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Ug! Moar Help Please?


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[quote name='CherieMadame' date='15 July 2010 - 01:00 PM' timestamp='1279213237' post='2143001']
Having done more research about this, although I did receive the information I gave you from a reputable priest who is also a canon lawyer, I feel it's my responsibility to point this out.

I asked another priest I know, and he pointed me to a link to canon law, which states that there only needs to be one godparent, but in the case of the parents of the child choosing two, they should be one female and one male.

[url="http://www.vatican.va/archive/ENG1104/__P2Y.HTM"]Link here[/url]

He said there are circumstances in which there could be two women or two men godparents, but that under normal circumstances, it should either be just one godparent, or a male and female pair.

I sincerely apologize if I have given you misinformation! :( Please know, however, that I was going by what I had been told by a very good priest that I trust!

[size="1"]Edit: the link didn't work the first time![/size]
That's okay Cherie!! It totally makes sense! I'm just hoping that my Aunt will be okay with that! We have problems with that side of the family being Catholic but not really caring to follow by the Code when it is more of an inconvenience. (esp in a matter like this where she has seen a couple of her friends do it) She wouldn't see it as a big deal to have two women. I wouldn't really either if it didn't say it in the Canon. So if her pastor says she can and she decides to go with it, then I don't think I'll be able to participate. Let's just hop that she goes with the idea of having one godparent, ME!! (since I am the oldest of the cousins and her favorite and official babysitter :P )
Hopefully it won't turn into a big mess. With this side of the family, i can see it happening. :weep:

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='17 July 2010 - 01:05 AM' timestamp='1279343119' post='2143810']
That's okay Cherie!! It totally makes sense! I'm just hoping that my Aunt will be okay with that! We have problems with that side of the family being Catholic but not really caring to follow by the Code when it is more of an inconvenience. (esp in a matter like this where she has seen a couple of her friends do it) She wouldn't see it as a big deal to have two women. I wouldn't really either if it didn't say it in the Canon. So if her pastor says she can and she decides to go with it, then I don't think I'll be able to participate. Let's just hop that she goes with the idea of having one godparent, ME!! (since I am the oldest of the cousins and her favorite and official babysitter :P )
Hopefully it won't turn into a big mess. With this side of the family, i can see it happening. :weep:

I will certainly pray, because if anyone deserves to be a godparent, it's most certainly YOU!

Please let us know how it turns out!

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='26 July 2010 - 12:13 AM' timestamp='1280114026' post='2148122']
I. am. a. GODMOTHER!!!!
:woot: :woot: :woot:
and totally in line with canon law.

Yay!! Praise God!!

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='25 July 2010 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1280114026' post='2148122']
I. am. a. GODMOTHER!!!!
:woot: :woot: :woot:
and totally in line with canon law.
CONGRATS! :yahoo: Isn't it a wonderful feeling?! ^_^ :woot:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='JTheresa' date='25 July 2010 - 11:13 PM' timestamp='1280114026' post='2148122']
I. am. a. GODMOTHER!!!!
:woot: :woot: :woot:
and totally in line with canon law.

:yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

:taco: :taco: :taco:

:banana: :banana: :banana:

Congratulations, JTheresa!!!

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='26 July 2010 - 10:19 PM' timestamp='1280200758' post='2148563']
My cousin and I are gift shopping for the baby tomorrow!! Fun stuff!

Shopping for baby things is so much fun!

For those of us who weren't able or who will not be mothers in the future, nieces and nephews and godchildren are a wonderful consolation. Being an aunt is completely different than being a mother, but very satisfying. You can love the young one unconditionally, without also having to impose discipline as a parent does. In a way it's like being a grandparent (I think--not that I will ever be a grandparent), but you are younger so the relationship is different, although their grandparents (ideally) love them unconditionally, too. And, because you don't have children of your own, you have even more love to give to them.

I think every child is better for having as many people as possible love them unconditionally. Unfortunately, I have known parents who were jealous, and didn't want their child to love anyone but their parents. But the love of an aunt, uncle, godparent, or grandparent will never replace the love of their parents for the child--I wish the "jealous" parents realized this. It's wonderful for me having my niece and nephew, if because that means there are two more people to whom I'm "allowed" to say, "I love you." And, for the child, you are one more person with whom they can rest secure that you will always wish the best for them.

As a godparent, you have an added spiritual dimension. I still wonder what the effect has been on me that my Catholic aunt was my godmother. Neither my brother or sister, who did not have particularly religious godparents, has ever shown any interest in spiritual things. Even though you will never see them often enough, your prayers will have an impact on your godchild's life.

Have fun!

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I don't know if I will ever have kids, and I know I will never be an auntie (My sisters are both severely mentally disabled and autistic) but I plan to devote as much love and unconditional support to my best friend's future kids...and my cousins future kids. I really hope to be a godmother someday though. It's a very special relationship a godparent has with their godchild. I was a Confirmation sponsor to my cousin and I loved that, so I can only imagine how cool being a godparent must be!! God bless JTheresa!!!

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