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Do You Say Grace


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We ALWAYS say grace whenever we are all sitting down at the table together. Even if we go to a restaurant.

Sign of the Cross, Bless us O' Lord. Sign of the Cross...

Sometimes we eat 'on the go' in passing so I skip it (not on purpose).

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haha.. I love saying grace in a resturant.. especially when it's a big group of teenagers and we start praying, and suddenly the entire resturant becomes quiet...

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[quote name='immaculata' date='Apr 15 2004, 09:55 PM'] haha.. I love saying grace in a resturant.. especially when it's a big group of teenagers and we start praying, and suddenly the entire resturant becomes quiet... [/quote]
and they stare! :hide:

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Or at a public school when people at your table just stop talking...and somtimes the appologize for talking to you when you are praying.

I sometimes find it difficult to pray at school, for some foolish reason because i don't want to be 'different'. I know ithis is so wrong, but i feel that way sometimes. But i still pray, just very privately.

Pax et Agape per Maria, Andy

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i usually also add when i'm in a group (my hubby does not pray with me) to remind us that as the food nourishes us, we should be food (nourishment) to one another.

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it's like automatic for me to say grace before eating...

you know what's funny is when i say grace (usually with a large group) and then there's such a long period between saying grace and eating (because we might have to line up or go get our food from a banquet table, etc.) that when i sit down and before i eat i say grace again just because it's so natural!

oh yea, has anyone ever done the, "did i already say grace?"

yea those two things always happen to me...

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We always tack on "And God Bless the cook"---even when we go out to eat at restaraunts. lol

When I was in college we went out and when our food came we said grace, when we were dne our waiter complimented us and told us to keep it up. :)

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Trai, I do that all the time. lol Then you start saying it again and realize you already did but you finish the prayer anyhow.

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that happens to me too!!

you know else i do? i make the sign of the cross and just start praying and when im not paying attention to what im praying i realize im praying the apostles creed (like for the rosary LOL) instead of grace...i always catch myself tho...really funny..

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[quote name='immaculata' date='Apr 15 2004, 10:55 PM'] haha.. I love saying grace in a resturant.. especially when it's a big group of teenagers and we start praying, and suddenly the entire resturant becomes quiet... [/quote]
and they look at you like you're a bunch of freaks! i know the feeling :D perfect time to get up and start evangelizing, isn't it? :lol:

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Birgitta Noel

I'm horrible at remembering this! Especially at work! The Brothers always pray before they sit down to their meal. It's a good way to remember and a good way to keep everyone focused. Then there's no chance of someone forgetting and looking sheepish with their fork in midair when someone starts grace! LOL :o

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rarely if ever.

Funnily enough, I usually pray when I'm getting changed or cleaning my teeth etc...

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My friend's mom always says a prayer for the cure of diabetes along with the reg. prayer since 3 of her kids have it. :)

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HEY! Good thread. I have to say my favourite graces are the ones people make up. At school, admittedly sometimes in a mocking tone which is kind of sad, people make up hilarious prayers. The people who make them up dont mean them as mocking but they do mean them to be kind of offbeat... ex. praying for doors because without doors we couldnt get in and out of rooms. hahaha those make me laugh and thats probably not too good. some serious ones (from elementary school where we always said grace)

Oh the lord is good to me, and so i thank the lord, for giving me the things i need
the sun and the rain and the appleseeds the lord is good to me
and every seed i sow will grow into a tree, and someday therell be apples there
for everyone in the world to share the lord is good to me (thank you jesus) amen

kind of a stupid song but when i was little i loved it. (yeah you sing it and theres actions and all that great stuff) then there are german prayers (it was a mennonite school) and i dunno. i dont say grace much, i pray whenever.

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ya, and then we also do either the Angelus or the Regina Caeli...after dinner we read the biographies of friars who died that day in our provinces and then pray for their souls and in thanksgiving for the meal

in Christ and Mary,
fr. Matt

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