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Did Jesus Suffer Common Afflictions?


Perfection, Sinlessness, and Bad Gas  

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I am having trouble with this question as lil red. However it may be that the fall caused things germs and viruses to morph in to things that could affect the human body irrespective of the fall.

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My thought is that Jesus suffered from physical maladies, ie flue...headache...etc. But he did not suffer from physical temptaions. When we were living somewhere other than where we are now... somewhere, one of the religious ed teachers told the 6th graders that Jesus dreamt of naked girls also, just like them. My dad filed a complaint.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_grin.gif[/img]

By the way, I thought Mary didn't die. Didn't she fall into the Dormition slumber, so the discipled thought she was dead, and then her body and soul were taken up into Heaven?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Considering that Jesus was indeed both fully human but fully divine, he must have had the same human afflictions. Jesus understood our sufferings, or at least that's what catholic school taught, so I bet he had headaches, fevers, etc.

Good question!:nun:

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[quote name='Tridenteen' timestamp='1281481882' post='2155509']
My thought is that Jesus suffered from physical maladies, ie flue...headache...etc. But he did not suffer from physical temptaions. When we were living somewhere other than where we are now... somewhere, one of the religious ed teachers told the 6th graders that Jesus dreamt of naked girls also, just like them. My dad filed a complaint.[img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/lol_grin.gif[/img]

By the way, I thought Mary didn't die. Didn't she fall into the Dormition slumber, so the discipled thought she was dead, and then her body and soul were taken up into Heaven?

While I would file a complaint on that one as well, I think the temptations when Jesus was in the desert do indicate that he did have physical temptatoins.

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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1280416241' post='2149457']
:unsure: but i thought that sickness and death were due to the fall (meaning sin)?

You are correct. Jesus did not share in any of the fallenness, or privation, of human nature including g.i. issues. He did suffer physically, but allowed it to happen.

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[quote name='thessalonian' timestamp='1283218880' post='2165729']
While I would file a complaint on that one as well, I think the temptations when Jesus was in the desert do indicate that he did have physical temptations.

But no concupiscience, so his will was in perfect control. For us, when we experience physical temptations, they can get way out of control and are quite unruly. You could look at it as...Jesus had 'tamed' his body so that while he experienced such temptations, he kept them firmly in check.

When he looked at someone, it was always with perfect love, never lust. Kinda makes his dreams a moot point, but even in his dreams...I doubt he would disrespect someone or treat them as an object.

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[quote name='Tridenteen' timestamp='1281481882' post='2155509']
My thought is that Jesus suffered from physical maladies, ie flue...headache...etc. But he did not suffer from physical temptaions.

"For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin." (Heb 4:15)

"Because He Himself suffered when He was tempted, He is able to help those who are being tempted." (Heb 2:18)

Edited by JoyfulLife
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Jesus suffered pain, we know from his passion and crucifixion, which was a story of the body and not just mind and spirit.

I imagine Jesus was chiseled from the work of a carpenter, which was before a time of power saws. He probably had a six pack (belly).

I've wondered if Jesus ever did thing besides fastening and meditation such as... the martial arts.

This guy here claims he teaches ancient Hebrew martial art: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmy0ZqStGXc"]"The Hebrew Hammer"[/url]

Imagine if Paul or Jesus studied that? If Jesus did... I suppose if he wanted to... he could put you in a supernatural chock hold.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='let_go_let_God' timestamp='1280427623' post='2149541']

Therefore, what would have been God's point of protecting the Tree of Life from Adam and Eve post-fall if they weren't going to die at some point before the fall. The death God knew about had to mean something greater. Death meaning the separation between God and man.

Hmm interesting aspect! But the general inference is that man has to toil and struggle with life and return to the dust from whence he came because of his self chosen separation from God. It seems to mean that man must endure suffering of all kinds including disease. This is not to be interpreted that a healthy person is good or a sick person a sinner. We are all in this together but each to his/her own cross. Some people read genesis and say in response to Gods exclamation that 'it was good' (created earth) what's good about thistles and thorns! but in Genesis we see that thistles and thorns were introduced also because of the fall of man. So it follows that all the bad creations like a worm that survives by burrowing through a child's eye in Africa or that animals suffer painful deaths to feed other animals, even plants that kill competitors for space and nutrient are all because of the fall of man. I kind of imagine the place that God has prepared for the resurrected mankind will be free from all those things.

[quote name='LaPetiteSoeur' timestamp='1282596353' post='2162141']
Considering that Jesus was indeed both fully human but fully divine, he must have had the same human afflictions. Jesus understood our sufferings, or at least that's what catholic school taught, so I bet he had headaches, fevers, etc.

I think I agree with you. In the 'Stations of the Cross' it says that we are Jesus 'other self' He suffered and died on the cross for us. In my life I have had some close calls with serious injury and death. Miracle? Maybe, maybe not. However I think it is so. God has a plan for each of us and he will prevent satans attempt to thwart that plan. But by the same token we still suffer our own particular infirmities, we carry our own cross! If God protected us from everything then there would be no free choice of faith. We may even become blasé and arrogant.
Now what would Jesus do if he contracted polio as a teenager? This would be an obstacle to what he had come to do, so with the ability to heal, which he demonstrated frequently, he would simply heal himself. But if when he went to the desert he didn't feel hunger or thirst, then that would be a kind of sneaky false representation, it would not be human. So maybe he did feel all those things as well as the pain of the thorns and the nails and the contempt from those that he had tried to save. Yes, I think if Jesus had a headache one day then he would have endured it to demonstrate his humanness just as he demonstrated his divinity and love for us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In order for us to be saved. He had to be a fully developed human (while He is also fully divine). i.e. He became hungry,cold,tired etc.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Without having read peoples' responses, and without having researched the topic, I voted that Yes, Jesus suffered from common afflictions. Coming down to Earth and experiencing human emotions and human afflictions is a major part of what helps us comprehend how huge His sacrifice is.

We know how we feel when we're ill or have been wronged by someone, and we know that we don't always respond graciously in those situations. And then there was Christ, who in all His perfection, came down here and shared those emotions and afflictions with us, showed us a better way to be, and then went on to die for us.

It just doesn't make sense to me that he would be exempt from all of humanity's feelings.

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I thought our being subject to physical death and or physical problems was the result of sin. I don't think Jesus would have suffered typical physical ailments.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Rebecca2009' timestamp='1288016060' post='2182311']
I thought our being subject to physical death and or physical problems was the result of sin. I don't think Jesus would have suffered typical physical ailments.
Jesus suffered teh torture of crucifixion and death on the cross. Yeah??? People suffer in varying degrees quite unrelated to their personal sins. All men and women, [u]Mortals[/u] suffer and die as a result of original sin. Jesus who is God took on a [u]mortal[/u] body to demonstrate his love and compassion for us. He did this to show us the way to salvation. It would have been deceitful for him to think. "It's too hot today, I'll get some some angels to make a cool wind on me." The resurrected Jesus of course was different and was free of infirmities and death. He was even able to enter teh room though the door was locked. My personal belief is that it is Jesus immortal body that is present in the Eucharist which will bring us also to immortality.

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