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So I'm entering a convent in the fall, and one of my close friends asked me for a list of things that I wanted to do before I entered. Not like I'm dying or something, but there are definitely things that you can do as a lay person that you can't do as a religious, even in the church.

So I was wondering, can you think of anything that you would want to do before you entered a convent? For those of you who were in religious life, were there anythings that you would have liked to have done when you entered?

There are just some days that I don't have a whole lot to do, and I would like to make the best use of my time left as a lay person.

Any suggestions?

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Great question and if my memory serves me correctly there was a thread about this topic several months ago titled pre religious life bucket list. Try a search and see if it shows up as it might help you with ideas too :) As for suggestions...I'm thinking :scratchhead:

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+Praised be Jesus Christ!

Congratulations! Can you tell us a little bit about the convent you will be entering? :bigthink: You don't have to give us specific details, but if you are going to be a cloistered nun in the Midwest (for example), I would suggest you plan a visit to the beach! Immediately! :fish:
But...if you are going to be an active sister with the opportunity to travel, then we can scratch that off the list! Let us know what kind of work you will be doing and what your budget is!

I am keeping you in my prayers.


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I'm entering the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration, an active community with the provincialite in Mishawaka IN. I'll definitely be able to travel, and I am planning a trip to the beach with my family in August.

My budget isn't that big, and I've already been to Disneyland. I was going to try to take some short road trips to various shrines in my area, but the problem is that I can spare a few hours each day, but rarely one full day. I'm the oldest child in a single parent family and I usually need to take care of the little ones at some point everyday. I love doing it, but it makes it hard to give any time commitment larger than four or five hours. :weep:

I can definitely see myself doing something more like sitting around all day, reading comic books, eating my favorite junk food and listening to all the music I would most likely never hear again. The problem is, most of the music that I used to like, makes me feel really uncomfortable now. ( I used to listen to a lot of mainstream rap and hip hop) And most of my favorite rock songs have a lot of language in them, and the last thing I need is more dirty words on my mind. I just need to go through all my songs and find the ones that I can actually listen to.
Maybe I'll watch all those stupid funny videos on youtube in the Entertainment subphorum.

Here's the list I had a few months ago:
1. Donate blood. ( I already tried it and failed. I have no stomach)
2. Sponsor a child in a different country.
3. Go through all my stuff and give it away accordingly.
4. Visit the Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in D.C.
5. Visit my parish museum.
6. Get some friends together for mud volleyball.
3 and 5 are the most likely to happen, 4 wont, and 2 and 6 require more time and effort than all my friends and I tend to have for some reason.

and I plan on spending alot more time at the lake. going tubing. and riding, at full speed, on the jetski. into the sunset. all by myself.

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laetitia crucis

I'm going to have a Star Trek themed slumber party!

I gotta make more converts before I leave, y'know... :evil:

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Since you will be entering an active order I dont think of any ideas to add to your list that you probably already havent thought of. Hopefully you will get more creative answers!

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[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='23 June 2010 - 05:30 AM' timestamp='1277289017' post='2133188']
I'm going to have a Star Trek themed slumber party!

I gotta make more converts before I leave, y'know... :evil:

If I could I would totally crash your party armed with chips in ketchup and all dressed flavors :ninja: since you American s dont seem to have such things :mellow:

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laetitia crucis

[quote name='vee8' date='23 June 2010 - 09:54 AM' timestamp='1277301264' post='2133207']
If I could I would totally crash your party armed with chips in ketchup and all dressed flavors :ninja: since you American s dont seem to have such things :mellow:

That would be FANTAAAAAASTIC!!!

Although, we do have ketchup potato chips here. :eat: I enjoy those -- Mmmmm! However, you're right, you all definitely have better flavors of chips!

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Divine Mercy 9999

[quote name='laetitia crucis' date='23 June 2010 - 06:13 PM' timestamp='1277334782' post='2133395']
That would be FANTAAAAAASTIC!!!

Although, we do have ketchup potato chips here. [img]http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/public/style_emoticons/default/eat.gif[/img] I enjoy those -- Mmmmm! However, you're right, you all definitely have better flavors of chips!

Ketchup potato chips? Pickle potato chips, I've heard of, but not ketchup... .

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+Praised be Jesus Christ!

I have been thinking of things you might do before your entrance, and I have come up with a few...

Have dinner at a really fancy restaurant (remember that vow of poverty looming over you!!! :saint: )

Spend a day (or a weekend!) napping or just lounging around in your p.j.'s!

Have a marathon movie (or television series) weekend with your friends. One of my daughters did this (they watched the whole "The Office" - English version - in one weekend!) and the whole family made lots of treats and joined in (though in all honesty the British humor was not all the way perfect for the younger kids - and we had to make some adjustments for their little eyes and ears!!). It was great fun, and definitely something you would not expect to enjoy in convent life! It's fun to pick a theme and go with that...there are so many shows on DVD that you might have missed! (Especially the "pay shows" though I know some of them are not suitable language wise! Or content wise - but you get the idea! Even some of the regular TV shows, which are more appropriate, are on a whole DVD set!)

I will think of more ideas for you. We have seen two daughters off to contemplative life and one was much more interested in saying goodbye in a "grand" way, while the other just wanted to get there! I think some of you will be able to guess who was who!!!! :detective:

Lots of prayers to you, dear! I am very happy you are joining such a lovely Order. May God be with you as you prepare for the beginning of a wonderful life!



Edited by TradMom
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Indulge in just a tiny bit of gluttony, because you won't be able to, again.

I suggest Edy's Ice Cream!

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[quote name='TradMom' date='24 June 2010 - 01:51 PM' timestamp='1277405483' post='2133699']
+Praised be Jesus Christ!

We have seen two daughters off to contemplative life and one was much more interested in saying goodbye in a "grand" way, while the other just wanted to get there! I think some of you will be able to guess who was who!!!! :detective:


Well if you're taking guesses... I'd say the daughter who's order says praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever as a greeting is the one who just wanted to get in there! :)

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[quote name='vee8' date='24 June 2010 - 06:07 PM' timestamp='1277417263' post='2133774']
Well if you're taking guesses... I'd say the daughter who's order says praised be Jesus Christ, now and forever as a greeting is the one who just wanted to get in there! :)
Tradmom has a daughter entering my community? :evil:

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[quote name='JTheresa' date='24 June 2010 - 05:13 PM' timestamp='1277417618' post='2133775']
Tradmom has a daughter entering my community? :evil:

:lol: :doh: Im not having a good day!

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[quote name='vee8' date='24 June 2010 - 06:22 PM' timestamp='1277418134' post='2133778']
:lol: :doh: Im not having a good day!

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