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Hitchens, Chomsky And 9/11


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The thread saying that Christopher Hitchens is battling cancer inspired me to make this tribute thread. What follows is just intended to be entertainment for people who enjoy reading debates.

[url="http://humanities.psydeshow.org/political/chomsky-1.htm"]A Quick Reaction to 9/11 (Chomsky)[/url]

[url="http://www.thenation.com/article/sin-left-islamic-fascism"]Of Sin, the Left & Islamic Fascism (Hitchens)[/url]

[url="http://www.thenation.com/article/blaming-bin-laden-first"]Blaming bin Laden First (Hitchens)[/url]

[url=""]Chomsky Replies to Hitchens (Chomsky)[/url]

[url="http://humanities.psydeshow.org/political/hitchens-3.htm"]A Rejoinder to Noam Chomsky: Minority Report (Hitchens)[/url]

[url="http://www.zcommunications.org/chomskys-second-reply-to-hitchens-by-noam-chomsky"]Chomsky's Second Reply to Hitchens (Chomsky)[/url]

[url="http://www.thenation.com/article/taking-sides"]Taking Sides (Hitchens)[/url]

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Chomsky is a dips!+.

His dumb ass likes to pretend there's some wonderful answer to problems. Newsflash, Noam: Evil exist beyond the borders of Western civilization, you stupid son of a beesh. Let's all pretend that if only we were nice, human nature would go away.floopy Chomsky and his intentional ignorance of the situation in Sudan. floopy him in his stupid ass tirades. Drop into Sudan, Chomster, but wear a crucifix, you sanctimonious, delusional poo.

Edited by Winchester
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Lawl. I know what not to get your for Christmas. Now what to do with all these Chomsky books?

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wow a whole lot of arguing about arguing going on. get to the points. i learned not to argue about arguing so much after just a couple years at PM. maybe chomsky should join PM.

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[quote name='Winchester' date='03 July 2010 - 01:41 PM' timestamp='1278178874' post='2137419']
Next on your learning list should be sentence structure.
celebrate diversity

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[quote name='Winchester' date='03 July 2010 - 01:53 PM' timestamp='1278179592' post='2137423']
If there were any art to his posts, I'd be willing to cut him some slack.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='03 July 2010 - 12:14 PM' timestamp='1278173657' post='2137366']
wow a whole lot of arguing about arguing going on. get to the points. i learned not to argue about arguing so much after just a couple years at PM. maybe chomsky should join PM.
that would be wild.

every so often a phatmasser will say, so-and-so ought to join PM! I'm going to freak out when one of these days it actually happens.

maybe frodo baggins should join PM.

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