic by which the author arrived at her conclusion?

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I see no reason why the Burqa should be banned in today's climate. Although in an ideal state where the large majority of citizens are Catholics, the propagation and practice of non-Catholic beliefs would be severely punished by law, in today's world I think it would be most practical to work for the toleration of all different religious beliefs and customs (within reason). In the eyes of secularists, Catholics are not terribly different from Muslims, and I would not want to see the head-coverings for women at Mass or the habits of nuns made illegal.

Edited by Resurrexi
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In short, I do not believe that freedom of speech or freedom of religion are ideals that should be found in every state (unless by these are meant the freedom to speak the truth and the freedom to practice the true religion), rather, I see them as practical necessities in any country that has a non-Catholic majority.

Edited by Resurrexi
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Never. I will never ban the burqa. It is a slippery slope. Burqas today, ninja suits tomorrow. I will have none of it. Before you know it they'll forbid [url="http://www.cafepress.com/+passover+boxers"]Passover boxers[/url].

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='havok579257' date='07 August 2010 - 06:06 AM' timestamp='1281157604' post='2153575']
what about the women who want to wear one. by not allowing them, your denying them the freedom of religion. the problem is if the government is able to deny one group of people thier rights to freedom of religion, then it will be no time before they deny all relgions their rights. if the burqa gets banned, it will only be a while before the nun's outfit is banned. if you really think the liberal left will stop at one religion's clothing then your deluding yourself.
I've thought of this as well. There's a lady in my home ed group who wears a burqa, and AFAIK she wears it willingly, though I've not discussed it with her. The other Muslims in the group don the hijab instead.

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in a way (though i know this specifically deals with 'security' issues), it makes me think of 'freedom of religion' vs. 'freedom of worship'. IOW, it's okay, as long as it's kept private and not public.

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[quote name='Laudate_Dominum' date='10 August 2010 - 09:05 AM' timestamp='1281445549' post='2155177']
Never. I will never ban the burqa. It is a slippery slope. Burqas today, ninja suits tomorrow. I will have none of it. Before you know it they'll forbid [url="http://www.cafepress.com/+passover+boxers"]Passover boxers[/url].
God used to like passover boxers, but He doesn't anymore.

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[quote name='MIkolbe' date='10 August 2010 - 12:35 PM' timestamp='1281458139' post='2155329']
God used to like passover boxers, but He doesn't anymore.

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[i]*refrains from making comments about loins being girt*[/i]

I can understand that it is weird for someone's face to be covered, and that, realistically, there are some cases where it would not work. Getting a driver's license (or passport), yes, requires a photo of the face. But also, any time one is obligated to flash ID (such as in an airport), the face cannot be covered at that time, either.

I was wearing a bandana (kerchief) when I went in for my driver's license photo. They instructed me to take it off, which I did. I imagine a hijab would also cause concern in that situation, though at least the face is visible. The burqa, on the other hand...is just not feasible. Your choices are to take it off, or to not get the license.

Banning the burqa outright seems too oppressive to me. I'd be in favor of placing limitations on where it can be worn without banning it outright. I can see security concerns surrounding airports, banks and other events or gatherings. But to say 'no one may walk down the street or sit in a public park while wearing a burqa'...since when do we legislate fashion? If so, I can honestly think of some articles of clothing I'd like to ban before we get around to the burqa. Certain applications of spandex come to mind....

I mean, are we going to ban Halloween costumes with masks that cover the face? If not...why the burqa in particular? Seems too close to persecution, which is not exactly how we are going to convince these women that an enlightened Western society is the way to go.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' date='10 August 2010 - 09:01 AM' timestamp='1281445283' post='2155174']
banning the burqa is ridiculous... banning a false religion on the other hand...

It's tempting. But freedom of conscious must be protected and ending all the false religions would have many adverse affects. That would mean the end of the free food I get during Ramadan and the time I spend with you fine people.

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