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The Mormons Came Today!


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Guest ADJ1223

Hey all! I'm new here... My name's Drew.

Anyhow, my godfather Nick has had many a fun time with the Mormon missionaries. One of his favorite things to do is open up his Bible and theirs to Galations Chapter 1:6-9


I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by (the) grace (of Christ) for a different gospel


(not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ.


But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed! 7


As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed!

Usually the Mormons have no idea what to say. I'll have to tell him about the Rosary thing. He'd like that one! I think our neighbors took us off the list though, cuz we haven't had a missionary in years. They are Mormon and used to try and get me to become Mormon before I became Catholic (yup I'm a convert at 17). We had some JW's a few months ago, but the Mormons always skip us. And I wanna try the Galatians thing on them! happy.gif

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Jehova's Witnesses are cooler than Mormons...

they say that Jesus lives in Brooklyn!!!

that would be cool if it wasn't a horrible disgusting lie, haha.

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  • 4 months later...

  mulls said:
well, two young mormon missionaries stopped by today, and i invited them in to understand first-hand how whacky they are.

and let me tell you...they're wacky!  :blink:

the problem is, to the average shmuck, their little presentation sounded pretty good...they quoted the bible accurately and with ease (by accurately i mean smoothly, in context and without messing up). but then i started drilling them with questions about their theology, which they don't usually get into until later in a series of 6 different presentations they try to make in hope of converting you. they got noticeably uncomfortable when they saw my reaction to their belief of 3 separate resting places when you die (something like the "sun world" "stars world" and "moon world" or something like that..."sun world" is the best because that's where God is).

i dialogued with them for about an hour, then laid down my beliefs for them, all of which they heard before and were ready to debate about. all in all it was a pleasant conversation, and they left me their weird little book and i plan on reading it.

I actually believe God was behind this little visit...I realized how unprepared I was to defend my faith to people who had a solid background in some other religion, as opposed to just witnessing to people who have never touched a bible. It showed me that I really really need to spend more time studying the Word. It was a smack upside my head.

I love how God works.

amesome job, those people are crazy! I had a similar experience in the parking lot at a grocery store - it didn't last so long, but they actually left b/c they knew their theology didn't make since when I argued my point. Keep reading the Bible (preferably one with Catholic footnotes :P ) and Keep representin' Jesus wherever you are!

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  MORight2Life said:

Dude! :blink: That's just messed up...

Here's a humorous story that happened to me. I was home alone one day (a rarity in my household of 8 children), when two mormons showed up on my doorstep. Naturally, I didn't want to answer the door, since I was the only one home. However, I opened the door and we exchanged greetings. One made a comment about our St. Joseph statue on the doorstep, and another about Our Lady of Fatima on the holy water font. In all seriousness, I said, "Oh! That reminds me! It's just about noon, and I need to say the Angelus. And after that, I need to pray the sorrowful mysteries." (The Mormons exchanged anything-but-discreet glances.) I pretended not to notice, and continued, "Just a second! I'll go get two extra rosaries, and I'll teach you!" :D I left them on the poorch, and grabbed two rosaries from our mantle. It couldn't have taken more than 10 seconds, but when I got back to the door, they were running down the driveway! <_< Now, we're off their "hit list," because whenever we see them coming down our street, they come to the house to the left of us, and the house to the right of us, but look straight ahead when passing our house.....

Be God's!

-Michelle :rolleyes:

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Sadly my diocese has a town called Navuoo in it, it is the second largest Mormon community in the US behind Salt Lake City. So we deal with them all the time. The priests who run the Catholic church in that town inform me that all of their door to door representatives in that town tend to be pretty young women. They basically convince you that you will be surrounded by beutiful people if you join their little cult.

Next time when they come over, just ask them what planet is theirs, because they believe that when they die they will be rewarded with their own planet as a reward. Mormons call themselves Christians, when in fact they are far from it.

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  ADJ1223 said:
Hey all! I'm new here... My name's Drew.

Anyhow, my godfather Nick has had many a fun time with the Mormon missionaries. One of his favorite things to do is open up his Bible and theirs to Galations Chapter 1:6-9


I am amazed that you are so quickly forsaking the one who called you by (the) grace (of Christ) for a different gospel


(not that there is another). But there are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ.


But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach (to you) a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed! 7


As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed!

Usually the Mormons have no idea what to say. I'll have to tell him about the Rosary thing. He'd like that one! I think our neighbors took us off the list though, cuz we haven't had a missionary in years. They are Mormon and used to try and get me to become Mormon before I became Catholic (yup I'm a convert at 17). We had some JW's a few months ago, but the Mormons always skip us. And I wanna try the Galatians thing on them!  ^_^

Protestants use that verse against Catholics, dude...saying that we preach a different Gospel other than the one in the Bible.

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the difference is they actually DO preach a dif gospel

while we stay true to the one Christ handed down through His apostles and their successors

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We had two Mormons come to our flat, so we welcomed them in and listened to their little spiel, and then started (well, tried to start) a dialogue, but it was obvious that they weren't prepared for that, they are used to just going "bleurgh!" and people going "hmmm" and then that's it. When we spoke, they "listened" and then responded with more rehearsed stuff. But, they left us their booklet, and we bought a book fo Mormon off them, and they agreed to come back in a while, after we had read it.

Well, we didn't have to read far to discover that it was all tripe. "Another Testament of Jesus Christ" they call it. Tripe, I call it.

Anyway, they came back, and we got to talking about things, like the Eucharist and stuff (nothing too heavy :D ), and then they had to press on, and I was like "oh, are you coming back?" and one of them's like "oh, yeah, I almost forgot," and got out his little diary thingee and made an appointment, and they never came back.

Running away from the Truth. How sad.

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i used to live and Utah and we had missionaries sent to our house all the time. my parents taught me to tell them i already have a religion.

now i live in arizona where it really hot during the summertime and we still get missionaries. anyways, one day they came by and i saw that they were dying of the heat so i invited them in for water. if you ever came to my house you would know instantly that we are Catholic.

in our living room we have a huge cross from Rome (it's hung above everything...it's the highest piece in the room). to the right of the cross we have a statue of Our Lady of Fatima. on the left of the cross we have a framed picture of 117 Martyrs of Vietnam. and where the mormons sat down on my couch, they could look straight into my family room where we have an altar set with a huge picture of Mary and a crucifix on top of that.

anyways, we just made little talk, they finished their water and they were on their way. did not even mention anything about religion. when they were leaving i said to them that i would pray for them and hoped they'd pray for me too.

it was really cool!!! making a statement without speaking....hah!

:P B)

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I've only had one Mormon friend in my life, and her way of thinking was pretty un-Mormon in some areas. Like most Protestants, she bought into the idea of an "invisible Church," namely, that no matter what faith you are, if you truly serve God that's what matters. Nor did she ever express an interest in converting me or anyone else. I guess she's the exception to the rule.

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  BLAZEr said:
One of my best friends is a Mormon.  It's too bad he's going to hell.  Well, it was nice knowing him.

I'm trying hard not to laugh out loud at work!

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