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Chiara Francesco

Yay Franciscans! Franciscans have God by the finger!


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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1319481338' post='2326330']
why do you love saint francis?

Because his joy is so simple! :love:

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[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1319481338' post='2326330']
why do you love saint francis?

Because he believed in simplicity and practicality. And I love his writings!

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Chiara Francesco

[quote name='franciscanheart' timestamp='1319481338' post='2326330']
why do you love saint francis?

I LOVE the little Poverello!


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Chiara Francesco

More of my beloved Franciscans:



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Chiara Francesco

My FAVORITE Franciscan saint: St. Clare!



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Chiara Francesco

I have the Francis and Clare movie as well as others, but I would have liked another song for this video as I can't stand country music!


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Chiara Francesco

[b] [size=4]Ridiculous and Sublime: Life in an Inner-City Franciscan Monastery {trailer} [/size][/b]


On the Little Brothers of St. Francis.

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[quote name='Chiara Francesco' timestamp='1319568653' post='2326926']
Love Fr. Benedict Groeschel!


Fr Andrew Apostoli, Fr Glenn, and Fr. Benedict Groeschel are all so young in that video! :)

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I was cleaning out a bunch of books at the nursing home I volunteer at and they said "Take anything you want" and.... I found [u]The Reform and Renewal[/u] by Fr. Groschel!!!

I had never heard of it before, but now I am about half way though and it is wonderful!

I am so happy. :)

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[quote name='i<3franciscans' timestamp='1319738573' post='2327779']
I was cleaning out a bunch of books at the nursing home I volunteer at and they said "Take anything you want" and.... I found [u]The Reform and Renewal[/u] by Fr. Groschel!!!

I had never heard of it before, but now I am about half way though and it is wonderful!

I am so happy. :)

I have the book, [i]A Drama of Reform[/i] by the CFRs if you are interested in it. I could send it to you by Media Mail. Let me know if you would like it. I don't want it anymore since I'm not discerning with them, but it is a very nice book. ;)

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